Chapter Two

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PAIGE ** "You can't be my mate!" He exclaimed first, breaking the moment. It didn't take me a moment to despise him for his tone. I won't let anyone degrade me. Not even my mate. "And you can't be my mate!" I yelled back, standing on my feet. An electric glare went between us and nobody was willing to back down. "Paige!" Alpha Rogers' voice bellowed in the dining room and his eyes scanned over the mess that was created. "How dare you raise a voice at the Alpha King? And what have you done to cause such clutter?" He questioned, anger visible in his eyes. Someone was courteous enough to pass down tissues to the Alpha King Whatever but I was completely ignored. I just wiped my face with my hands, as much as I could swab, here and there. "I wish I had done something but all this disarray is not my fault." I attempted to explain it in a respectful voice but it just came out like a plain objection. The very yummy beetroot juice that was colouring me up and down wasn't doing a lot to help me calm down either. "Paige, be careful when you use that tongue in such a discourteous manner." He berated me and my eyes moved to Annabelle, who was having a full show. "Respectfully, Alpha, I just want to clarify that all this is… an unfortunate accident for which," I glared at the criminal. "...I apologize." I gritted out, swallowing my pride. "Apologize to the Alpha King." He ordered and I only gave Alpha King Whoever a sharp look. "I am not apologizing even if you banish me out of the pack today." I asserted, looking eye-to-eye and not emerging like I was intimidated at any point. "Paige, you are just being too…" Alpha Rogers was going on another spree to chastise me but the Alpha Brat raised his hands, making him lull his talking. "Yes, Alpha King?" Alpha Rogers had to attend to the Alpha King's demand before he could completely reprimand me. "Although I'm not happy with the Moon Goddess's decision, she is my mate." That brat of a mate announced to Alpha Rogers and he just hesitated. Even though I was on the wrong footing with my so-called mate, I had to approve that it was a good way to shut Alpha Rogers up. I would've done the same if not for the complete fact that I hated Alpha King Whatever. But that flustered red face was worth it. "Alpha King, Paige is not worth it." Annabelle was the one who intercepted in between and I offered her a bored look. "I suggest you reject her and choose your own beautiful and smart mate. You are so capable and handsome. Please reject her and choose someone else." Her fake concerned voice was a giveaway in my ears but didn't know if the Alpha King would be able to distinguish it or not "For the first time in my entire life, I'd admit that Annabelle has a little brain," I commented and offered her a big fake smile. "She can come up with a good suggestion," I muttered and looked up to the nightmare of my life, who only glared at me. "I might haven't been clear enough." He pitched and then glanced at Annabelle who was edging closer and closer to her knight-in-shining-armour guy, the Alpha Brat. "She is my mate and I'll decide what to do with her. The number of inputs I want about her is zero." He clarified and for that one moment he appeared a bit attractive but obviously, the moment passed and his eyes met mine. Our fierce eye battle only brushed my memory clean, reminding me of the disdain I was harbouring for him. "No, no, no. I request. Reject me." I told him, taking a step closer to him. "Disperse." He ordered and everyone in the dining room vanished in a second. "You think you are too smart, aren't you?" He questioned and I rolled my eyes at him. "I am, I don't have to think about that " I retorted and flashed him a proud look. "Also, if you have a problem rejecting me, tell me, I'll do it for you. The faster this is done, the faster we'll be free of each other." I told him and his eyes only scanned me. "I, Paige Riley Roman, rej…" My words were cut short when a hand wrapped itself around my waist and another on my mouth, ceasing my words. My eyes widened a bit at the foreign action. No one in the pack dared to touch me that way. "Don't. You. Dare." He gritted at me in a slow warning, pressing on every word. The blue in his eyes was dragging me into the ocean of his eyes where the little dots of orange burned me like fire. The irony was killing me. His proximity hit strong as his enchanting scent engulfed me in an inescapable cave. His touch on my face was again developing those crazy stupid tingles all over me and I couldn't seem to push it or control that surge in my body. "You are not allowed to reject me. Ever." He warned me and I snapped out of my reverie and glared at him. I pulled his hand down. "Are you the only one who can disrespect me and reject me?" I asked him, feeling my anger lashing out at him. We both kept silent and ricocheted at each other, staring and gazing into each other's eyes. "Alpha, we need to wrap this up." A woman's voice boomed in the dining hall, making us break from our bubble. He quickly retrieved his hands back and we both spaced out between us. "For now, I suggest you appear better before making your path to me." He said to me and I wanted to say something but he beat me to it. "Rest everything we'll discuss back in the pack." He said and turned around, leaving me. It took a moment to finally register those words and I glared at his back. "I'm not coming with you!" I yelled but he didn't react to it. I groaned, kicking the ground with my foot. I jerked my head knowing it was going to be difficult dealing with him if I kept losing my temper. I moved to the other side of the dining room's exit, which opened towards the maid's quarters and made my way back. I did need to wipe off this sweet-smelling beetroot juice or I might start attracting bees, just like how I ended up attracting a buzzing bee-like mate. – I freshened up and appeared way better than I had been a few minutes earlier. I wanted to just wear something bland like I usually did but something in me won’t let me. I picked out a nice black bodycon dress that fit my curves. It was a nice V-neck with full sleeves and ended at my mid-thigh. I wanted to make sure that I rejected him while I looked like I was a Queen. Ember - “You could be if you don’t reject him.” A snarky comment was passed by none other than my lovely wolf. She was supposed to be a better half of me but her snarkiness just met on the right path with me. Though she had a bit more sensibility than me. Paige - “Oh, really? Do we need him to be a Queen? We are more than that.” I told her, encouraging her self-esteem. Ember - “I don’t see you being summoned as one or being treated as one for sure.” She taunted me and I shut my eyes wanting to hold back my sharp tongue. The only person I held back my tongue was Ember. She was my biggest strength and fear. I could let go of everyone in the world, as I already have, but not her. She will always have the upper hand because she was that fire that kept me lit. Paige - “Why did you make an appearance now? Didn’t you say you will only make an appearance on my birthday?” I asked her, reminding her how sharp her tongue was when we argued over Annabelle’s one of many stupidities and she thought it was funny, unlike me, who thought it was, as I suggested earlier, stupid. Ember - “We found our mate. It’s a special situation. Also, I had said that I would only talk to you when we leave this pack which you indirectly affiliated to your birthday.” She spat on my face, making me roll my eyes at her. Paige - “Thanks for reminding me of your exact words. Well. any suggestions on how we should reject him? We should get it done soon since we have to go to the human territory to start a new life.” I told her and she kept calm. Her calmness was not that appreciated because I wanted her to make her stance known to me. Paige - “I’m not fond of your silence at this moment, Ember.” I said to her, reminding her to articulate something. I was in a way waiting for her approval because her opinion mattered in my life. Ember - “We won’t be rejecting him, Paige.” Her statement left me stunned.
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