
Love Can Happen Anywhere


This is a story of three friends Nysa Jacob, Ellen Nichols and Norah Ramirez who have migrated from different counties and are working in a very renowned hospital in Mexico.

They studied together and had developed love and friendship towards each other that had grown gradually.

Its just that I want so desperately to be a nurse. I always have.”

“Don’t we all?” Leon asked mockingly.

“Yes but you don’t understand, I always grew-up with this idea of myself as a sort of modern-day Florence Nightingale, looking after the sick people.”

“Sitting beside their bed the whole night…………” he mocked again gently.

Ellen lifted her chin fiercely and said. “I am not playing around with my job. Its what I want to do. I would die if I would have to give it up because I wasn’t good enough.”

Leon moved away from where he was standing and came close behind her. And put a comforting arm around her.

“You are good Ellen, don’t worry this phase will pass very soon.” He said looking at her sad face and kissed her cheeks and she blushed shyly.

The door flew open and a tall guy, in white coat with an angry expression on his face demanded forcefully. “Where are all the staff gone? I want to see the head burse immediately.” He looked at both of them and continued.

“If you can spare the time from your other leisure activity, perhaps you would be kind enough to find her and inform her that I would like a word with her. If it won’t be too much of a nuisance.” He added sarcastically.

Ellen felt her temper rise and said. “Not at all sir. I will find the head nurse for you now.” With a swift look in her direction he was gone.

Please read the story to know about the struggles of these nurses in the time of pandemic and their belief in love which conquered people’s heart.

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Her brown eyes widened with horror as she stared at him. " But that isn't true. I love my job." She gulped hard and stared beyond him towards the door. " But sister is furious." "I think , she has every right to be angry don't you nurse?"  She nodded and  tears came pouring down her cheeks . "I suppose I shall have to leave." "Oh, come on now, it's hardly that bad." Doctor Knight whispered, "But it is. You don't understand." Ellen whispered softly. "Obviously not, but I am beginning to realise there is an awful lot I don't understand about you, nurse Nicholas." A nerve pulsed in his jaw, as he frowned disdainfully at the crumpled hanky she was kneading between her fingers. "For heaven's sake, use this and stop crying. Just because I had to deliver a  long lecture that doesn't mean its the end of world." He said and passed on his handkerchief to her. His hands were gripping her shoulders, his mouth was compressed into a tight line. “Are you really so naïve, that it hasn't occurred to you that some men might not read such comments as a joke , you little i***t. You are not safe to be let out alone.” Her teeth practically rattled, as he shook her furiously and to her horror, she burst into fresh tears. She heard him swear softly under his breath and suddenly her head was against his chest. She could hear his heart beating almost as fast as her own and the smell of aftershave was there  and without knowing quite, how it happened she heard him groan and his mouth came down firmly on her own unresisting one. After the initial moment of shock her frozen limbs seemed to melt. If this was meant to be a punishment then it was the most exquisite form of torture ever devised, she thought incoherently. His hands moved to her face, drawing her relentlessly closer, brushing against hair, losing the hair  pins and he went on kissing and inviting responses, which her body gave until she moaned softly. It was utter madness but he seemed to have robbed her off the power to resist. She tasted the salt of her  tears on her lips, as she struggled with emotions so utterly sensuous  that she couldn't could hardly breathe. It was all a dream of course, she told herself but a dream she wanted to go on forever. The spell was shattered as she found herself suddenly thrust away to stand shaking with confusion. Her  hand flew to her mouth where the pressure of his lips still remained and she felt the heat of her burning cheeks.  But as she looked at him, she heard him make an odd sound in his throat and his expression changed. She looked at him closely and found that his shirt was all crumpled and she knew what exactly she had done. Feeling sick with dismay she stared down at the marking pen clutch tightly on her hand and shook her head, making incoherent  sound as she tried to explain.   “Don't.” His voice was icy. He seem to be having difficulty speaking at all. “Don't say a word Ellen.” She  had the distinct feeling that, if she tried he would cheerfully strangle her with those hands which  only seconds ago had made her shiver with delight.   The door fell open suddenly  and the head nurse walked in. She  felt herself shudder, as in one single sweep the cold glance took in the scene. Ellen’s  stricken face and the senior doctor who appeared to be suffering some kind of embarrassing moment. Sisters eyebrows were raised a little and she did not how to react, her mouth opened and then closed again. Ellen who was suddenly all too well aware that her hair was a bit messy and  her face was flushed. Lowered her head with embarrassment. Today she was finished.        “I want to see you in my office in fifteen  minutes, nurse Nicholas.” Her voice did not have any consideration of an appeal. Feared with  terror Ellen flung a desperate glance at doctor Knight but he was already at the door, with sister marching behind him.          

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