Secret Meetings

1314 Words
{Margo’s POV} I could hear a large group talking in the kitchen, as I crept done the stairs. “What exactly are we all here for?” Asked Gregory. “Well we sent the girls home so we could talk business, now that it’s just us gentlemen here I would like to tell you all what we know about the people who kidnapped my daughter.” Dad said softly. “We’ve learned quite a bit in the past couple of months, he had a change of heart, and has been cooperating with us to help bring down the ones who took her. Turns out it was the Petrov’s, they thought that taking her would cripple us, and that’s why they’ve been pushing for so many deals with all of our families!” He sneered. I slowly snuck down the stairs, and made my way past to the door, hiding behind the wall that separated the kitchen from the main entry way. I stood still and silently. “The kidnapping that happened two months ago was to try to get her back into their territory. They thought that if she was hidden away in a territory we didn’t frequent, that she’d stay hidden, and they could resume trying to make deals with us to take us down from the inside.” Angelo said, standing with his arms crossed against his chest. “For the meantime David is in a secure location, and has been telling us secrets of their organization. We have more information now than we ever had, and soon we’ll be able to make our move. We’re going to take town their family if it’s the last thing we do.” Marco shouted. “Marco!” My father scolded. “You’ll wake up your sister!” He finished in a hushed tone. “I have Mikey bringing his computer here, it has all the information we need to stop them from hurting anyone else. This includes your daughters.” He looked to Jose and Gregory. “They have decided that taking down your families women is now a part of their plans.” I felt a hand on my back and nearly shrieked. I covered my mouth and turned to see Mikey holding his laptop. “Don’t you know it’s bad to eavesdrop bambina?” He asked in a hushed tone. “When it has to do with what happened to me, and what they’re planning to do to the other girls..” I choked out softly. “Mikey.. they can’t get a hold of them!” Tears streamed down my face. “You expect us to believe that they’re after our girls now too? Even if they are, they wouldn’t dare lay a hand on any of our girls. Your daughter seems to be fine, her emotional and physical state are nothing like what you had said.” Gregory snapped. “I think this is just a power play, to get us to your side in taking down another family!” At that I snapped my head to the kitchen. “Bambina, don’t!” Mikey said, grabbing my wrist. I shook his hand off of me and stalked into the kitchen. All eyes turned to me, and Mikey stepped in behind me. “You honestly think that I’m okay?” I asked, tears rolling down my face. “I still have night terrors, I wake up screaming and crying and fighting a monster that I can’t seem to get rid of!” I shouted. “That monster broke me!” “You look fine to me!” Gregory snapped. I turned to him, and decided that if I wanted to get my point across, I would have to show them. I pulled my hair up into a messy bun, and pulled my shirt over my head, I was still wearing a sports bra, but nearly all of my scars on my stomach and back were visible. “Does this look fine to you?” I choked out. “I was whipped, beaten, and stabbed too many times to count. I mean, you could try to count them, if you’re a sadistic fu**, but me.. I can’t stand to look at myself at all!” I sneered. I turned so they could see my back, scars littered it, and knowing that they were all seeing my greatest shame was heartbreaking. “You.. you didn’t tell us that the scars were this bad bambina..” Silas said. “I didn’t want you to know!” I yelled. “I didn’t want anyone to know! I’m ashamed that I was so weak that I couldn’t stop him! He took everything from me, that monster killed my soul!” I screamed. I turned to Gregory who was sitting with a blank look on his face. “I’m glad that hiding my pain has worked so well that you can’t see it, but it doesn’t change the facts. I hurt, every day, these memories invade my mind, and having to live with not only the physical scars, but the emotional ones is the hardest thing I have ever done. I cannot tell you how many times I thought.. truly thought of jumping into a frozen river and just letting everything go!” I pointed in his face. “Do you think that your daughters could stand this? That they would survive it?” I moved the hair that covered my ear. “He cut my ear off! He stabbed me, sometimes with a knife that he heated on the stove so that way it cauterized the wound as it went in! My life, all I have known is pain and loneliness! When I wasn’t alone, da**** I wished I was!” I turned around, pulling my shirt back over my head. “If you honesty think that they wouldn’t hurt your daughters then you’re a fool.” I said, looking back over my shoulder. “I never knew a time when they didn’t hurt me, even as a kid.. they don’t care who you are, who I am, or who they are. Their goal is to break you, so that way you never leave.” “But you did leave!” He shouted. “You say they broke you, but you got out, and now you’re okay!” I turned to look him in his eyes, my eyes going dark, I grabbed a knife from the drawer and stalked to him. I held it to his throat, and smiled a devil like smile. “If you think I’m okay, then you must not listen very well. Maybe if I tore your tongue from your mouth, you’d stop talking so you could listen better!” I sneered. “If I slit your throat, right here, and watched you bleed all over my floor, but then helped you heal and recover, would you be okay?” I asked. He froze and looked down at me, his eyes glinting with anger. “You could cut me, and I would bleed, but I no longer feel that pain. Even with stab wounds and broken ribs I was still going! I HAD TO! I didn’t escape, I was going back to him because I didn’t know I had a choice! Dad and Angelo saved me, otherwise, I would still be in that he****** with David.” I stabbed the knife down into the counter, and kept my eyes on him. “If you ever, tell me how I feel again, I’ll end your life and smile while I do it!” I turned to look at my father, I noticed everyone’s eyes were on me, I walked into my father’s arms and gave him a hug. Afterwards I turned, leaving the room, without saying a word, or looking at anyone. I couldn’t stand to have them pity me for my destroyed body.
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