You’re Okay

1264 Words
[Trigger Warning! This episode contains references to abuse!] {Enzo’s POV} Angelo dragged the disgusting man from the room, he was kicking and screaming like a child. I looked down into the floor and there was my little girl. She had her hands over her ears, and her knees to her chest. She was sitting upwards in fetal position and rocking back and forth. Tears streamed down her face, as her eyes were shut tightly. Her breath was ragged, and I could see that her heart rate was up on the monitor. “Hey.. hey, you’re alright..” I whispered, dropping to my knees beside her and pulling her to my chest. She went stiff in my arms before flailing around frantically and pushing me away. “No.. no! You have no idea what he’ll do now! He’ll be so angry.. I can’t.. I can’t go back there!” She panted out through sobs. What had that monster done to my little girl? I carefully reached out to her, placing my hand on her shoulder. “Hey.. it’s okay, you’re never going back there again. Angelo is taking care of that man.. he can’t hurt you anymore.” I said, trying to soothe her. “W-Who?” She asked, finally looking up. Her eyes fixated on me, and I could see the confusion in her eyes. “I’m so sorry Princess.. I should have found you sooner.. this is all my fault..” I choked out, pulling her to my chest. “What are you talking about?” She asked, her body stiff and still against mine. “I’m your father.. your real father.” I said, pulling back and looking down at her. Her face said it all, she was hurt, confused, and broken. {Margo’s POV} This man.. he’s my father, I’ll admit, looking at him, I could see a slight resemblance. Our hair color was the same, and our faces looked similar. If this man was my father, then what about David? If this man in front of me is really, truly my father, then who the h*** is that monster that raised me? I wept bitter tears, and soon the man that took David away came back into my room. I looked up at him, his body was stiff, and he had this stoic look about him. His hair was black, and he had it slicked back. His eyes were deep brown, with gold flecks around his iris’ just like mine. He was easily the tallest man I had ever seen, at least 6’8, and he was so wide, and muscular. He looked down at me, and a pained expression fell across his face. “Are you okay?” He asked, kneeling down beside me. I pulled my knees closer to my chest and winced at the pain in my ribs. His hands froze in the air around me, and I could see that he was upset. “I-I’m sorry..” I whimpered. “Why are you apologizing bambina, your brother is just worried about you!” The man who claimed to be my father said. I looked up at the one that is supposed to be my brother. “My.. brother?” I asked, I looked up into his deep brown and golden eyes, just like mine. He nodded, and held out his hand, he wanted to help me up, but I took this opportunity to dive into his arms. I buried my face in his abdomen and cried. “I-I don’t have to go back?” I whimpered. “No, you’re never going back there!” The tall man said, as he pulled me into a soft hug. “Our little bambina!” My father said, as he reached around and hugged me too. For the first time ever, I felt safe, comforted, and loved. My father soon got up, leaving the room with his phone in his hand. My brother never left my side, he stayed seated beside my hospital bed. The doctor soon came in, and had some release forms for me to sign. I quickly did, and asked my brother to wait in the hallway. Once he was out of the room the doctor walked over and began to take out my iv. “Doctor..” I whispered. “Yes Margaret?” He asked, wrapping up my hand once the iv was out. “Will I be safe with them?” I asked, looking over his face for an answer. He smiled, nodding his head and getting up from his place. “Yes Margaret, you will be safe with them. Your family is known for being strong, and loving to one another. They also make sure anyone who is an enemy is taken down a peg. Don’t you worry, David is sure to be in trouble for everything he did to you. Now, you’re going to be able to be with your family.” He sighed, and disposed of the iv. “You will be safe with your family, your real family. Your father will be back any minute now, so don’t worry. I’m sure he wants to take you home, and get you situated.” He said before turning and leaving the room. Once he left, my brother stepped back in and walked to my bedside. He sat down in the chair beside me, and pulled out his phone. He texted someone before putting it back away. “So.. what’s your name?” I asked, looking over at him. He smiled softly, and genuinely. “I’m Angelo, Angelo LaRoux.. and our father’s name is Enzo.” “Angelo..” I smiled at him. “I like it.. it suits you I think.” “Really? How so?” He asked, a small smirk played across his lips. “You saved me.. kinda like an angel. So it feels like your name fits perfectly.” I said, my cheeks flushed with embarrassment. “You’re just adorable.” He said, giving a slight chuckle. “So.. are you ready to go?” He asked, looking over me. “Where are we going?” I asked him, trying to learn everything I could. “Our little bambina, we’re going home, you’re finally coming back home!” He smiled, before our father ran back through the door. “Alright, our driver is waiting out front, and the jet is all gassed up. All that’s left is our princess, go on and put on your clothes, and we’ll head out.” He smiled, before pointing to the bathroom. I frowned.. before turning to the two of them sheepishly. “My clothes.. they got covered in blood..” I said, looking anywhere but at them. My father pulled out his cellphone and made a call. “What size are you in princess?” He asked. I looked down at my sickly frail frame, and was embarrassed. “I’m in an extra extra small..” I said softly, before hugging myself. “Extra, extra small..” he said before nodding, then adding. “Make sure to grab a few outfits! What size shoes?” He asked me, looking to my feet. “I wear a five..” I answered, pulling the blanket up around me. “And a size five shoe! Get those here pronto!” He ordered before hanging up the phone. “Okay, as soon as your clothes get here, we’ll head to the airport and get home! Your other brothers are so excited to meet you!” He cheered, before running to my side and pulling me into a hug.
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