Chapter : 6. Life together..

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Aiden's point of view:- -------------------- Sitting beside her made my heart feel warm. For a moment I started visualizing what our life would be like together. A sudden gasp made me came back to reality. When I look at her, I saw her checking everything outside with glistening eyes. “Is this your first time out of your house?” I asked her. “No. I've been out before. But it was a long time ago. It's my first time out on the human world though.” She said to me in a sad tone. “When was the last time you were out freely?” “Umm… It was about four years ago. The day I first got attacked, my dad restricted me to go out from since.” “How old were you?” “About 12.” “No wonder you are amazed by such little things.” Her head dropped immediately after hearing me. I shouldn't have said that to her like that. Soon we reached the café. I jumped out of the truck and went on her side. She was trying to get down by herself. I went to her and took her in bridal style before putting her down on the ground. But when I took her in my arms, her body felt like soft cotton to me. Her face was so close to mine that my mind was telling me to forget everything and kiss her. Her soft pink lips are inviting me intensely. My trance broke when she cleared her throat. I realized that she was still in my arms, so I put her down first. “Am I that light, that you guys didn't have any problems to keep taking me up and down the track?” She asked me to avoid the moment. “Or maybe we are too strong to do it…” I answered her. “That might be true…” she smiled and said that. After that, we got inside the café and started waiting for Ethan. We didn't talk further when we were there. But while we were waiting, I noticed everyone was looking at her. And by everyone, I mean especially boys. I don't know why, but I was feeling uneasy about that. Soon Ethan came and sit with us. “So did you guys order yet?” He asked us. “No. We were waiting for you.” I answered. “Come on let's order then. What should we eat today?” “How about a sandwich, eggs, and bacon with hot coffee?” I preferred. “Oh, I don't eat meat. Can I just have the sandwich?” “What? You don't eat meat?” Ethan asked her. I was equally shocked like him. “I don't like the idea of killing animals for being my food. I prefer peace among all.” “Wow, you are something. So, do you eat eggs?” Ethan asked. “Yeah, that I can eat.” “Okay then. A sandwich with eggs and hot coffee for you. Right?” She nodded to him. “Aiden let's go. Help me bring our orders.” I got up from my seat and went with him to take our food. One thing that was going on in my mind that, how come Cassia doesn't like to eat meat when she is born and raised in a werewolf pack. Maybe because she is a human. If she was like us, she would like to eat meats. We were waiting for our food on the stall when I looked back to check on her. My blood started boiling right at that moment to see the view in front. A man was sitting beside her and talking with her. They were even smiling at each other. “Aiden, what are you doing? I was calling you, can't you here?” Ethan said to me. “Look over there…” I pointed him towards Cassia. I can feel his mood change all of a sudden. “We need to go to our seats right now.” Saying this he picked up the food tray and rushed to our seats. I followed him too. “What's going on here?” Ethan asked when he reached there. “Nothing much. We were just talking.” Cassia replied to him. “Okay, I should leave now. Don't forget to call okay…” that guy said to her and check us out before going away from us. A low growl came out of me unintentionally. “What were you two talking about?” I asked her with a little anger in my tone. “It was nothing much. He thought that I was one of his friends. So he introduced himself and gave me his number so that we can contact each other.” She said with a smile on her face and took her food tray from Ethan. 'She's too naive to even realize that he was trying to flirt with her. We need to be more careful from now on.' Ethan said to me on the link and I nodded. We need to keep in mind that, werewolves are much more attractive than any human. In her case, she is a werewolf alpha blood too. And she is much more gorgeous than the girls we have ever seen. So that means, she is irresistible to a human. But she is truly a girl of pure soul. We need to keep her under watch to protect her because she is too innocent to judge anyone. Cassia's point of view:- ---------------------- It was really fun to go shopping with Ethan. After that, I went to a café with Aiden. It is cheerful in here. After Ethan came, the twins went to bring our food while I was watching everything from our seats. “Hey Rachel, how are you?” A guy came in front of me and started calling me Rachel. “Umm… Are you talking to me?” I asked him. “Oh… I'm so sorry. I thought you were my friend. You look a lot like her, you know.” “It's okay,” I said and tried to ignore him. “Can I sit here for a moment? I feel exhausted.” I looked at him carefully. He is a tall and good-looking guy for human. And I wasn't getting any weird vibe from him too. So there was no problem to let him sit for a moment. “Okay. You can sit.” “Thanks. So, you came here alone?” He asked me while sitting beside me. “No. I'm with them.” I pointed him towards Aiden and Ethan. “They're your friends?” “Umm… You could say that.” “Great. You know, you are nice. Would you mind going out to have some coffee with me?” He asked me. “I'm sorry, but I'm not allowed to go out with strangers.” “Why do you think we're strangers? Well, let me introduce myself. I'm Peter Cullen. And you're…” “I'm Cassia.” “See, we are not strangers anymore. So how about now?” “I'm sorry, but I really can't.” “Okay fine. Here take my number. At least you can keep in contact with me. I would like to have a friend such sweet as you.” “I will.” We were talking some more when both alphas came with food. Peter went away when they came. After he was gone, they started interrogating about Peter. I said that we were just talking. Don't know why, but both of them were looking angry at something. After having our breakfast, we went back to our home. The whole day passed by, and I decided to make some tasty dishes for dinner to show my appreciation to them. We bought chicken from the mall today, so I thought of making it. It took me two hours to make a delicious dish for them. After I was done, I called them for dinner and served them. “What do we have today?” Ethan said while sitting on his chair. “I made chicken today,” I said happily. “What? I thought you don't eat meat?” Aiden asked. “I don't eat meat. That doesn't mean I can't cook one. I can make a different kind of dish out of meat.” “Well, I hope we can eat it.” Saying this they started eating. As soon as they ate it, their eyes got closed and a moan came out of their mouth. I got happy to see their reaction. “Oh my god. It's delicious. I have to admit, you can cook.” Ethan said to me. “Thanks. I wanted to give you a good meal to show you two my appreciation. I had a good day after a long time. Thank you both for it.” I said to them. Aiden didn't say anything, but I could feel that he liked the food. We all ate our food quietly and went to bed afterward. It's been two days since I came here and let me tell you, I am so much bored that I want to run away from here. There is nothing to do expect of cooking and cleaning in here. No one is even here to talk to me. Aiden and Ethan are always busy with their work and other times they try to stay away from me as much as possible. I think it's for the better. This way we won't get attached to each other until I return to my home. After having breakfast, they went to work on their garage at the backside of their house. I was standing beside the open window of my room, watching the snow outside. I was bored, so I decided to sing one of my favorite songs by myself… ****** Heart beats fast, Colors and promises, How to be brave, How can I love when I'm afraid to fall But watching you stand alone All of my doubt suddenly goes away somehow One step closer... I have died everyday waiting for you, Darling don't be afraid, I have loved you For a thousand years, I'll love you for a thousand more... Time stands still Beauty in all she is I will be brave I will not let anything take away What's standing in front of me, Every breath Every hour has come to this, One step closer... I have died everyday waiting for you, Darling don't be afraid, I have loved you For a thousand years, I'll love you for a thousand more... And all along I believed, I would find you, Time has brought your heart to me I have loved you for a thousand years I'll love you for a thousand more… One step closer… One step closer... I have died everyday waiting for you, Darling don't be afraid, I have loved you For a thousand years, I'll love you for a thousand more… And all along I believed, I would find you Time has brought your heart to me I have loved you for a thousand years I'll love you for a thousand more... (A thousand years- Christina Perry) ****** I was singing the song from deep within my heart, forgetting everything around me. Suddenly a loud bang on the door scared me to the core. My head snapped towards the door and saw a furious Aiden standing there. “STOP IT. SHUT YOUR f*****g MOUTH RIGHT NOW.” His sudden screams made me so scared that I started shaking. But I couldn't understand why he got angry all of a sudden. Ethan came at that moment and stopped Aiden, who was about to attack me. Tears started running down my cheeks to see his anger towards me. “WHA… What di… did I do… wrong?” I asked them while shuttering. “It's nothing. Your singing made him a little upset.” Ethan said. “I'm sorry. I was getting bored, so I thought to sing something.” I said to them while keeping my head down. “Just do a favor and don't sing again.” Saying this Ethan dragged Aiden out of my room and I broke down crying. Is my singing that bad, that it made them so upset? No wonder why they decided not to take me as their mate. I'm worthless. I spend the rest of the day crying in my room thinking of my unlucky fate. The Next morning, I made myself cheer up by taking a nice warm bath. After breakfast when they were going to do their work, I called them. “Umm… Excuse me. Can I request you something?” “What?” Aiden said angrily. “Umm… I get bored in here. Can I go out with you and watch your work? I promise I won't disturb you.” “Okay, you can come. But you have to stay away from the garage.” Ethan shied and told me after arguing with his brother for a few minutes in their mind link. I could understand when they are talking in the link by seeing their facial expressions. I nodded to them and got out of the house. I was already prepared because I knew they won't refuse this simple request. Not only that, but I was all covered up, but the moment I got out the cold hit me. It was freezing outside.
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