Getting Ready

1254 Words
{Margo’s POV} I heard banging on my door and slowly stood up, wrapping my blanket around me. I opened the door seeing the girls. “Y-You..” I said softly. “What are you guys doing here.. I haven’t seen you since the dinner party.” I whispered. Serena pulled me into her arms and hugged me tightly. “I know! Your family said you needed space, and our brothers told us not to contact you, until you contacted us! It wasn’t until your dad messaged that we knew that you’ve locked yourself away in your room!” She said, crossing her arms and stomping into my room. She sat down on the edge of my bed, Brianna and Kara following her in. I hugged them both, and smiled. “I really missed you guys..” I said, smiling at each of them. “Good, then you’ll agree to come out with us then!” Brianna said, smiling back. “Going out?” I said, turning and walking to the other side of my room. “I don’t know about that.. I’ve been kidnapped, and harassed.. Don’t really want to give anyone the opportunity.” I looked down at the floor. “Plus, I’m a mess!” “The mess is easily fixable, and my brother is hosting at our new nightclub tonight!” Serena said smiling brightly. “It’s a really nice place, and I thought it’d be the perfect place for you to go hang with us! Especially since you’re 21 now!” “Your brother?” I asked, cringing slightly. The do******* that kissed me, then scared the crap out of me by pushing me to the floor. Then left, and hasn’t spoken a word to me since. I thought.. well.. I thought he may message at least. You know, say something like, Hey, sorry I scared you, I hope to see you again soon. Instead, he’s just ignored any messages I’ve sent to him, and never once messaged, called, or visited. “I don’t know about that..” I said, turning around and pacing the floor. “I thought you and Damon were pretty good friends.” She said, tilting her head to the side. “Yeah.. that was before the incident that night.. he never even messaged to check in..” I sighed. “Things were weird the last time we saw each other, and I just don’t know if I want to see him..” “Oh.. well, you don’t have to hang with him! You’ll have us there!” Serena smiled. “Come on, go shower, and we’ll got get you a nice new dress, and go to the club! Let us take you out for your birthday!” She smiled brightly. I looked between the three of them, they all looked so excited. I sighed, knowing I lost this round. “Okay, okay! I’ll go shower!” I said throwing my hands up and dropping my blanket to the floor. I walked into the bathroom and turned on the water in the shower. I hopped in, washed up good, and shaved everywhere. I got out and wrapped myself in a towel. I brushed my teeth and my hair and walked back into the bedroom, stepping into my closet. I grabbed a white button up shirt, and a long black skirt. I quickly put on my clothes and walked out. “Is this good enough to go pick out a dress?” I asked. “Yes! It’s perfect!” Kara smiled. They all grabbed a hold of me and began pushing me out the door. We walked down the stairs, as Serena ran back and grabbed my makeup bag. “Where are you girls going?” Marco asked, stopping us at the bottom of the stairs. “Shopping!” Brianna said, shrugging her shoulders. “So the mall!” She smiled. “You guys need to take at least one or two of us with you!” Mikey said, walking over and leaning against Marco. “This is meant to be a girls day!” Serena replied, moving towards them. “So you boys leave it to us! We have body guards, the last thing we need is you lot drawing more attention to us!” She pointed at them. Marco turned, looking over all of our brothers, all accept Angelo who wasn’t here. “Fine..” He sighed heavily. He walked over pulling me into a hug. “If you need anything you call me!” He said, letting me go. I nodded, “Okay, I will..” I said, smiling at him. “There’s our beautiful bambina!” Mikey said engulfing me in one of his hugs. My other brothers surrounded me, each pulling me into a hug. “I’ll be back later! Love you guys..” I said, turning and leaving the house with the girls. We hopped in the car and drove to the mall. It wasn’t long before they were dragging me into a high end dress store. They shoved me into a dressing room and started handing me dress after dress. I slipped on one after another until they finally found one that they said would be best. I’ll admit, it isn’t my normal style, but I was in love. It was a silk, deep red dress, with gold chain spaghetti straps. The dress was skin tight, and went to my mid thigh. It was short, but it hugged my curves perfectly. It laid in pleats down the front, and had a very deep, scoop neck that showed off almost all of my cleavage. There was a slit up one side that went almost to my hip. I walked out giving a little twirl, and all of the girls squealed! “I told you that was the one!” Serena yelled. “Yeah but I picked it out!” Brianna shot back. “Not to mention that I found these shoes that match perfect!” Kara said, walking over with a pair of gold colored high heels that had ribbons that tied up my ankles. I put them on and walked to the mirror, and even I had to admit, it was gorgeous. “Yeah, but my hair.. and makeup!” I said pointing to the curly mess on my head. “We’ll do your makeup out in the car in the parking lot. What’s the point of a limo if we can’t even do our makeup in it! Also, I have a bunch of hair stuff out there! We’ll get you all dolled up!” She said grabbing the tag off the dress and shoes and going to the counter. “The outfit is my birthday gift to you!” She said, paying for the dress and shoes. “And don’t you dare object! I have more money than I know what to do with, and I love to spoil my friends!” She said, walking over and picking out a dress for her, Kara and Brianna did the same. We all left in our new dresses and went out to the limo. Once inside the girls got me all dolled up. They pulled my hair up into a high ponytail, with some curled pieces on the sides. My makeup was done up in a deep red, and black Smokey eye, with a deep red lipstick. I looked incredible, we all did, and to be honest I was ready to go out and be a normal woman for a change!
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