26 - Beautiful

2307 Words

~~Quinn's PoV~~ I must be crazy. It's the only reason I can think of why I agreed to let Carter come back over for dinner. Well, that and the fact that I'm really curious about what he said about the sorceress not wanting him to have a mate. What was that about? Everyone has a mate; it's part of who we are as wolves. You might not like your mate: that's why rejection is possible and why apps like Mate-Match exist. But everyone still has at least one. Then there was what he'd said to me about wanting to include me on his team because this is the woman that killed Ethan. That's when the penny really dropped for me. All this time I've been focusing my anger over Ethan's death on Carter because I didn't know who else was responsible. But now I actually have a name... well, not a name, exact

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