Story By Joseph Conrad

Joseph Conrad

Lord Jim
Updated at Apr 26, 2023, 18:53
"Lord Jim", obra maestra escrita en 1899 por el famoso escritor inglés Joseph Conrad, es la historia de una Caída, una Expiación, y una Purificación, una Segunda Oportunidad. Jim es un marino que lleva una mancha en su pasado: ha cometido un acto de cobardía, ha secundado el abandono por la oficialidad de un barco que parecía condenado a hundirse, el Patna, colmado de peregrinos musulmanes. (Conrad se basa en hechos reales: la historia del vapor Jeddah, que tuvo lugar en el verano de 1880). El barco no se hundió, y los culpables de abandono fueron juzgados. Jim, a diferencia de los otros, busca el castigo para paliar su culpa. Pero los hechos dejan su huella sobre él; no los puede olvidar. Jim vive desde entonces una vida errante, tratando de escapar del recuerdo culpable y de la mirada sombría de los hombres.La historia de "Lord Jim" es relatada por Marlow, un personaje que Joseph Conrad trambién utilizó en: "El corazón de tinieblas".
Updated at Apr 23, 2023, 19:21
"Victoria", publicada en 1915, es posiblemente la obra cumbre de Joseph Conrad. Una historia contada en tono mesurado, sin estridencias, permitiendo esa lenta inmersión del lector en el tema, ambiente y personajes. Estamos frente a un narrador minucioso que no escatima tiempo para llevarnos a la reflexión personal. La morosidad de la prosa, genera un contacto íntimo, y hacia allá conduce la narración. Estamos aquí frente a una obra que requiere cierta competencia literaria, para gozar en toda su magnitud su impecable factura novelesca.A la muerte de su padre, Axel Heyst, aristócrata sueco, soñador y solitario, se dedica a vagar por el mundo y acaba como gerente de una explotación minera en Samburan, una remota isla del archipiélago malayo. Aunque el proyecto fracasa, Axel decide permanecer con su criado Wang en la isla. Un día viaja a la vecina Surabaya, en la actual Indonesia, y allí conoce a Lena, que actúa con una «orquesta de señoritas» en un hotel de la isla. Schomberg, el propietario del hotel, un alemán racista y despótico, la acosa para que se convierta en su amante, y Lena huye con Axel a la paradisíaca Samburan. Contrariado y loco de celos, Schomberg ideará un plan para vengarse de ambos, sirviéndose de tres secuaces sin escrúpulos, en los que parecería haberse inspirado Dashiell Hammett para crear el siniestro trío de villanos de "El halcón maltés".Drama psicológico con tintes policíacos, "Victoria" contrapone la conciencia torturada de su protagonista a la crueldad y codicia de sus perseguidores, así como a la ingenuidad seductora de la infortunada Lena.
Sous les yeux de l'Occident
Updated at Apr 17, 2023, 22:45
Écrit par Joseph Conrad en 1911, "Sous les yeux de l'Occident" est un roman de la solitude et du déchirement sur fond de troubles politiques dans la Russie d'après la révolution de 1905.Un étudiant russe trouve un soir chez lui, caché, l'assassin d'un ministre de la répression tsariste survenue des heures plus tôt. Ce dernier lui demande de l'aider à fuir. Notre héros accepte, mais ...
Lord Jim
Updated at Apr 17, 2023, 20:28
"Lord Jim", chef-d’œuvre du célèbre auteur britannique Joseph Conrad, a été publié en 1900. Un jeune officier de marine, le lieutenant Jim, embarque comme second à bord d'un vieux cargo «bon pour la ferraille», le Patna, pour convoyer un groupe de pèlerins vers La Mecque. Dans le brouillard, le Patna heurte une épave. En inspectant la coque, Jim découvre un début de voie d'eau. Pris par la peur, Le capitaine et Jim abandonnent le navire et ses passagers. Mais le Patna ne coule pas... L'attitude de Jim a déclenché un scandale et il est radié à vie. Rongé par le remords, lui qui ne rêvait que de gloire et d'honneur, erre dans les ports, acceptant les travaux les plus humiliants. Une seconde chance lui est cependant offerte par le négociant Stein qui lui confie une mission en Malaisie...
Updated at Apr 14, 2023, 00:55
"Typhon" est un petit livre écrit par Joseph Conrad en 1900. "Typhon", c’est un peu le Graal du roman maritime, mais contrairement à ce que pourrait penser, ce n’est pas un simple livre d’aventures maritimes, ni un livre catastrophe, mais bien plutôt un simple livre qui parle d’hommes sur un bateau. Le mauvais temps est à l’origine de cette ambiance poisseuse et les hommes qui cohabitent sur la nef chahutée par les flots et le vent vont se retrouver pris ensemble dans la tourmente.RÉSUMÉLe vapeur Nan-Shan vogue sur la mer de Chine avec sa cargaison de coolies. Le capitaine MacWhirr, esprit héroïque et borné, son jeune second Jukes, homme de bonne volonté mais encore friable, et l'excellent chef mécanicien Solomn Rout, exercent à son bord les principales fonctions. Ils vont affronter la terrifiante épreuve d'un typhon. Ils survivront, de même que le navire, l'équipage et les coolies ; mais tous auront été transformés par de surhumaines difficultés.
Bajo la mirada de Occidente
Updated at Mar 15, 2023, 02:41
Publicada en 1911, "Bajo la mirada de Occidente" es una excepcional novela cuya elaboración llevó a Joseph Conrad cuatro años. "Bajo la mirada de Occidente" no es una de las obras más reconocidas de Joseph Conrad, aunque no hay duda de que los elementos psicológicos que se dan en ella la convierten en un magnífico ejemplo de la preocupación de su autor por mostrar las complejas tinieblas del ser humano. Una trama de intrigas, traiciones y espionaje sirve como telón de fondo para mostrar la terrible odisea de un personaje que lleva a cuestas la pesada carga de la culpa y el pecado.Sinopsis:Razumov, un joven estudiante moscovita, se ve implicado (a causa de la inoportuna visita de un compañero de facultad) en el asesinato de un importante estadista del gobierno; en un principio trata de defender al verdadero culpable, pero pronto se arrepiente al verse acorralado por las sospechas y confiesa todo a las autoridades competentes. Dada su condición de inocente ante los ojos de la opinión pública, se le exige que actúe como agente doble y se infiltre en las filas de los revolucionarios rusos en el exilio, de manera que viaja a Ginebra para reunirse allí con un grupo de exiliados que preparan algunos golpes contra el gobierno. Sin embargo, también allí encontrará a la hermana del hombre al que delató para poder salvarse.
Lord Jim
Updated at Feb 21, 2023, 18:25
Lord Jim is a novel by Joseph Conrad originally published as a serial in Blackwood's Magazine from October 1899 to November 1900. An early and primary event in the story is the abandonment of a passenger ship in distress by its crew, including a young British seaman named Jim. He is publicly censured for this action and the novel follows his later attempts at coming to terms with himself and his past and seeking redemption and acceptance. In 1998, the Modern Library ranked Lord Jim 85th on its list of the 100 best English-language novels of the 20th century.Joseph Conrad (3 December 1857 – 3 August 1924) was a Polish-British novelist and short story writer. He is regarded as one of the greatest writers in the English language; though he did not speak English fluently until his twenties, he came to be regarded a master prose stylist who brought a non-English sensibility into English literature.He wrote novels and stories, many in nautical settings, that depict crises of human individuality in the midst of what he saw as an indifferent, inscrutable and amoral world.
Updated at Jan 19, 2022, 15:47
Nostromo is a 1904 novel by Polish-born British novelist Joseph Conrad, set in the fictitious South American republic of "Costaguana". It was originally published serially in two volumes of T.P.'s Weekly. In 2015, the book was the basis for the successful drama tv series Colony.In 1998, the Modern Library ranked Nostromo 47th on its list of the 100 best English-language novels of the 20th century. F. Scott Fitzgerald said, "I'd rather have written Nostromo than any other novel."Nostromo is set in the South American country of Costaguana; though a fictional nation, Costaguana's geography as described in the book resembles real-life Colombia. Costaguana has a long history of tyranny, revolution and warfare, but has recently experienced a period of stability under the dictator Ribiera.Charles Gould is a native Costaguanero of English descent who owns an important silver-mining concession near the key port of Sulaco. He is tired of the political instability in Costaguana and its concomitant corruption, and uses his wealth to support Ribiera's government.
The Secret Agent: A Simple Tale
Updated at Jan 19, 2022, 15:21
The Secret Agent: A Simple Tale is a novel by Joseph Conrad published in 1907.The story is set in London in 1886 and deals largely with the life of Mr. Verloc and his job as a spy.The Secret Agent is also notable as it is one of Conrad's later political novels, which move away from his typical tales of seafaring. The novel follows the life of Mr. Verloc, a secret agent, deals broadly with the notions of anarchism, espionage, and terrorism. It portrays anarchist or revolutionary groups before many of the social uprisings of the twentieth century. However, it also deals with exploitation, particularly with regard to Verloc's relationship with his brother-in-law Stevie.Because of its terrorist theme, The Secret Agent was noted as "one of the three works of literature most cited in the American media" around two weeks after September 11, 2001. The Secret Agent was ranked the 46th best novel of the 20th century by Modern Library.
Lord Jim
Updated at Jan 19, 2022, 15:18
Lord Jim is a novel by Joseph Conrad originally published as a serial in Blackwood's Magazine from October 1899 to November 1900.An early and primary event is the abandonment of a ship in distress by its crew including the young British seaman Jim. He is publicly censured for this action and the novel follows his later attempts at coming to terms with his past.Jim (his surname is never disclosed), a young British seaman, becomes first mate on the Patna, a ship full of pilgrims travelling to Mecca for the hajj. When the ship starts rapidly taking on water and disaster seems imminent, Jim joins his captain and other crew members in abandoning the ship and its passengers. A few days later, they are picked up by a British ship.However, the Patna and its passengers are later also saved, and the reprehensible actions of the crew are exposed. In 1998, the Modern Library ranked Lord Jim #85 on its list of the 100 best English-language novels of the 20th century.
Heart of Darkness
Updated at Jan 19, 2022, 14:43
"Heart of Darkness" is a novella by Joseph Conrad. It was originally published as a three-part story in Blackwood’s Magazine in 1899 before being collected into a book in 1902. The novel is primarily narrated by Charlie Marlow, a uniquely wise and talkative seaman, as he recounts his experiences as a steamship captain on expedition through the expanses of the Congo River basin. Enthralled by the opportunity to explore the wilds of this huge, winding river, Marlow signs on with a French trading company that claims several stations along the Congo from which they export ivory. Many of the people he meets along the way, like the ivory trader Kurtz, serve as a reminder of the consequences of human greed and suffering since so many are enticed by the opportunity for wealth, even at the expense of themselves and others.  Over the course of his journey, he also learns that Europeans may not be as civilised and advanced as they would like to think.Ever since its publication in the early 20th century, Joseph Conrad's semi-autobiographical ''Heart of Darkness'' has been both praised and criticised, but it is still recognised as one of the most influential and eye opening works of modern English literature. 
Heart of Darkness
Updated at Dec 31, 2021, 00:40
Aboard the Nellie, anchored in the River Thames near Gravesend, Charles Marlow tells fellow sailors how he became captain of a river steamboat for an ivory trading company. As a child, Marlow was fascinated by "the blank spaces" on maps, particularly Africa. The image of a river on the map particularly fascinated Marlow.
Heart of Darkness
Updated at Jun 3, 2021, 01:18
In this symbolic story we follow Charles Marlow as he recounts his adventure to a group of men aboard a ship anchored in the Thames Estuary from dusk through to late night. The passage of time and the darkening sky during Marlow's narrative parallels the atmosphere of the events he narrates.
Updated at Jun 2, 2021, 01:22
Nostromo is set in the South American country of Costaguana with a long history of tyranny, revolution and warfare. Costaguana has recently experienced a period of stability under the dictator Ribiera. Charles Gould is a native Costaguanero of English descent who owns an important silver-mining concession. He is tired of the political instability in Costaguana and its concomitant corruption, and uses his wealth to bring stability to the country after years of misrule and tyranny by self-serving dictators.
Lord Jim
Updated at Jun 2, 2021, 00:07
Jim, a young British seaman, joins his captain and other crew members in abandoning their sinking ship full of passengers. A few days later, they are picked up, and the passengers are later also saved. The reprehensible actions of the crew are exposed. The other participants evade the judicial court of inquiry, leaving Jim to the court alone.
The Secret Agent A Simple Tale
Updated at Jan 7, 2021, 19:10
The Secret Agent by Joseph Conrad. In the only novel Conrad set in London, The Secret Agent communicates a profoundly ironic view of human affairs. The story is woven around an attack on the Greenwich Observatory in 1894 masterminded by Verloc, a Russian spy working for the police, and ostensibly a member of an anarchist group in Soho. His masters instruct him to discredit the anarchists in a humiliating fashion, and when his evil plan goes horribly awry, Verloc must deal with the repercussions of his actions. While rooted in the Edwardian period, Conrad's tale remains strikingly contemporary, with its depiction of Londoners gripped by fear of the terrorists living in their midst.
The Rover
Updated at Dec 31, 2020, 00:18
The Rover by Joseph Conrad. Peyrol is a Master-Gunner French Republican Navy and a pirate. He longs to escape his violent life and settle down on a farm far away from the ocean and the violence he has known all his life. This struggle for freedom and peace plays out against the backdrop of the French Revolution and Napoleon’s rise to power. Peyrol must fight for redemption and dignity on this his final voyage. The Rover is the last completed novel by Joseph Conrad, written between 1921 and 1922.
The End of the Tether
Updated at Dec 29, 2020, 20:02
The End of the Tether by Joseph Conrad. The End of the Tether by Joseph Conrad is a somber, mature and beautifully crafted novella published in 1902. The End of the Tether is about an old ship's captain who has since retired on his savings but a banking crisis has left him penniless. It is not so much that he doesn't have any money any more (though that still is a bit of a problem), but rather than he wanted to pass some money down to his daughter so that she might not live in want. In fact there is a whole story about his daughter, but then again this particular book is incredibly complex with the various threads weaving through it. The End of the Tether by Joseph Conrad demonstrates again his mastery of prose fiction forms. In this case Conrad has written a novella about a sea captain named Whalley who has had a financial disaster at the end of a distinguished career. Conrad offers a fascinating story resting upon the shoulders of his meticulously developed characters. Ranked by critics and literary experts as one of the most important English writers, Joseph Conrad contributed to the Western canon with such masterpieces as Heart of Darkness and Lord Jim. A master of intricate psychological portraiture, Conrad brings this skill to bear in "The End of the Tether," a story about an elderly man's attempt to come to grips with his own mortality.
Updated at Dec 22, 2020, 02:53
Typhoon by Joseph Conrad. Typhoon is a classic sea story, possibly based upon Conrad's actual experience of seaman's life, and probably on a real incident aboard of the real steamer John P. Best. It describes how Captain MacWhirr sails the Siamese steamer Nan-Shan into a typhoon—a mature tropical cyclone of the northwestern part of the Pacific Ocean. Other characters include the young Jukes - most probably an "alter ego" of Conrad from the time he had sailed under captain John McWhir - and Solomon Rout, the chief engineer. The novel classically evokes the seafaring life at the turn of the century. While Macwhirr, who, according to Conrad, "never walked on this Earth" - is emotionally estranged from his family and crew, and though he refuses to consider an alternate course to skirt the typhoon, his indomitable will in the face of a superior natural force elicits grudging admiration.
Sous les Yeux de l'Occident
Updated at Apr 10, 2020, 08:16
Un étudiant russe trouve un soir chez lui, caché, l'assassin d'un ministre de la répression tsariste survenue des heures plus tôt. Ce dernier lui demande de l'aider à fuir. Notre héros accepte, mais finit par le dénoncer à la police. Il se trouve alors pris dans un engrenage et est engagé pour espionner des révolutionnaires actifs à l'étranger, et notamment en Suisse...
Lord Jim
Updated at Apr 10, 2020, 08:16
Un jeune officier de marine, le lieutenant Jim, embarque comme second à bord d'un vieux cargo «bon pour la ferraille», le Patna, pour convoyer un groupe de pèlerins vers La Mecque. Dans le brouillard, le Patna heurte une épave. En inspectant la coque, Jim découvre un début de voie d'eau. Pris par la peur, Le capitaine et Jim abandonnent le navire et ses passagers. Mais le Patna ne coule pas... L'attitude de Jim a déclenché un scandale et il est radié à vie. Rongé par le remords, lui qui ne rêvait que de gloire et d'honneur, erre dans les ports, acceptant les travaux les plus humiliants. Une seconde chance lui est cependant offerte par le négociant Stein qui lui confie une mission en Malaisie...
Jeunesse - Le Coeur des ténèbres
Updated at Apr 10, 2020, 08:16
Le recueil se compose de deux récits, qui partagent deux traits communs. L"un est une même technique de narration: un narrateur non identifié rapporte les dires d"un autres narrateur, on a un récit dans le récit. L"autre est que le narrateur identifié est le même: un vieux marin, nommé Charles Marlowe, qui est plus ou moins un double de Conrad lui-même. Dans le premier récit, Marlowe, jeune, vient de prendre son premier poste d"officier sur un cargo chargé de quelques centaines de tonnes de charbon à destination de Bangkok. Le navire connaît toutes les mésaventures possibles, voie d"eau, tempête épouvantable qui lui cause de graves avaries, et entraînent un retard de plusieurs mois de son départ. Enfin, après avoir appareillé pour de bon, on découvre au milieu de l"Océan Indien, que la cargaison a pris feu spontanément... Le deuxième récit, qui donne son titre au recueil, voit un Charles Marlowe, vieux commandant pratiquement à la retraite, s"ennuyer. Il accepte de commander un bateau de rivière, chargé de remonter un grand fleuve. Aucun nom n"est donné, mais il ne fait pas de doute qu"il s"agit du Congo, dans ce qui sera le Congo belge. Il est chargé d"aller chercher un personnage étrange, nommé Kurtz, qui commande un poste commercial qui lui sert à razzier de l"ivoire. D"autres européens sont passagers sur le bateau, dont le directeur local de l"entreprise. Tous reconnaissent à Kurtz un charisme hors du commun. Celui-ci, malade, doit être relevé mais refuse de l"accepter...
Le Frère de la Côte
Updated at Apr 10, 2020, 08:16
Ce roman d'aventures est la dernière oeuvre que Joseph Conrad conduisit à son terme. Peyrol, ancien forban, se retire sur le rivage méditerranéen, non loin de la rade de Toulon, dans une période troublée - l'action se déroule sous la Convention et le Consulat - où la paix à laquelle il aspire va lui être ravie par la force des circonstances. Sur la toile de fond mi-terrestre mi-maritime, se meuvent des personnages fortement individualisés, marqués par les événements de l'époque - rivalités politiques nationales, massacres de la Terreur, etc.
Au bout du rouleau
Updated at Apr 10, 2020, 08:16
Un vieux capitaine se raconte. Disparues les occasions qu’il aurait su comment saisir : et disparu aussi le troupeau aux ailes blanches de ces voiliers qui vivaient de la vie incertaine et turbulente des vents, et tiraient de grosses fortunes de l’écume de la mer. Dans un monde qui rognait les profits au strict minimum, dans un monde qui pouvait faire deux fois par jour le compte de son tonnage libre, et où les affrètements disponibles étaient happés par câble trois mois à l’avance, il n’y avait aucune chance de faire fortune pour un homme qui erre au hasard avec un petit trois-mâts : - en vérité à peine de quoi vivre. À l’aube de sa vie un vieux capitaine, dans une nuit sans fin, se raccrochait à tous les espoirs ; et quand l’évidence de son infortune était plus forte que son espérance, il s’efforçait de ne pas croire à la réalité… (Re)découvrez ce grand roman classique, et plongez dans le récit d'un vieux capitaine, dans un monde où il n’y avait aucune chance de faire fortune pour un homme qui erre au hasard avec un petit trois-mâts... EXTRAIT Un pilote voit mieux qu’un autre, parce que sa connaissance des lieux, comme une vision plus pénétrante, précise la forme d’objets rapidement entrevus, perce les voiles de brume que les orages de la mer étendent sur la terre, définit avec assurance les contours d’une côte couverte d’un Iinceul de brouillard, les formes de repères à demi-ensevelis dans une nuit sans étoiles comme dans une tombe à fleur de terre. Il se reconnaît parce qu’il sait déjà. Ce n’est pas à la grande portée de sa vue, mais à son savoir plus étendu que le pilote demande sa certitude, celle de la position du navire d’où peut dépendre le bon renom d’un homme, et la paix de sa conscience, la justification de la confiance qu’on lui a marquée, et sa propre vie aussi, vie qui est trop rarement son entière propriété pour qu’il puisse en disposer, et d’autres vies encore, celles d’humbles êtres dont les affections sont enracinées au loin peut-être, et que le poids du mystère qui les guette rend aussi intéressantes que celles des rois. La science du pilote soulage et rassure le commandant d’un navire; toutefois, dans cette fantaisiste suggestion d’un poisson-pilote escortant une baleine, on ne pouvait attribuer au sérang une connaissance supérieure. Comment l’aurait-il acquise ? Ces deux hommes - le blanc et le brun, - avaient commencé ensemble à faire ces voyages, le même jour : et un Blanc en apprenait naturellement plus en une semaine que ne pouvait le faire en un mois le plus doué des indigènes. Il avait été attaché au commandant comme s’il pouvait lui être utile, comme on dit que le poisson-pilote l’est pour la baleine. Mais de quelle façon - là était la question, - de quelle façon ? Un poisson-pilote… un pilote… un… Mais s’il ne s’agissait pas d’une connaissance supérieure, alors… Sterne avait découvert la chose. Elle répugnait son imagination, choquait ses principes d’honnêteté, sa conception de l’humanité. Cette énormité affectait la notion qu’il avait de ce qui est possible en ce monde; c’était comme si, par exemple, le soleil était devenu bleu, et eût jeté une lumière nouvelle et sinistre sur les hommes et la nature. Au premier moment, Sterne se sentit réellement défaillir, comme s’il avait reçu un coup bas; pendant une seconde son regard distrait crut même que la mer avait pris une couleur nouvelle et étrange; et il éprouva dans tous ses membres une sensation d’instabilité, comme si la terre s’était mise à tourner en sens inverse.
Cuore di tenebra - La linea d'ombra
Updated at Mar 30, 2020, 19:46
IN OFFERTA LANCIO! Cuore di tenebra (1902) è una delle più celebri opere di Joseph Conrad, che risalendo il corso del fiume Congo aveva compiuto un lungo viaggio nell’Africa nera. Tale esperienza, che lo aveva segnato profondamente, ritorna in questo romanzo, dove lo scrittore affronta il problema dell’imperialismo in Africa, denunciando le barbarie e le atrocità di cui l’Uomo Bianco si fa artefice nella sua smania di conquista e nella sua brama di potere. La linea d’ombra (1917), racconta la crescita professionale e morale di un giovane capitano, che con la sua nave affronta numerose peripezie, tra cui una misteriosa epidemia, navigando nei mari dell’Estremo Oriente. L’ombra rappresenta il timore di non farcela e di non essere all’altezza del ruolo che la vita ha assegnato al protagonista.
Updated at Mar 19, 2020, 05:46
Nostromo: A Tale of the Seaboard is a 1904 novel by Joseph Conrad, set in the fictitious South American republic of "Costaguana". It was originally published serially in two volumes of T.P."s Weekly. In 1998, the Modern Library ranked Nostromo 47th on its list of the 100 best English-language novels of the 20th century. It is frequently regarded as amongst the best of Conrad"s long fiction; F. Scott Fitzgerald once said, "I"d rather have written Nostromo than any other novel." Conrad set his novel in the town of Sulaco, an imaginary port in the western region of the imaginary country Costaguana. In his "Author’s Note" to later editions of Nostromo, Joseph Conrad provides a detailed explanation of the inspirational origins of his novel. There he relates how, as a young man of about seventeen, while serving aboard a ship in the Gulf of Mexico, he heard the story of a man who had stolen, single-handedly, "a whole lighter-full of silver". As Conrad goes on to relate, he forgot about the story until some twenty-five years later when he came across a travelogue in a used-book shop in which the author related how he worked for years aboard a schooner whose master claimed to be that very thief who had stolen the silver. Joseph Conrad (born Józef Teodor Konrad Korzeniowski, Polish) 3 December 1857 – 3 August 1924 was a Polish-British writer regarded as one of the greatest novelists to write in the English language. Though he did not speak English fluently until his twenties, he was a master prose stylist who brought a non-English sensibility into English literature. Conrad wrote stories and novels, many with a nautical setting, that depict trials of the human spirit in the midst of what he saw as an impassive, inscrutable universe.
Updated at Mar 19, 2020, 05:46
Widely considered one of the greatest novels of the twentieth century, Joseph Conrad’s Nostromo is an immensely exciting tale of love, revolution, and politics set in the mythical South American country of Costaguana during the 1890s.
Heart of Darkness
Updated at Mar 19, 2020, 05:31
“The horror! The horror!” Heart of Darkness is a complex exploration of the attitudes people hold on what constitutes a barbarian versus a civilized society and the attitudes on colonialism and racism that were part and parcel of European imperialism. In 1998, the Modern Library ranked Heart of Darkness as the sixty-seventh of the hundred best novels in English of the twentieth century.