Story By Sheenah


Hi my name is Sheenah, I have been writing since I was young. I happen to be a perfectionist when it comes to writing and I have a tendency to edit a book after posting it, in hopes i make it better. My goal here is to not do that and complete all my books. i recently found all my uncompleted work and decided to fix it up and post it on here, that being said i dont plan on ignoring the books i have already started.
The Day I Died and Lived Again
Updated at Mar 7, 2024, 10:18
Kaya and Carly are 18 in their last year of high school. All the drama and the stress of there mothers pregnancy is starting to get to them. Carly is the Popular cheerleader who is to focused on her own life doesn't seem to pick up on the stress of her sister but when she goes missing she is left with all the resposibilites. Kaya is the opposite, she is so stressed and fed up with how things are going. So she does what any teenager would do in her shoes, run away! What she finds on her journey will defiantly change her life for better or worse. Join these sisters in there story and watch as the mystery's surrounding their lives come into view.
The Ruby Wolf
Updated at Mar 1, 2024, 10:50
After dreaming of a king Nikita's world is flipped upside down. Why would she dream of him? What could these dreams mean? Was she in danger? Were these dreams actually visions of the future? All she knows is that she needs answers and the only way she could get those is from meeting the king himself. Things were about to get interesting for the young warrior.
Running Wild
Updated at Feb 24, 2024, 10:56
Hello, my name is Vanessa. I'm a 20-year-old werewolf. I'm pack less or as most people say I'm a Rogue. For those of you who don't know a Rogue is a werewolf who was either kicked out of their pack or left the pack on their own accord. I've been a Rogue for the last 10 years. Yeah, let that one sink in... I've been a Rogue since the age of 10. Now you must be wondering what kind of people would kick a 10-year-old out to live in the wild on their own completely defenseless where they could be killed. You see I killed someone actually lots of someone's when I was 10. And no, it wasn't self defense, at least not when I killed them. I killed them because I could. Because I was stronger than them. Now you may think I'm insane and you may be right, but I also know they were bad people they abused me and many other children, but lucky for me at the age of 10 I got my wolf. And that is very rare you typically get your wolf around 15-16 but I got mine early. Her name is Ira, she's a large black wolf with Bright Orange eyes. And if you look her name up in Latin it means Anger and wrath. Which makes sense cause she's vicious. She does not take no for an answer, and you will regret ever messing with her. She does not hold back. Living as a Rogue hasn't actually been that bad, I basically have all the freedom and none of the consequences. I mean there's always a chance you could get killed or hunted but as long as you keep to yourself and avoid pack lands your set! And human territory is like no man's land, pack wolves can't attack you cause witnesses and such. But living in the forest has been my favorite part, I can shift whenever and wherever I want. I can hunt whatever I want when I want it’s the best! Join us in our roguish adventures and learn what being a rogue is really like maybe my story will surprise you!
The Last Spirit
Updated at Feb 3, 2022, 13:24
Zo isn't your normal girl, she is an elemental princess who was destined to be the kingdoms savior but when an outbreak occurs she is left with nothing but the guilt of knowing she could have stopped it. Being the last element of her kind she needs to pick up the pieces and start over. The only problem is everyone hates her. How will she manage saving an entire race of beings when no one is willing to help her? Will she even try? Read her story to find out. Things aren't always as black and white as they seem.
The New Girl
Updated at Dec 5, 2021, 23:27
Have you ever been the 'new girl' at school? well i have. my entire life has been filled with me being the new girl. I have never lived in one place long enough to have any real friendships, over the years i learned to stop trying. its easier being the girl in the back seat rather than trying to make a name for myself. Why try to form a bond with someone when i'm just going to leave anyway? My name is Midnight Star and this is my story.
The Deadly and the Dangerous
Updated at Nov 19, 2021, 09:44
Kasim was your average girl growing up, she was happy. But that all changed when her mother died after that her father started to hate her and her brother was no better. She only had one escape, her mothers best friend and her family. As Kasim grew older she decided to start saving up to escape her terrible fate but during the process she began losing all respect for herself and became cruel and cold how else was she supposed to act? She needs to protect herself and that is the only way she knows how. This is her story.
The Demon Within
Updated at May 13, 2020, 15:53
In the peace of the night we all have dreams. We can have good dreams, where we are over the moon happy. Or we can have nightmares, where we wake up in a cold sweat crying. We can have dreams where they make sense and we understand them, or we have dreams that don’t make sense at all and we are stuck questioning what’s going on. Well I on the other hand do not dream like everyone else. My dreams become my reality, you may think it would be the best thing in the world. Think about it, all of your wildest dreams come true and all you have to do is sleep. For an example you dream of winning the lottery, next day when you get up and check your ticket you win. Or say you dream of finally going on a date with your crush, then bam the next day your crush asks you out on a date. But it is honestly horrible. Because my ‘dreams’ are not dreams, they are nightmares that I literally can’t wake up from. I can’t remember the last time I had a positive dream.
Dangerous Desires
Updated at May 9, 2020, 14:35
My name is Dominique Malreed, I am a demon. To be more specific I am a demon princess, that being said I am a trained killer. No surprise since I’m a demon. In our culture all females royal or not are trained to kill and protect ourselves. In this day and age we have to be strong with all the war and dangers that are lurking in the world. Growing up I was always told to be strong, to be a demon worthy of being Queen. Being Queen meant I had to act a specific way make hard choices and kill those who threatened us. I don’t like fallowing rules, I like taking risks and getting into trouble, and boy did I do just that, by getting involved with a human. A hunter to be exact, and no not the kind that hunt deer or ducks but the kind that hunt me, Demons and other supes. You can see how that can be kind of tricky. To make it worse he is my destined lover which means no matter what he and I would end up together. This is my story, and I promise it isn’t all butterflies and kisses.