23 - A Woman

1251 Words

~~Carter's PoV~~ As I sit in the back seat of the car on the way to the defense headquarters, I check my phone for at least the hundredth time this morning. I know it's not very likely that Quinn's going to call or text me, but I can't help hoping for it anyway, and I don't want to miss it if she does. There's nothing there though, so I close my eyes and lean my head back against the headrest, trying to focus on the meeting ahead instead. My mom came to my rooms as I was having a drink after the meetings yesterday to see how they went. "Fine," I tell her, not wanting to get into it, but she isn't going to be put off that easily. She just stares at me until I elaborate further. "I think the families appreciated it. Most of them were very gracious." That's not what she wants to know.

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