Club Romano

1094 Words
[Trigger warning! This episode contains themes of S/A, and violence!] {Margo’s POV} As we pulled up to the club Kara and Brianna got out first. They stuck poses as cameras flashed from every side. I looked at Serena nervously, “Are you sure this is okay?” I asked. She stepped out and took my hand pulling me out. “Of course I am! This is our grand opening, so there are plenty of paparazzi here trying to catch a glimpse of everyone that goes inside! You my friend, are an important woman, and you’re gorgeous, so let’s go party!” She said. We walked into the club, past the paparazzi, they yelled at us, asking us to look at them, I just followed Serena’s lead and smiled before stepping inside. Once inside I could hear the music raging, and saw people dancing on a large glowing floor. Peoples bodies molded together, in a hat steamy mess. I blushed as I watched them all grinding against one another. Serena caught my attention, “Come on in silly, let’s get you a drink to loosen you up!” She said dragging me to the bar. “Shots for me and my friends!” She said, pointing to a bottle of alcohol on the counter. The bartender poured us our drinks, and she handed each of us one. She downed it in one gulp, and so I followed in suit. The awful tasting liquid burned as it went down, but once it was down I felt a sudden rush. “Whoooo!” I yelled, setting my shot glass back down on the bar. The bartender filled it again, and I quickly lifted it, downing it in one go. “Woah! Slow down Margo! You’re a lightweight remember? Many more shots and you’ll be out of it!” Serena said taking my cup from me. “Let’s dance!” Kara said, grabbing my hand and pulling me out onto the dance floor. We all began dancing, moving our bodies, and just listening to the music. I had begun to lose myself, feeling slightly dizzy, and my reactions felt slow. I felt more confident in my body, and even begun shaking around my curves. I was having so much fun that I didn’t notice when someone came up behind me. Their hands ran across my waist, touching my stomach. They pulled me back, so my back was to their chest. I danced, and laughed, still having fun with my friends. The man behind me grabbed my waist roughly and pulled me back into him. I jumped forward into my friends, and turned around quickly. “I-I need another drink!” I said, and ran toward the bar. “I need another shot..” I said, sitting down on a barstool. He slid it across to me, and I threw it back quickly, setting it back down. I felt hot breath on my neck and turned around coming face to face with Damon. “You really shouldn’t be dancing with someone like that..” he said looking anywhere but at me. I sat, stunned for a moment, he was in a white dress jacket, and a black button up shirt. He had on a white vest, and some of the buttons on the top of his shirt were unbuttoned, exposing part of his chest. “No hi? No, how are you Margo? No, sorry I didn’t call, or text, or even bother to check in on you in the past month and a half?” I said, anger bubbling in my chest. He looked stunned and just stared down at me blankly. “I know.. I should have..” he started. “Yeah, you really should have! You should have called, texted, came to visit, ANYTHING!” I yelled. “But now.. you have lost your right to come to me and tell me what I should or shouldn’t be doing! I can dance with whoever I want! You shouldn’t have shut me out completely if you wanted to have a say in what I do!” I said, turning and sliding off the stool. I lost my footing slightly, and stumbled right into his arms. He lifted me up, and planted me back on my feet with care. “I know, I should have called, or texted. I’m sorry, I thought.. I thought you were angry with me!” He said. “Your brothers said that we all needed a little space, so I made sure to give you yours..” “F*** you Damon! I am angry at you! You were so kind to me, took care of me! I kissed you, and you just disappeared!” I said, swatting him away. “I am angry with you! If you’ll excuse me.. I’m going to go dance!” I said, walking past him and back out to the crowd. Serena looked at me, and back to her brother who stood unmoving at the bar. “What’s going on with you two?” She asked. “Nothing..” I said, beginning to dance around to the music again. Another man soon came up behind me, he began grinding against me, and I danced, letting go for once. That was until he kissed my neck, I gasped and turned around pushing him away. “Did I tell you that you could do that?” I asked. He grabbed around my waist and pulled me against him, kissing my neck again. “Don’t act like you don’t like it!” He said. I pushed him back again, and he slapped me across the face. I hissed at the pain and punched him in the nose knocking him to the ground. I stepped onto his chest with one foot. “Next time you think about touching a girl, think of this. I may be small, but I’m scarier than you could ever be! Don’t ever touch me again!” I sneered down at him. Serena grabbed me, and pulled me to the bar. “Men really seem to have a thing for trying you, huh?” She said in a short snicker. “I need ice!” She motioned to the bartender. He slid her a cup of ice, and she poured it into a tissue and placed it gently on my cheek. “Is it red?” I asked, looking at the ground. “Just a little, it’ll be okay. I’m going to go get a bag from the back room, wait here.” She said, turning and running off.
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