Chapter : 5. First day out..

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Ethan's point of view:- --------------------- Every time Aiden said some mean words to Cassia, my heart felt pricked. My wolf was getting angry and tried taking over to fight with him. Why I have so much pull towards her? Why can't I be more strong like my brother? When she told dad that she is not just an ordinary human and she has a few powers like us, my heart filled with pride for her. But I know that there is no chance that they will accept her. And when dad suggested that she is going to stay with us, I became shocked. How am I supposed to resist the pull when she is going to stay always beside me? From that moment, Aiden's behavior towards her became ruder, and it made me more irritated. And after both of their little episode, I took Aiden inside our room and spoke to him about it. “Stop acting like a d**k with her. Why are you so angry at her?” “How dare is she to raise her voice on me? I am an alpha, and she should know how to respect one.” “Stop blaming her for everything. It's you who acted like an asshole. You deserved that.” I support her behavior. “Why are you taking her side? She doesn't belong here, and I need her out.” “Calm down, okay. Try to understand her side. She is not the one who chose to be here. She is tied to the hands of fate. Give her some break.” While I was trying to make my brother understand, a knock suddenly broke our discussion. This sudden disturbance made Aiden more furious at that moment. I tried to keep it in control as much as possible. But a twist made both of us brothers' hearts melt. When we saw tears in Cassia's eyes, our heart started squeezing in pain. After showing Cassia her room downstairs, I returned to Aiden. “I think we are doing wrong with her. She deserves a mate's love too.” I said to my brother. “We discussed over it. Don't start again. It's for the best of all of us.” “Fine. But don't blame me if my wolf attacks you someday in anger.” Aiden chuckled to hear that. “Come on, let's have a beer.” I accept his proposal and tried to relax. Two hours later, Aiden and I were watching a movie in our living room when Cassia came out of her room. Her room was the one right beside the living room and the fireplace. It is the warmest room in this house. “Umm. What's for dinner? I'm hungry.” She said to us. “I thought you were making dinner tonight…” Aiden said to her. “What? Why should I? I'm not your maid.” “You're a woman. You must cook.” “WHA… Which century are you living in? Do you think women are only meant for doing house works? If you do then I think you need to get out more…” I chuckled to hear her confidence. “So, that means you can't cook,” Aiden said. “No… Of course, I can cook. But that doesn't mean I will cook food for you!” “Well then. We have to go to the packhouse for dinner.” “What? Why?” She got worried in a second. “We always eat at our packhouse. If you're hungry, you can come with us too.” I said to her while getting out of the couch. “Ugh… Fine. I will cook. I can't go out in this cold. Can you at least show me where's the kitchen?” I pointed her towards the kitchen. She huffed and dropped her head before going in there. When she got in, both of us started laughing by seeing her childish acts. “Dinner's ready…” A few minutes later, her call made us both look at the kitchen's way. “What? How did she make food so quickly?” Aiden asked me. “I don't know. But pray to the goddess that she didn't poison it.” We both got up and went inside the kitchen. She was placing some forks beside bowls on the dinner table when we entered. We sat on of the chairs and looked at our bowls to see what she made. “Instant noodles? This is what you made for us?” Aiden was shocked to see his food. “Yeah. Enjoy.” “Do you think we can spend the whole night only by eating this?” “It's not my fault. There was nothing in here to cook except this and some fruits.” Then I remembered that she is right. We don't have groceries in our house because we always eat at the packhouse. “Well, then bro. I think we need to go shopping tomorrow.” I said to my brother. “What about me? Are you going to leave me alone here?” “You're coming with us,” I said to her. “What?” “What?” Both of them got shocked to hear me. “Yeah. We had to go to our shop tomorrow. Why don't we take her along? We need to keep our eyes on her all the time anyways.” I told Aiden. “No. I can't go out. It's not safe for me. Did you forget what I told your dad about me a few hours ago?” Cassia started to panic. “Don't worry. We are going into human territory. There is very little chance of threats from werewolves. And besides, as long as we are beside you, you have nothing to fear.” “Are you sure?” “Yes.” “Okay then.” “Aiden, what do you say?” “Fine. She can come with us.” “It's fixed then. Get ready by tomorrow 8.30.” She nodded to us, and we started eating. She is not saying anything but her face is telling me that she is more than excited to go out tomorrow. This might be her first time visiting a human territory. Cassia's point of view:- ---------------------- After clearing everything with my so-called mates, Ethan showed me my room downstairs. It's right beside the fireplace, so it is much warmer here. This room is much bigger and nicer than the first one I was in. I was happy to be in this room. After a few hours of settling down and unpacking my things, I got starving. When I got out of my room, I saw the two alphas sitting on the living room couch and chilling. When I asked them about food, they told me to cook. After having some arguments, I lost and went to cook. After checking their fridge and all the cupboards, I couldn't find anything except instant noodles. After sitting at the dinner table to eat, we decided that they are going to take me to the human territory for shopping. I became so happy to hear that, but another part of me was worried too. The next morning I woke up early, as I always do. Nobody is wakened up yet. “Hmm… What should I do now?” There is nothing to do for me here. So I decided to clean the house. I like to do house works, that's why it didn't take me long to clean up the whole downstairs. I was fixing the living room when I noticed Aiden and Ethan walking down the stairs. “Woah… What are you doing?” Ethan asked me. “Cleaning. Your house was filthy…” “You cleaned the whole downstairs?” “Yeah. I wanted to clean upstairs too, but I thought it would disturb you two. So…” “Wow. You are perfect wife material.” Ethan said all of a sudden. “Thank you for your compliment.” “Yeah, whatever… Can we go now? We're getting late.” Aiden said in his rude tone. “One second. I'll be right back.” Saying this, I ran inside my room. I grabbed my scarf and jacket and sprayed a little of my perfume just to be safe. I ran back downstairs again and saw them already outside. Ethan was waiting for me while Aiden went to bring the car. Soon he came in front of us in a small truck. “We're going in this?” I asked Ethan. “Yeah. We need to deliver and bring back a few machines from our shop.” Ethan answered. “You own a shop?” “Yes. We need to earn to spend our life, don't we?” “No… I mean, you are the sons of the alpha. Why would you need to work? I'm sure your dad has saved enough for you two…” “Yeah... We don't get along with our dad. And besides, we think that earning our own money is best for us.” I nodded to hear Ethen's answers. “Are you coming or should I go by myself?” Aiden started shouting from inside the car. “Let's go. Hop on.” Ethan told me to get in first. I tried to climb up but was having trouble because the door was high from the ground, and there weren't any steps on in to help me up. Ethan understood that I was having trouble, so he held my waist and pushed me up. I got in easily with his help but got startled by his sudden touch. “You sprayed that horrible thing again?” Aiden asked me. “Sorry. I didn't want to take risks.” He shied and turned his face towards the road. Ethan came in and sat beside me. Now I am sitting between the two hottest alphas I have ever seen, who were supposed to be my mate. In just half an hour we entered the human territory. I was ogling everything being amazed. This is the first time I entered the world of humans. Everything is so beautiful and different kinds of people are roaming around everywhere. A big smile is plastered on my face by seeing everything. I got back on my senses when the car stopped. I looked around and find out that we were standing in front of a big shop. Furthermore, I saw Ethan getting out and motioning me to follow him. Likewise, I came to the edge of the door and about to jump when Ethan holds my waist again and took me down as we do with a baby. I didn't expect it and tripped on my foot when he placed me on the ground. Luckily, Ethan took me into his arms to save me from falling. It felt like I'm in heaven for a moment there. But when I realized what happened, I pushed myself away from him. “Sorry.” “It's okay. Let's go in.” “Wait, isn't Aiden coming?” I looked back for him, but saw him driving away. “No. He would take care of our work while we do the shopping.” “Oh.” I got disappointed that he didn't come with us. Entering the shop, I became mesmerized. I've never seen such a big shop with every kind of thing in it before. “Wow. So this is what they call a mall.” “You've never been into one?” “Umm… I didn't get out much when I was in my home.” “Well, go on then. Take whatever you like. I have some business here. I'll be back once I am done. But don't go too far…” “What? You're leaving me alone? I don't know anything here. What if something happens…” “Don't worry. I'm right in front of the shop. Take whatever you need. I'll come back in a few minutes. And for your comfort, there are no werewolves around here.” I gave him a small smile, and he got away from there. Ethan is a very good guy. I think so… Now it's time for me to shop. Taking a basket, I started my shopping. First, I went inside the food court and I lost my senses. All of my favorites in one place. What could I need more in life? Thinking this, I started grabbing every kind of snack I can see. About 15 minutes later, Ethan came back. By that time, I already filled my basket with everything I saw. “What did you do? What's all this?” He asked me like I was a kid. “They are all my favorites. I didn't know which one to leave…” I answered like one too. He laughed to see me having trouble grabbing a few of the snacks in my hand because it wasn't fitting on my basket. “Okay, you can keep them. But from now on, leave the grocery shopping on us.” Saying this, he grabbed a basket and started taking the things we would be needing to survive in life. After we were done, we went to the counter, and he paid for everything. After taking all the bags, we got out of the mall. Following Ethan, I saw Aiden standing in the parking area for us, and we went to him. “What took you so long?” Aiden asked. “It's a long story. I'll tell you later.” Ethan said, and I felt embarrassed at that moment. “Cassia, you go with Aiden. I will meet you two at the café in a few minutes.” Ethan said to me. “WH… Why? Where are you going?” I asked him. “Don't worry. He won't bite. I'll be back soon.” Ethan said. “Tell that to yourself. I can't give any guarantees.” Aiden said by looking at me. “I'm not scared of you anyway.” I don't know whom I said it to? Him or me? They both laughed at me and Ethan went for his work. “Come on, Princess.” Saying this, he picked me up and put me inside the truck. He got in from the other side too. “Don't call me that.” “What?” He said sarcastically. “Don't call me princess., I said angrily. “As you wish, princess.” I groaned to hear him but didn't say any word after that.
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