The Family

1050 Words
{Angelo’s POV} “We just got into the car, we’ll be home soon, make sure that everything is picked up, and at least look presentable!” I said over a call to all of my brothers. “Are you even sure that she’s our sister?” Max asked, his usual gruff and angry tone of voice. “A dna test proved it, and she looks just like mom.. I want you all to be kind, and respectful! She’s been through a lot, and we’ll go over that when we get there. There is also a separate car following us back with the man who raised her. We’ll be questioning him tonight.” I finished before hanging up. The last thing I wanted right now was to be bombarded with questions. I was able to carry her from the jet to the car. She was so tired that dad and I didn’t want to wake her. We figured it’d be best to just let her get as much sleep as possible. Especially since we knew that once we got home, she’d be smothered in affection by the rest of our brothers. “She’s so small..” Dad said, looking up from the binder he had of all of her medical treatments. “They said she was malnourished.. I just didn’t think she’d be this bad off. Says here she’s allergic to habanero peppers, we need to keep that in mind with all future meals!” He said, turning his attention back to Margo. “She’s so skinny, and short.. your grandparents are going to lose it. Especially your mother’s mother, Franny, she’s going to feed her until she pops!” He smiled slightly at that. “You think that Maria will let her by without stuffing her face constantly? Both of our grandmothers are going to spoil her. She’s the only girl in our family, of course they’ll spoil her.” I said, laughing softly. This poor girl was doomed and she didn’t even know it. “Do you think.. they kept her name?” I asked, looking over at dad. He pulled up the papers, and showed the name at the top. “They kept Margaret Olivia.. they changed her last name to Morris, but that can be fixed!” He said, before turning to face her. “She’s adorable when she sleeps, but she still looks terrified.” His eyes searched her face. “She has scars on her stomach.. broken ribs.. her ear..” he sighed heavily, setting down the binder and running his fingers through his hair. “What the h*** did they do to her?” He choked out. I hadn’t seen my father this upset since our mother passed. Seeing him this way.. it’s upsetting, but it’s understandable. Looking at my sister, you’d think she was a preteen. Her skin was sickly pale, and her face busted up. The man who did this.. we already know he isn’t leaving our home alive.. but I was going to make sure to get every ounce of information out of him. We pulled into our driveway and I nudged her awake. “Margaret.. it’s time to get up, we’re home.” I said softly, trying to ease her into waking up. She slowly sat up and rubbed her eyes. “Home?” She asked stretching, a pained sound in her voice. She gripped her side and winced, then looked up at me. “Forgot about that..” she smiled softly. In that moment, where she smiled at me after forgetting how much pain she was in.. my heart broke. She was so small.. so frail.. so broken, and she still smiled at me, to reassure me that she was okay. “Let’s get you inside..” I said softly, opening the door and stepping out, I held out my hand and allowed her to take it so I could help her out of the car. Soon she stood, and looked up at our house. “It’s huge.. and beautiful..” she gasped. “It’s very bright, inviting.” She smiled, before turning to me. “I’m going to get lost in there..” “We’ll give you a tour, so don’t worry too much.” I smiled down at her. My father got our attention and told us that we should all go inside. I knew that he didn’t want her to see that we brought the man responsible for her pain here with us. Dad led the way up the stairs, and I followed behind with her arm interlocked with mine. As dad opened the door I could hear my brothers all speaking at once. Margaret jumped and hid behind me, she grabbed a hold of my shirt and trailed behind me. “Where is she?” Silas asked impatiently. “I want to see her!” “We’ve been waiting for so long, where is she?” Marco said, leaning against the doorway into the living room. He looked over, and his eyes trailed behind me, where he could see her feet. “Come on out bambina, we won’t hurt you.” He said, trying to lean around me to see her. I turned to face her, and bent down slightly so I was closer to her face. “It’s okay bambina, these are your brothers. We’ve all been waiting so long to meet you. Come on out, we can introduce you to them, and they can introduce themselves to you.” I smiled down at her. She looked up at me, her big brown eyes were slightly glazed over. She was scared, her body shaking slightly. She nodded up at me, and took a deep breath before wincing and gripping her ribs slightly. She bent slightly at her waist and looked around me. I could always count on Max to say the wrong thing. “She’s so tiny, and what happened to her eye?” He asked, walking to her side, his normal glare on his face. She gasped and ducked back behind me. “Really Max, you’re scaring her!” Mikey finally spoke up. Shoving Max out of the way, and walking up beside Margaret. He knelt down and looked into her eyes. “You do look just like mom..” he said softly.
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