More Brothers

1292 Words
{Margo’s POV} A man who looked about my age looked over at me as I peaked around Angelo. “She’s so tiny, and what happened to her eye?” He asked, walking to my side. He had short black hair, and icy blue eyes like dad. His skin was tan, and he had freckles all over. He was lean, but muscular, and tall just like the rest of them. He was about 6’2, and seeing him so close to me, an angry glare across his face, staring with anticipation made me anxious. Embarrassed I ducked back down behind Angelo, pulling my face into the back of his shirt. “Really Max, you’re scaring her!” I heard a deep voice say, then there was a thud beside me, and I turned to see the man from a moment ago on the floor. A tall bulky, and muscular man knelt down beside me. He had long, slicked back, dark brown hair. His eyes were almost exactly like dad’s. He was shorter than Angelo, about 6’6. “You do look just like mom..” he said, keeping his eyes focused on me. I blinked up at him, his eyes trailing over my face. He reached up and touched my eye, I winced and turned back into Angelo’s shirt. “Who did that to you bambina?” He asked, his voice serious, but sweet. “I-It doesn’t matter now.. I never have to see him again..” I said softly, turning back to face him. “Hopefully he dies in a hole like he should have years ago..” He looked at me, a stunned expression on his face. I turned to see dad holding a similar look, while Angelo looked over his shoulder at me, with an impressed look on his face. “Well said Margaret.” He said, smiling down at me. “Margo..” I replied softly. “I actually go by Margo..” I looked up at him, and he nodded. “Well said Margo.” He fixed his statement before turning slightly towards me. “The rest of our brothers are excited to meet you, will you come out now?” He asked. My grip on his shirt tightened, I turned to see the man beside me smiling. “I’m Michelangelo, but I go by Mikey.” He said, backing up. “The i***t on the floor beside me is Max.” He said pointing down to the man from before. I nodded, looking between the two of them. I slowly stepped out from behind Angelo, and faced the others in front of me. A tall, lean, but rather muscular man moved from his spot in a doorway and walked over to me. He towered over me, as they all did, and smiled down at me. “I’m Marco, your coolest, and best older brother.” He said, kneeling down in front of me and pulling my hand to his mouth. He kissed my knuckles before rising back to his feet. He had short, and shaggy dark brown hair. His eyes were just like mine and Angelo’s, brown with gold flecks. All of my brothers were tan, and they all had freckles, but he had the most. He was at least 6’4, he turned and made his way back to the doorway he was leaning in before and turned to watch me. “Hi, I’m Silas, I’m your only younger brother!” He said rushing to my side and pulling me into a tight hug. I let out a yelp and whimpered as my ribs were crushed. He sat me down and looked over me. “Did I hurt you?” He asked, concern all over his face. He had black hair, and it was pulled back into a man bun. He was thin, but muscular, and the shortest of all of them. He was still 6’1, but at least he was slightly shorter. He had the same eyes as dad, a beautiful icy blue. “I-I’m okay..” I whimpered, turning back to Angelo and gripping my ribs. I held onto his shirt and turned my face into it. A few tears slipped down my face, and I quickly wiped them away. “Bambina.. are you sure you’re okay?” Angelo asked, looking down at me. I nodded up at him, and took in a shallow breath. “You guys.. she has some broken ribs, and I should have mentioned that before we even came inside. So just no hugging for now..” he said, looking to each of my brothers. They all stiffened, before Mikey turned to look at Angelo. “Who did that to her? Her eye, her lip, and her ribs..” his voice was deep, gruff, and oozed anger. “We’ll talk about it later.. for now we need to get her up into her room. We also need to call our grandparents and tell them that we found our bambina.” Angelo said calmly before carefully lifting me up into his arms. I whimpered, putting my face into his chest as he packed me off. I turned, looking over Angelo’s to see all of them looking at me. I looked at dad and turned back to face where we were going. Angelo packed me up a staircase and down a long hallway before setting me down in front of a door. “Now bambina, we’re going to let you decorate this room however you want to. For now, it’s just a room, but this is your room from here on out.” He said, looking down at me, and opening up the door. As we walked inside, the ceilings were so tall. There was a four post, Princess bed with pretty white, tulle curtains hanging from it. There was a fireplace across the room from the bed, and a chair in front of it. As I kept looking around, there was a bay window, with a seat in it. There were pillows and blankets on the seat. I turned to see two more doors in the room, side by side. I opened the first to find a massive closet. I smiled bitterly.. it was similar to the one that I have lived in all of these years, only this one was much bigger. I was locked in that broom closet every day. Nothing but a small cot to keep me company. I turned back and left the closet open before looking into the other room. It was a bathroom, with a huge jacuzzi tub, and a walk in shower. There was a double vanity sink against the wall. I walked back out into my room and looked at Angelo. “All of this.. is really mine?” I asked, nervously awaiting his answer. “Of course bambina, and my room is just across the hall!” He smiled down at me. “Go ahead and do any business you need, then you and I are going to go shopping. We’re going to get you a new wardrobe, and electronics.” He said before turning and making his way back out of my room. I looked around, and made my way to the bathroom. I lifted my shirt up, looking at the bruising on my ribs. I could see my scars, the slices, and the few stab wounds I had on my stomach. I reached down tracing one of them, and sighing at the grotesque scene that played out across my skin. Da** David, da** him to he**! I thought to myself, before pulling my shirt back down and making my way out of my room. I walked back down the hallway and paused on the stairs as I heard my siblings, and father talking.
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