To the Mall

1206 Words
[Trigger Warning! This episode contains references to abuse!] {Margo’s POV} I walked back down the hallway and paused on the stairs as I heard my siblings, and father talking. I peered over the side of the railing, keeping my eyes focused on the group of them. “Who did that to her dad?” Marco asked, his jaw clenched. “It was the man who raised her.. we..” he started before looking around. He peered up towards me, and I jumped backwards trying to duck out of the way. As I jumped back I lost my footing on the steps and curled my ankle. I hissed at the pain and held back a whimper. “Margo.. is that you? It’s not polite to listen in.” He said. I sighed and carefully made my way down the stairs. I turned the corner and looked at the group of men in front of me. “I.. I know..” I said, I kept my eyes focused on the ground and waited for him to yell, to slap me.. anything. I tried to prepare myself and completely tensed my body. “What are you doing?” Max asked, walking over to me. “I-I’m really sorry.. I’m ready to be punished. I know better than to try to listen in on private conversations. Especially since you’ve been so kind.. I shouldn’t have.. I’m sorry..” I whimpered, gripping my skirt and holding on tight until my knuckles turned white. “Margo.. no one’s going to punish you!” Angelo said softly, placing his hand on my shoulder. I flinched at the feeling of his hand, fearing the worst. I nodded and kept my head down. I learned when I was young to keep my head down and accept whatever punishment I got. My eyes were clenched shut so tightly that I didn’t know that I had started to cry. “Hey.. it’s okay..” my dad said, I felt his hand grip under my chin and lift it up. I waited for the smack, but instead I felt his hand gently wipe my tears away. I opened my eyes in surprise and looked up at him. “It’s okay?” I pondered for a moment. “You’re not going to punish me?” I asked, reaching up and touching his hand softly. “Oh honey.. I would never hurt you, none of us would!” He said, pulling me into a hug. His hug was gentle, and caring. He made sure not to hug too tightly, that way he wouldn’t hurt my ribs. I hugged him back, tighter than I thought I could. “Thank you..” I whispered. He pulled back and looked down at me. “Now Angelo said he’s taking you shopping, I’m having Marco and Mikey go along with you too. Your brothers will keep you safe, always!” He said, poking my nose softly. I giggled, a real genuine giggle. “Thank you dad.. thank you all..” I said softly turning to them. Angelo walked over and wrapped his arm around my shoulder. “Let’s get you to the mall, we’ll get you a whole wardrobe!” He smiled. “That will cost too much!” I scolded. “I only need an outfit or two, and I have some money..” I said pulling out my wallet. Angelo placed his hand on mine and looked down at me. “You keep your money for something that you want! We can help you set up a job within the company if you like, and we’ll get you started making more money for yourself. Each of us get a monthly allowance. Your monthly allowances have been added up together and put onto this card.” He said handing me a debit card with my name on it, but the last name was LaRoux. “Today’s shopping trip is a gift from father though, so you don’t need to spend any of your money. We’re buying you necessities, and you shouldn’t have to spend a dime of your money on that!” He said before taking my hand. “Now, let’s get going, it’s already getting late.” He said pulling me out of the front door. Marco and Mikey stepping out behind us. Soon we were all in the car and heading to the mall. It didn’t take us long to get to the mall, and once we were there I realized how I didn’t know what to buy for myself. I stood outside of stores and twiddled my thumbs while my brothers talked amongst themselves. “Why aren’t you going in?” Mikey asked from right behind me. I must have zoned out, I didn’t even hear him coming. I jumped at the sudden closeness, and turned to face him. My face was red, I was so embarrassed. “I.. I don’t really know what to buy.. which stores to shop in.. what clothes would look okay on me. I don’t know what I’m supposed to get. I’ve never really done my makeup, or hair.. I’m just.. overwhelmed.” I answered honestly, looking down at my feet. “Why didn’t you say anything? I can have our best friend come help, she’s a little older than you, but her family has always been close to ours. She has an older brother, he’s the same age as Angelo, so they were always close. I’m sure she wouldn’t mind.” He smiled down at me. “Really? Would that be okay? I’m sorry to be a bother.. I just.. I never really have gone shopping..” I said, looking up at him. “You’ve.. never? How did you get clothes then?” He asked, looking down at me. “My dad.. David..” I paused, that man was never my father. “He would bring home bags of clothes from churches that were donated. That’s where I got all of my clothes from..” “Okay, I’ll go call her, her name is Serena, I think you’ll get along!” He said before turning and motioning me to follow him back to where Marco and Angelo stood. He called his friend and looked to Angelo when he hung up. “Serena and Damon are on their way, said they’ll be here pretty quick as they were already out.” “Cool, we can catch up with Damon while Serena helps out little Margo!” Angelo said, patting the top of my head. I huffed slightly pushing his hand away. “Don’t mess up my hair before your friends get here! You’ll make me out to look like a mess!” I said, laughing slightly. I caught myself laughing, and a bright smile formed across my lips. “Thank you guys.. this.. this is so amazing..” I whispered. They all looked down at me, confusion etched across their faces, until Marco spoke up. “What’s amazing bambina?” He asked, leaning down towards me. “Having a family..” I smiled up at him and wrapped my arms around his waist. “Um.. not fair! I want a hug too!” Mikey said holding his arms out. I smiled and hugged him tightly.
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