Breaking Mirrors

1048 Words
{Damon’s POV} I noticed Angelo walking down the hall, he was carrying Margo in his arms. As soon as I excused myself to try to track them down Carter did the same. He pushed me up against the wall once we were out of view of our families. “You love her don’t you?” He said, with a smirk on his face. “Go away Carter!” I shot back at him, pushing him backwards. “I don’t have time for this!” I began walking back down the hall. “I’ll just tell you now, that I’m going to win her over, and I’m going to be with her!” He said, a bit of a snark in his voice. I turned back around and pushed him up against the wall. “You’re going to stay away from her Carter! She’s mine, and I’ll not have a snot nosed brat like you trying to win her over! We both know that you’re always in and out of strip clubs, and shady bars! I know what you do in there, the people that you frequent, and the women you make broken promises to! You can do whatever you want in your life, but you are going to stay away from her!” I snarled in his face before turning and making my way on down the hall. He straightened his jacked and kept following me. Then I heard it, her beautiful voice coming from a bathroom. “I can’t be fixed my Angel.. I just can’t. I’ve been broken, and rebuilt so many times that I lost track. I can’t be fixed.. but I can try to move on. That’s all I have, it’s all I can do. I love all of you, so much, so deeply! I know you want to help me.. but you have to understand, you can’t. There is no help for this, no fixing what is broken.” She paused for a moment. “I’m trying to move on.. but I can’t.. I’m not going to be able to move on until that family is snuffed out. I’m going to break them.. all of them, the same way they broke me. I’m going to destroy their hopes, their dreams, light their houses on fire, and watch them all burn.” She finished. I walked up to the doorway and leaned in it, she had bandages on her feet, and Angelo was putting things away. I saw a cup filled with bloody glass, and looked back to her blood soaked bandages on her feet. “God help anyone who gets in your way bambina!” He said, putting away the first aid kit. “God can’t save them now.” She said coldly, turning and looking in the doorway. Her eyes ran across the floor and up to Carter and I. I looked in her eyes, I wanted to talk to her, I’ve been trying to think of what to say, but everything I think of sounds so stupid. She hopped down from the counter, brushing past Carter and I without even looking at us. She walked back down the hallway and up the stairs. “Everything okay Angelo?” I asked, looking him over. He had been crying, that much was evident, but he just looked so devastated. He nodded, standing and taking the bloody glass with him. “I need to get rid of this though..” he lifted the glass filled cup. “What happened?” Carter asked, looking down at the cup. “She broke her mirror.. and stepped in the glass.” He said, sighing heavily and walking past us. “Listen..” he stopped in the middle of the hall and turned to us. “I know that both of you have a thing for my sister.. but you both need to back off. She’s been through enough! She doesn’t need a narcissistic playboy..” he said looking at Carter. “Or someone who often bails to go to god knows where for god knows how long!” He said turning back to me. “She needs a constant in her life, and for now, that’s our family! Do I make myself clear?” He asked, scanning both of us. I wanted to refuse.. but he was right. I’ve been known to travel at the drop of a hat, and Carter.. well.. he’s Carter. I sighed, and nodded, turning to look at Carter, who was also nodding. “I understand.” I said softly. “Good.. now, I don’t know about you two, but I need a drink!” He said, walking down the hall, and into an office. He opened a drawer and pulled out some glasses, and scotch. I sat down in the chair in front of the desk, Carter sitting beside me, and Angelo on the other side. He poured us each a glass, and we all drank it down quickly. “I don’t know what to do for her.. but I know one thing, I’ll never cross her..” he said, turning to the two of us. “I’ve seen her do some crazy things, and heard her dark thoughts. She’s more capable than she looks!” He said, turning and pouring another drink. “Angelo.. if she wants to be with one of us.. if she approaches us and asks for us specifically.. will you give us your blessing?” Carter asked, gulping down his scotch. “For him..” Angelo said, pointing to me. “Possibly.. but for you!” He laughed turning back to Carter. “I’ve been with you to the clubs, I know what and who you do.. so it’d be really hard for me to let you anywhere near my bambina!” He said. Carter nodded, shooting me a glance. “Yeah, that’s fair..” he said, a slight chuckle to his voice. “She needs time to be alone anyways you i***t!” I shot at him, gulping down my glass of scotch. “She needs to heal, and recover from her traumas.. she doesn’t need to try to take on romance right now.” “And this is why he might have a chance with my sister!” Angelo said, before chugging down his glass.
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