
The Last Spirit

magical world
enimies to lovers
self discover
special ability

Zo isn't your normal girl, she is an elemental princess who was destined to be the kingdoms savior but when an outbreak occurs she is left with nothing but the guilt of knowing she could have stopped it. Being the last element of her kind she needs to pick up the pieces and start over. The only problem is everyone hates her. How will she manage saving an entire race of beings when no one is willing to help her? Will she even try? Read her story to find out. Things aren't always as black and white as they seem.

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Chapter 1
I quietly snuck into the throne room careful not to make a sound. I didn’t want to get caught and sent back to my room. I make my way to the huge curtains behind the thrones. I make sure to stay in the shadows and easily disappear behind them. I sit and watch my Father and mother, the Spirit King and Queen. They are both sitting in their thrones discussing me and when they should introduce me to my people. I am the secret daughter of the Spirits, the unknown Princess and I hold unimaginable powers. Powers far greater than any of my ancestors.  My parents are the rulers of all the elements. Suddenly the throne room doors fly open scaring me. I quickly cover my mouth making sure I don’t let out a single sound. "My King, the humans have just died off and one of the Water Elements wants to talk to you. Shall I send her in?" The messenger asked. I looked at the messenger carefully. He was clearly an earth type. His eyes blazed green and his hair shined in the light. His hair was a crisp green, it looked like the leaves on the trees outside of the castle. His skin glowed a light green. I look down at my own hands, my skin is a light purple. A sign that I am a spirit element. It’s quite interesting to see how each element is different from the others. Each element has a different color to them for example Earth or Nature is green, Water is blue, Fire is red, Air is white, Electric is yellow, and Spirit is purple. "Please do." My mother says with her sweet honey like voice. The messenger leaves and the air suddenly grow tense. I can feel the awkwardness but continue to stay silent. I sit there watching and listening to everything around me making sure I don’t get caught. "What could she possibly want to discuss?" My mother asks my father in a hushed tone. "I don't know my dear." He tells her sadly. I know exactly what the Water element wants to ask. I had a vision of its last night. Speaking of visions, I am an incredibly special element; I don't just have the powers the Spirits can wield but also powers no one else can understood. It was said that I would be the saving grace of all the elements, but I still don’t know what that means. As the water Element walks in the chatting stops. I focus on her and listen intently to their conversation.  "My King and Queen, I have seen what the Humans looked like before they passed and they were absolutely stunning I was wondering if it would be aright if we could look like them once we move to Earth." "Why would you want such a thing? Aren't you proud of how we Elements look?" My dad asks angrily. "Of course, I am! But don’t we deserve a change?" The Water element asks. “We are moving to a new realm and I believe we deserve the choice and to change our appearance.” "No, this is how we look so this is how we shall stay!" The Queen argues back. “Please, can’t we at least get the choice?” she begs. “No, my child!” "You will regret this! I swear you will pay for this!" The water overreacts. My father sighs. “My dear women, at least give us time to think about this, we are not leaving our realm for some time.”   She leaves without another word and the king and queen shake their heads and sigh in frustration. I know my mother will ask my advice tomorrow, only because I can see into the future. I know the consequences to each choice made to get to the desired future. Personally, I don’t think there is any problem with giving our people the choice. It allows them to express themselves in a way they may feel that they cannot here. I sneak back to my room and sit on the window ledge facing the beautiful scenery that I have never had the chance to experience. I hope things will go well with the elements; I don’t want there to be a war over some petty choice that was denied. That night as my mother and father slept, I stayed up all night waiting for the worst to come.

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