Story By Melanie. E

Melanie. E

Thank you for checking out my profile and liking my stories. I hope to create more in near future and entertain you. Much Love Melanie. E
Traitor In Their Midst
Updated at Oct 31, 2021, 11:07
He was back, Gray Spencer, dark hair, chocolate-brown eyes, broodingly sensual features and a body that was all hard masculine. In short Gray was seriously hot. He has not changed at all. Gray had moved quickly and was standing next to me, one hand already holding the back of my head, preventing me from moving. His mouth was only centimetres away from mine. Nervously I licked my lips and heard him say, “ Well, that’s an interesting start but you are supposed to be the one kissing me, not enticing me into kissing you. What! Enticing him! Volatile emotions exploded inside me and before I could lose my courage, I closed the distance between us and firmly pressed my lips against his, his lips were soft and smooth nothing like Troy’s. I was enjoying the sensual pleasure. “You call that a kiss? No wonder you are having relationship problems. I feel pity for that guy and I am wondering how did you manage to get hold of Troy anyways.” Gray told me flatly on my face. Five years ago, on the verge of womanhood Ellie had offered herself to Gray Spencer, the man she had been crazy about since childhood. He broke her heart and went away to another woman. But now he has returned and causing her many problems as ever. Gray thinks she cannot find a decent man with her zero knowledge of seducing men, so he challenges her to give her lessons so that she would become perfect and finally seduce Troy into marrying her. What will happen when Ellie lets her guard down and accepts his challenge? But will Gray? make Ellie realize that all her efforts were targeted towards the wrong man
The Alpha and His Cursed Princess
Updated at Oct 31, 2021, 11:04
Alpha Archie Philip was a ruthless king, who never let any women get closer to him but his sights are set on the so-called princess Amelia who had nothing left to her other than her title. But somehow he gets more and more attracted towards her and finally realizes that she was his mate. But how could it be possible as she was a human? Amelia was whisked away by him to his kingdom and she realizes that she was drowning more and more towards the arrogant prince, she thinks Archie is her prince charming but gradually she realizes that he had led her astray under false pretense. She was heartbroken and devastated but another storm came brewing up when she realizes her true identity and the curse she had brought upon her for leaving her kingdom.
Sweet Betrayal
Updated at Sep 22, 2021, 09:20
Dakota and Luca were in love and had been embroiled in a secret affair but one night everything changed, Dakotas’ father was murdered trying to protect an elite businessman but he was framed by his colleagues making it look like he had tried to assassinate him. Dakota and her mother were humiliated by the media constantly. And just as they were trying to cope up with their lives Dakota was thrown out of her school. Everyone bullied her. But she still had a hope that Luca would stand by her but he r***d her and humiliated her to the edge. She wanted to commit suicide but thinking about her mother she stopped herself. When she came back home, her house was on fire and everything was destroyed. They finally bid farewell to the city, which had taken everything away from them. After three years she returns to the same city to get back her father’s glory and honor but what will happen when she meets Luca who destroyed her innocence?
Love Can Happen Anywhere
Updated at May 31, 2021, 12:36
This is a story of three friends Nysa Jacob, Ellen Nichols and Norah Ramirez who have migrated from different counties and are working in a very renowned hospital in Mexico. They studied together and had developed love and friendship towards each other that had grown gradually. Its just that I want so desperately to be a nurse. I always have.” “Don’t we all?” Leon asked mockingly. “Yes but you don’t understand, I always grew-up with this idea of myself as a sort of modern-day Florence Nightingale, looking after the sick people.” “Sitting beside their bed the whole night…………” he mocked again gently. Ellen lifted her chin fiercely and said. “I am not playing around with my job. Its what I want to do. I would die if I would have to give it up because I wasn’t good enough.” Leon moved away from where he was standing and came close behind her. And put a comforting arm around her. “You are good Ellen, don’t worry this phase will pass very soon.” He said looking at her sad face and kissed her cheeks and she blushed shyly. The door flew open and a tall guy, in white coat with an angry expression on his face demanded forcefully. “Where are all the staff gone? I want to see the head burse immediately.” He looked at both of them and continued. “If you can spare the time from your other leisure activity, perhaps you would be kind enough to find her and inform her that I would like a word with her. If it won’t be too much of a nuisance.” He added sarcastically. Ellen felt her temper rise and said. “Not at all sir. I will find the head nurse for you now.” With a swift look in her direction he was gone. Please read the story to know about the struggles of these nurses in the time of pandemic and their belief in love which conquered people’s heart.
As Long As You Love Me
Updated at Apr 10, 2021, 10:05
Mia was getting married to the most handsome and wealthiest man in Dublin. She was extremely excited as Carlos was her first love whom she had followed everywhere since she was ten years old. Carlos was devoted to her and was looking forward to his big day. But as Carlos was busy with his bachelor party he received Mia’s call and rushed to meet her only to be left alone in the old outhouse after spending the night together. She did not turn up for the wedding and her plane crashed. He was shattered as he lost everything in one day. After six years he found her again in a different city and went and hugged her but she refused to recognize him. He was determined to get her back again as he knew that she was his Mia. Mia on the other hand was on the verge of a breakdown to see Carlos as she had never thought of seeing him again and the whole façade that she had built around came tumbling down. She had promised herself to move on in her life as she did not want her love to die because of her. But fate had other plans, now they had met again and although she has changed her identity, Carlos was determined that she was his Mia. Mia, on the other hand, was helpless as she had always loved him but the dark memories and bitter truth remained unsolved and she knew if she reveals her identity she will lose him and her family forever.
Silent Whisperer
Updated at Mar 7, 2021, 10:21
Blood spurted from the small hole in the women’s pretty head. A bitter end for the CIA special agent Catherine Lawrence. They killed the woman she loved brutally. She saw it happen with her own eyes. Her mother had been raped and killed by a man with a dragon tattoo and her father was lying dead with blood gushing out of his mouth. After fifteen years Sara Lawrence a beautiful architect, walked into the conference room with confidence and grace and had men turning towards her and admiring her. Some wanted a piece of her, some had huge respect, some were jealous but one man sitting at the far end corner of the room had goosebumps looking at her familiar face and his heart beat started racing away, making him vulnerable and horrified at his weakness. Rufus Matthias thought she had vanished away from his life, but she was back with a bang with a look to kill for but as he looked closely at her, he observed that her eyes were very aloof and rigid. She saw him but tried to control her excitement, as she could not give herself away. But one kiss from him and she was lost again. An exciting novel of vengeance …a fascinating story……..gripping and exciting will make you fall in love with the characters when they unravel themselves. Please do add this story to your list, as I will be updating it every day. Much Love Melanie. E
The Return Of His Innocent Wife
Updated at Nov 26, 2020, 06:34
Carlos and Mia were reunited in the first book "As Long As You Love Me.", but there were so many challenges they had to overcome, when they finally returned to their hometown. Book 2 "The Return of his innocent wife" is a saga which continues to reveal all the conspiracies and a heart wrenching ending to a deadly plot. “Carlos got married in San Martin and is coming back to Dublin with his bride tomorrow.” Hayden said it in one go without any expression. “What! “Samantha said quietly hiding the actual emotions that was going on inside her. “When did it happen? Who is the girl? How come aunt didn’t tell me about this? “Well, even your aunt came to know about it a few hours back. So, I thought I better come and give you the news first. As for the girl no one knows. We will see her when she reaches tomorrow.” Sam sat there quietly for some time and Hayden held her in his arms as he knew she was hurt to the core but was trying not to show it. “Well, good for him that he found his soulmate, I give him my blessings.” Samantha said smilingly. Hayden was shocked. He was not expecting her to take the news so lightly but when she did not react any further, neither did he pry and was happy knowing that he can have her to himself now that Carlos was out of the picture. Samantha moved and suddenly started kissing him hungrily and Hayden who was already charged up threw her on her back but Sam was faster she turned him around and sat on top of him. She was kissing him hungrily. But her eyes had turned red. What will happen when finally Samantha and Catherine meet Mia? Will Mia be able to find her mother and reconcile with her? How will Carlos deal with his situation? Will he give up everything and leave his beloved family?
Forgotten Passion
Updated at Nov 4, 2020, 08:37
Lara and Blake had parted for seven years but Lara was still officially married to Blake. But now she wanted to get married again and break all ties with him legally. At the Lawyers office Kate, Blake's mother insisted her to come back to Milan and see him again as he had lost his memory in a car crash and was asking for her. For his mother's sake Lara decides to go and visit him in Milan. Her hatred for him had never changed. Neither her attraction... I had taken off my wedding ring and thrown at him while Blake stood there in bitter silence. I had fled to our apartment, believing that Blake saw as his father did now and he regretted our marriage. During the long night I had been having contradictory reactions, swinging between love, hatred and jealousy and need. As the morning light seeped in, I went back to the villa to win my husband back again,whatever that costs. The image of what I had found haunts me till this day. Blake his face flushed in sleep his lids closed as he lay entangled with Jeena and the girl smiling tauntingly as she looked across the room at me. It broke my heart into pieces the pain that scourged inside me was unbearable. It had been a k***e sliding into my heart and I feel it even now whenever I think about it. She was not ready to forgive him for his infidelity but one glance at him and the way he touched her lovingly made her forget the pain he had caused her. Will Lara be able forgive him and take her revenge on Jeena, who had ruined her marriage and reconcile with him? What will happen when Blake finds out about the little secret she had hidden away from him?