Going Home

1106 Words
[Trigger Warning! This episode contains references to abuse!] {Margo’s POV} We waited a while for the clothes to arrive, once they did I quickly ran to the restroom. I took a quick shower, bushed my hair, and teeth, and got dressed. I pulled my hair down around my face, and loose curls already began to form. I made sure to keep my jagged ear covered. I looked at myself in the mirror, I had a black eye, and my lip was swelled up, and had a cut on it. The outfit was a black turtleneck, and a pair of black leggings, with a tan plaid skirt. A pair of black combat boots laid against the door, I quickly put them on. I sighed as I pulled on the black leather jacket that was brought to me. I walked out of the bathroom and Angelo and my father both turned to me. “You look so beautiful!” My father said, pulling me into a hug. I winced in pain, and sucked in a sharp breath of air. “What’s wrong?” He asked, gripping my shoulders and looking down at me. “Just my ribs.. there is a couple of them that are broken..” I whimpered softly. “He broke your ribs?” Angelo growled out, his face turning dark. “It’s okay! I’m okay now.. I don’t have to go back with him, I’m okay..” I said, reaching up and touching Angelo’s arms. “Let me see..” he said, pointing to my ribs. I whimpered.. I told them about my ribs being broken, not me being stabbed. I don’t want them to see my back. Or the scars left on my abdomen after all of the years of torment. “The doctor took X-rays..” I began, but my father stopped me. “She doesn’t have to show us Angelo, I got the doctors report here..” he said lifting up the binder that the doctor had on me. “We’ll look over them on the jet, but we need to get going.” he finished, pointing to the door. I took this as my opportunity to run for the door and leave this place as quickly as possible. We got in the car, and soon started our trip. Before long we made it to an airport and I was led to a jet. I hesitated as Angelo offered me his hand to help me out of the car. I carefully took it, and when I stood up beside him, our height differences really showed. He was 6’8, and I’m only 4’10. He’s nearly two foot taller than me. I smiled up at him, and he gave me a slight smile back. He helped me up into the jet, and soon we left. I didn’t know where we were going, and honestly I didn’t want to know, all I wanted now was to rest. I leaned back in my seat, and closed my eyes, allowing sleep to take me. I could hear voices on the jet, I couldn’t quite understand what they were saying. Then I heard a gasp, and felt my hair being tugged. I woke up, and saw my father in my face, his was full of concern. “What happened?” He asked, I felt his fingers graze over my ear. I pulled away and covered it back with my hair. “I-It’s nothing!” I whimpered, turning away from him. He pulled out the files that the doctor gave him. “It isn’t nothing.. the doctor had that in his report, you had to go get stitches! Did that monster do that to you?” He asked, his face twisting in anger. I said nothing, just kept my face from them and nodded. I remember that day.. it was one of the worst I had ever had. He cornered me in the kitchen, and broke one of his beer bottles. He pushed me against the wall and his hot, alcohol breath reeked in my sinuses. He grabbed me by the throat and pushed me harder against the wall. “You think you’re special don’t you? Running around with all those rings in your ear! You really think you’re something! YOU ARE NOTHING!” He screamed in my face, before grabbing my jaw and holding his broken bottle to my ear. “Worthless!” He shouted, before slicing the bottle through my ear. It cut off a chunk of my ear, along with slicing my head open. I ended up having to go get stitches at the hospital. Remembering that day, it broke something in me, and I couldn’t control the tears that began to fall. It wasn’t the only time that he had hurt me so severely.. he loved to torment me in any way he could. “This.. says something about stitches, and scars.. on your abdomen..” Angelo said. Looking over, I realized that he had taken the book and began skimming through it. “What? What stitches, what scars?” My father asked furiously. I shook my head, no sounds escaping me except a choked sob. I pulled my arms around my abdomen, and lifted my knees to my chest. I rested my forehead against my knees and cried. “Let us see.. maybe we can get a surgeon to look at them. They may be able to help reduce them!” Angelo said, moving to the seat next to me. “Please..” I choked out. “Don’t.. I don’t want you to see them!” I looked up to see both of them frozen in place, with the their eyes fixated on me. “Okay..” my dad said, sounding defeated. “Let’s all just calm down.. you don’t have to show us yet. Eventually, we’d like to at least send you to someone who may be able to help.” He said softly, sitting back down. I looked over to Angelo, who kept his eyes on mine. I reached over and placed my hand on top of his. “Are you angry with me?” I asked, keeping my eyes on his. “No, of course not..” he sighed. “I just want to help you bambina, so does dad, and I’m sure our brothers will too.” He said, enclosing my hand in his. “Speaking of which, we’re landing soon, so try to get some more rest, and I’ll wake you up when we get there.” He smiled, and pulled me over onto his arm. I closed my eyes, and slowly fell back into a deep, dreamless sleep.
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