27 - Change

1383 Words

~~Carter's PoV~~ This almost doesn't feel real. I can't quite believe after all the surprise and shock and arguments of the last two days, the feelings of anger and guilt and betrayal, that somehow we've ended up back here, on Quinn's couch, kissing each other once again, but this time without the stupid mask in the way. This time she knows it's me. This time, if she whispers my name, it's going to be my name, and I can't wait. My hands go to her face, cupping it gently between my palms as I run my thumb along the line of her jaw. She tastes sweet, a hint of sugar still lingering on her lips from the dessert we just had, but I think she would taste just as good without it. There's no need for me to wonder. With an insistent push of my tongue, her lips part for me, welcoming me in deep

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