
1170 Words
[Trigger warning! This episode contains themes of violence!] {Margo’s POV} I sat holding the ice to my face when suddenly Carter was beside me. “Let me see!” He demanded, and of course my body reacted without thinking and I pulled the ice pack away from my face. “Well, that was easy.” He snickered. I looked up at him, his face was full of concern as he looked over my cheek. “Is it bad?” I asked. “I think you’ll live princess, maybe a slight bruise..” he said softly, grabbing the ice back up and setting it down on my face. “We threw that jacka** out, and after we told him who you are he s*** himself!” He laughed. “Glad I could be amusing to you and Damon..” I said, turning my face away from him and back to the bartender. “Another please..” He slid me another shot and I downed it quickly. I was already feeling funny, but I also felt like another drink would help with the throbbing in my cheek. “Margo.. I can’t speak for Damon.. but I’m..” he began but I cut him off, turning back to face him. “You’re obviously disappointing whoever the girl was that was clung to your neck!” I spat. “Or are you doing to tell me that Damon left those kiss marks on your collar and neck?” I shot him a daring glance. “I.. well.. I..” he stammered. “Look, I don’t know what kind of sh**** game you two are playing, but I’m not interested in being in the middle of it. Damon on one side, pretending like he actually cares about me, and you on the other trying to comfort me when I’m hurt. You were obviously having a good time before you came over here, so go back to the girl you were with!” I turned back around and ordered another shot before slamming it back. “Don’t you think you’ve had enough?” He said, grabbing the glass from my hand. “What is with you two and telling me what to do, while you do whatever and whoever you please! Leave me alone Carter!” I said, turning and stalking off in the direction that I saw Serena go in. He grabbed my wrist and turned me around. “Wait, just talk to me Margo!” He said, his breath hot and heavy on my face. “Just hear me out!” He said. Suddenly a girls voice came from behind us. “There you are baby.. I was wondering where you ran off to, come on back to our room!” She said, then she turned to me. “Oh, didn’t realize you were dealing with a little s***!” She said, shooting me a glare. I pushed him off of me, and he fell back into her. “Go back with your flavor of the night Carter! I’m so sick and tired of being man handled, and talked down to!” I took off down the hall and tried to look for Serena, but now I was just lost. I sighed and began pacing back and forth, I didn’t know what to do at this point. I felt a hand wrap around my wrist, and suddenly I was pulled back and pinned against the wall. I looked up and there was a very drunk man in front of me. The same one who hit me earlier in the dance floor. “Get off me!” I yelled, pushing against his chest. “I was going to just leave this alone, but you had your little friends jump me outside, and that doesn’t set right with me. So I’m going to make sure to teach you a lesson that you’ll never forget.” He said, pulling me with him. I looked around frantically for anyone that I knew. One of the girls, Damon.. Carter. I looked back to where Carter was a minute ago, but he was gone. Brianna and Kara were dancing and didn’t notice. While Serena and Damon were nowhere to be found. I slammed my fist into his back and tried pulling my other wrist out of his grip. “I said let me go!” I shouted. My attacks and pleas did nothing to him, he just kept pulling me behind him. “Stop it! Let me go!” I cried, tears beginning to fall. No, no, this wasn’t going to happen.. I couldn’t let this happen. I fought with everything I had in me, pulling, pushing, punching, and screaming. I finally found an opening and kicked him in the nuts, sending him to the ground. He fell over and screamed up at me, but I didn’t stick around to hear what he’d say. I took off running in the opposite direction. “Damon! Carter!” I screamed, hoping one of them would hear me, and find me. Soon, the man was behind me, he picked me up pulling me against his chest and covering my mouth. “You’ll pay for that!” He groaned in my ear. “You really think that you can get away with doing that to me?” I thrashed trying to move away from him, I flailed as much as possible and screamed against his hand but my voice was muffled. He began carrying me back towards some closed doors. He opened one, tossing me inside and closing it behind him. I ran to the other side of the room and picked up a lamp from the table. “Back off!” I said, holding it out towards him. “You really think that you’re going to hurt me with that?” He asked stalking towards me. I smashed it over his head, and he groaned. I took off trying to get past him but he shoved me hard and I fell onto the floor. “Get away from me!” I screamed, trying to find anything I could use as a weapon. He jumped down on top of me, and slapping me across the face. “You deserve to get smacked around just like I did, I want to make you feel small! You don’t get to send your friends to jump me, then walk away with one little bruise!” He said, slapping me again, then he balled his fist up and smirked. I moved my head and his hand crashed into the broken lamp. “Get off of me!” I yelled, my voice filled with fear. Suddenly the door burst open, and Carter and Damon stood in the doorway. Carter ran over and kicked the crap out of the man on top of me, sending him rolling across the floor. Damon ran to my side, lifting me into his arms and he took off running towards the back of the building. “D-Damon..” I cried out, choking on sobs.
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