
1144 Words
{Angelo’s POV} I heard Damon yelling, and jumped up running up the stairs like a mad man. My sister was on the floor, her back against one of the potted plants in the hallway. She was looking at Damon with horror in her eyes, and Carter was on the floor. Carter had a bloody nose, and busted up knuckles. Damon turned to try to help my sister up, but she scurried away to her room slamming the door behind her. “You i***t! Why can’t you listen? I told you to stay away from her, and so did Angelo!” Damon said, turning to Carter who was still in the floor. “Well, I think she’s more afraid of you now..” Carter said, a snarky tone in his voice. “What did you idiots do?” I asked, both of their heads snapped to me. “This is exactly why I told you both to leave my sister be!” I snapped. “She’s been through enough, and now you two are dragging her into your bu******!” “Angelo.. I heard them up here and came to check it out. She was yelling at him, telling him to get out of her room!” Damon said. I shot a glare at Carter, he turned away. “He’s right.. not my proudest moment..” “My office, now!” I yelled. They both turned and trudged down the stairs. {Margo’s POV} I slammed the door shut, and locked it. I leaned against my door, and slid down it. I know that he wasn’t trying to hurt me, and he didn’t actually hurt me. He just scared me, my heart was racing so fast I was afraid it would beat out of my chest. I leaned my head back against the door, and closed my eyes falling asleep right where I was sitting. “Margo..” I heard a voice saying. “Margo!” I heard it louder. When I opened my eyes the door was slightly open, against my back and Silas was trying to get in. “Hmm?” I said groggily, sitting up and rubbing my eyes. “Margo? Are you okay? Did you fall asleep in front of the door?” He asked, his voice a little panicked. “Hmm?” I grunted as I popped my back. “Oh.. yeah.. I must have fallen asleep here..” I said softly. “I just wanted to check on you after last night.. and wanted to tell you that breakfast is ready.” He said, then turned back adding. “Everyone else is gone, it’s just the family here!” He peered in through the door and smiled at me. “So get some real clothes on and come down to breakfast!” He turned, walking away, I could hear his footsteps descending the staircase. I sighed, standing from my place in the floor. I walked down the stairs, and went straight to the kitchen. “Ooh.. sis.. you’ve looked better!” Max laughed. I sighed, and just walked past him grabbing a bottle of water. “I made pancakes..” Marco said, smiling at me. I gave a small smile back. “Thank you.. but I’m really not hungry. I’m just really tired.. I ended up falling asleep in the floor and my back is aching. I’d like to try to catch a few more hours of sleep if that’s okay.” I said softly. My dad walked over, pulling me into a hug and kissing the top of my head. “Of course princess.. go on up and get some rest.” He smiled down at me. I nodded, then turned making my way back upstairs. I walked into my room, locked the door, and crawled back into bed. I covered myself up completely with the blankets, and finally drifted back to sleep. {Marco’s POV} [Time Skip 1 month, and 2 weeks.] “She’s been walking around like a zombie for over a month.. and she refuses to talk to anyone!” I said, getting irritated with Margo’s behavior. “I know it took a lot out of her standing up for herself the way she did. Reliving that trauma was horrible for her, but she has to start healing at some point, right?” I asked, looking to my father and brothers. “She just turned 21, and she hasn’t even come out of her room this week!” I shouted. “Her birthday party is Sunday, and she’ll finally get the chance to meet all of your grandparents. We just need to get her out of her room, and back into her element!” Dad smiled. “And I may have called a few people to help with that!” We heard a knock at the door, and soon the chatter of Serena, Brianna, and Kara. They burst into the room. “Okay, where is she!” Serena asked, looking between us all. “She’s in her room, good luck getting her out of there though! We’ve been trying for over a month, and she barely budges!” Silas said, crossing his arms over his chest. Before we knew it they were up the stairs and banging on her door. “They’re going to have a time getting her to agree to anything, I hope you know that!” I turned to dad. “Well, Serena is very persistent, and should be able to convince her. She just needs to live a little, and right now she isn’t.” He sighed. “It’s my fault.. for keeping David alive, ever since she found out that we hadn’t killed him, she’s been off.” He said lowly. “He’s useful to us for now, he’s keeping us up to date on things that we’ll need to use to take down the Petrov’s!” He ran his hands through his hair. “I don’t want that ba***** to breathe the same air as my little girl either.. but until we take down the Petrov family.. he has to stay alive.” “We know dad, and I’m sure that everything will work itself out.” Angelo said placing his hand on dad’s shoulder. “Why don’t you go get some rest?” He finished. “Alright..” dad answered, standing and leaving his office. “I love you boys.” He said, turning and leaving the room completely. “Dad said he doesn’t want us to interfere with any of the girls plans.. but I want at least two of you to go with them wherever they go!” Angelo said, looking between all of us. “Meanwhile.. I’ve got to get to the holding cells and see what David has to say about the Petrov family today.” He said coldly, standing and walking out of the room.
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