The Blood

1107 Words
[Trigger warning! This episode contains themes of violence!] {Damon’s POV} “Damon, Carter!” I heard her, Margo was yelling for us. I ran towards where I heard the sound, but I couldn’t find her. Instead I ran into Carter who was coming from the other way. “You heard her too?” He asked, looking around frantically. I nodded, trying to listen for anything I could, we walked around the area and before long we heard something smash, then a thud. We ran towards the sound again, and suddenly my blood ran cold. “Get off of me!” I could hear her little voice, it was filled with fear. We busted the door in, and bolted into the room. There was a large burly looking man on top of Margo it was the same guy we kicked out earlier, she was fighting to try to get away. Her eyes looked to Carter and I, and I saw red. Carter ran over and kicked the crap out of the man on top of Margo, sending him rolling across the floor. I ran to her side, lifting her into my arms and took off running towards the back of the building. “D-Damon..” she cried out, choking on sobs. “I know, I know, I’m here!” I said, pulling her against my chest and running up a back staircase. I ran into my office, sitting her down on the couch. I grabbed her face softly trying to get her to focus on me. “Are you okay? Did he hurt you?” I asked, searching her face for answers. “He.. he wanted to hurt me, like you all hurt him..” she whimpered out, clutching her arms. “I need.. your jacket..” I quickly took off my jacket and wrapped it around her. It hung down almost to her knees as she stood and buttoned it, then sat back down hugging herself tightly. “I’m going to go take care of that bas****..” I said, turning and beginning to walk out. She grabbed the back of my shirt, gripping it tightly. I froze, my body going stiff and still, I turned slowly looking down at her. “Please.. don’t leave me..” she whispered, tears sliding down her cheeks. “I’ll only be a minute.” I said, kissing the top of her head, turning and running back out of the room. I ran into the room where Carter was, he was on top of the bas**** beating him into a pulp. “You!” Punch, “never!” Punch, “touch!” Punch, “her!” Punch, “again!” Punch. He repeated this process of speaking and punching until the man stopped moving. I leaned in the doorway and looked down. “Is he dead?” I asked, watching as Carter stood up, looking down at the man on the floor. “No, not yet!” He said, picking the man up and slamming his head into the concrete wall. He did this, over and over, blood plastering everything in the room, including him. “Now he’s dead!” He answered, dropping the man to the floor. “Where is she?” He asked, looking over to me with a cold expression left on his face. “My office, I wanted to make sure..” I started, but he cut me off. “You left her in your office, alone?” He yelled, pushing past me and running towards my office. I took off after him, “You’re going to scare her Carter!” I yelled. “Just look at yourself!” He didn’t stop running, not until he made it to my office door. He looked inside, as I came up behind him. She was gone, nowhere to be found, panic sunk in as I looked around. “Where did she go?” He asked, peering around the room the deciding to go back towards the first floor. I took off after him, as we looked around in every area we passed through. Until we passed the room that she was in, with that man. We heard a quiet pounding, and a wet sloshing sound. Carter ran into the room in front of me, and stopped, looking in the direction where he left the guy. “Princess, what are you..” he started. I walked in, and froze, she was on top of his chest, straddling him. Her hands were balled into fists beating in his head even more. Blood splattered everywhere as she continued punching and crying. “Fu** you! Fu** you!” She screamed over and over again as tears poured down her cheeks. “Die!” She shouted taking both of her hands and clasping them together, forcing them down into his head. She was drenched in his blood, her hair, and face coated in it. “Margo.. he’s already dead..” I said walking up behind her, carefully putting my hand on her shoulder and she turned punching me hard in the stomach. “No!” She screamed loudly. I wouldn’t lie, it hurt, I didn’t think she could hit that hard. She looked up at me, her eyes softening. “D-Damon..” she whimpered, turning slightly. “Carter..” “Oh baby..” Carter walked over lifting her into his arms. “It’s okay, it’s okay..” he whispered softly. She screamed, and sobbed into his chest gripping his shirt tightly. My heart broke watching her break in front of us. “What does everyone want to hurt me?” She cried. “We should go to my top floor room..” I said, pointing to the door. The top few floors were fancy condos, the top floor being my own personal condo. Carter nodded and packed her out of the room. I made a few calls and got some men to come take care of the mess. I made my way to the top floor, and saw Carter on the couch holding Margo in his arms. She was shaking, and sobbing into his chest. “Honey, you need to go get washed up..” I said, walking over to her. I softly placed my hand on her back and rubbed it gently. She shook her head and sobbed, her body was shaking so hard that I began to fear she’d have another seizure. “If we go into the bathroom with you will you wash up?” Carter said, looking down at her. She nodded, her body beginning to calm itself. “Just please.. don’t leave me alone again..” she whimpered softly.
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