Chapter : 4. Hybrid powers..

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Aiden's point of view:- --------------------- Ethan didn't speak to me since we had that argument. I always knew that he carves for his mate, so did I. But unfortunately, she turned out to be a human. Right now, taking over the alpha position is more important than a worthless human mate. When we get that power, we will have the freedom to choose a mate of our choice. Until then, we need to keep it a secret. It's almost evening when we reached our pack. I hope that after handing her over to dad, we will get rid of her. It's almost evening when we reached our pack. I hope that after handing her over to dad, we will get rid of her and never see her again. 'Remember what we decided. Don't let anyone realize.' I said to Ethan for the last time before getting out of the car. Suddenly that horrible scent increased its power from behind us. Both of our heads snapped towards the passenger we brought. “What are you doing? Do you want to kill us? Stop spraying that s**t…” I shouted to her when I noticed that she was spraying her perfume again. She got startled for a minute. “Sorry, I don't have a choice.” It was her only reply to my anger. But her soft-voiced reply made me more furious. I got out of the car and closed the door with a bang. Ethan got out right after me and took a deep breath. He was having trouble to breathe too. I was walking fast so that I can keep my distance from her, Ethan was right beside me. When we were making our way through the packhouse towards our father's office, everyone was looking at us in a shocked expression. Suddenly a few of them started bowing down in front of us. “What's going on? Why are they bowing to us all of a sudden?” I asked Ethan. “They are not bowing for us. They are bowing for her.” “What?” I looked behind and saw her huffing a few steps away from us. Ethan was right, they were bowing for her. But why? Why would a werewolf bow to a human? When she came near us, we realized the reason. There was a strange aura coming from her, that's making everything summit to her. 'Are you feeling it?' Ethan asked me in the link. 'Something weird is happening here. How is she doing that?' 'Maybe dad has the answer…' I nodded to Ethan and started walking again. She started following us right behind. When we reached in front of Dad's office door, Ethan knocked. “Come in.” He called us in. “You're here so soon? Did you bring her?” We didn't say anything and moved out of his guest's way. She came in front of us, looking like a confident lady. “Oh my... You got some powerful scent there.” Dad got up from his seat. “Anyway, my name is Alexander Romero, alpha of the North bloodhound pack.” “Hello, my name is Cassia Ronald Thompson, daughter of Christopher Ronald Thompson.” “Nice to meet you Cassia. Can I ask you some questions before deciding what to do with you?” “Of course.” “So, the first question is exactly what are you? As much I know, a human can never have this much powerful aura…” “I'm a Hybrid. A human hybrid.” “What does that mean?” “Umm… I'm a human with few werewolf abilities. As a daughter of an alpha, I got few powers from him. But mostly I'm just a human.” “What are your powers?” “I can hear or smell like werewolves and I can heal faster. It's not powerful as you guys, but it's much more than a human.” “Really? Good for you. You would need that to stay in this supernaturals world.” I was way beyond shocked to hear their talk. If she has those abilities, then she knew about us being his mate all along. Then why did she keep silent? “Now the real question is why are you here?” Dad asked her again. “We need help from you. I'm in danger and my dad is traveling away to find a solution. Until then, I need shelter under an alpha who could protect me.” “Why just an alpha? Your pack's warriors are powerful enough to keep all of you safe.” “As you already noticed, my scent is different from any other person. It makes werewolves crazy. Unmated werewolves try to attack me and mated werewolves submit. Only an alpha has the power to resist it. That's why my dad chose you to help us. He doesn't trust pack members without their alphas presence.” “That's why my wolf was forcing me to bow down. So that means that you need to stay under an alphas' possession to stay safe.” “Yes.” “Hmm… Aiden, Ethan, I need you two to take her into your house and protect her until her father returns.” Our dad said to us. “What?” I and my brother both got shocked and spoke up. “You can't do this to us. Why us?” Ethan said. “As you guys heard, she needs to stay under an alphas' protection. This packhouse is not safe for her. There are a lot of unmated ones staying here. She would be safe under two alphas guard.” “We are not going to agree with you. She's your problem so handle it by yourself.” “I am doing this for the best of our pack. If you care about our pack and want to be a great alpha, you need to do as I say.” He again started threatening us. I had nothing more to say to him after that, so I got out of that place and head towards our house without waiting for anyone. Cassia's point of view:- ---------------------- After hearing what they were discussing, my heart dropped. Tears continued rolling down my eyes until I fall asleep. When my sleep broke I noticed that I was already in their territory. I got really scared at that moment. 'What am I going to do if someone tries to attack me? How are they going to react? Am I safe here?' All of this question was going on my mind because I felt vulnerable out of my pack. The only thing I could do at this moment is to keep myself hidden. The most important thing to keep me low is hiding my scent. So I took my perfume out of my bag and started spraying it all over me. “What are you doing? Do you want to kill us? Stop spraying that s**t…” Aiden shouted out all of a sudden. His sudden raised voice made me so startled that I was about to drop the bottle out of my hand. When I realized what he was talking about I said sorry to him. I forgot at that moment that both of them are alphas. Alphas have much more powerful abilities than a regular werewolf. My perfume might have caused them a breathing problem. They became angry at me and got out of the car. I was sorry to cause them such trouble. Then I noticed that they were getting inside their packhouse without even waiting for me. So I got out of the car hurriedly and started running behind them. How could they do this to me? Don't they know that they were supposed to stay beside me and protect me? After running for a few minutes I finally saw them stop. I was huffing by that time. Then I realized that they were looking at me with a confused look because most of their pack members were already started bowing down to me. Before I could say anything to them or warn them about future threats they started walking again. But this time they were much slower for me to catch up with them. Soon they presented me in front of their father and pack alpha. After explaining everything to him, he suggested that I should stay with his sons. He thought that they will protect me when the truth is that, I need to stay away from them to keep myself safe first. Hearing alpha Alexander, Aiden got angry and left the place. “Ethan, I hope at least you will respect my decision. Now take her there and make all arrangements for her.” He nodded to his dad and got out of the room. I did the same. “Sorry about Aiden's behavior. He is kind of like that. Come I will take you home.” This is the first time Ethan spoke to me directly, and it was much nicer than his brother. I smiled at him, but he turned his face away instantly. My face dropped to see his reaction. How stupid I am to forget the truth… After 10 minutes car ride we reached a two-storied house which is not that appealing from the outside. It was already night and too cold for me to be out here. So I got out of the car and ran inside the house when I saw that Aiden was already there waiting for us in front of the opened door. I ran straight to the fireplace and started jumping and shifting from one foot to another to make myself warm. “Don't get too comfortable there. You are not allowed to get out of your room until we say you too.” Aiden's words made me look at him in anger. “Come, I will show you to your room,” Ethan said while carrying my bags up the stairs. I followed him upstairs ignoring Aiden's irritated look, but he followed us too. Soon we reached the first floors long corridor. There were many rooms on this floor. “This is our room.” Ethan pointed me to the first door of that floor. “Which you are never allowed to enter. Stay away from this room, no matter what.” Aiden said to me. “I don't intend to,” I said silently. “What did you just say?” He asked me. “I said that, I have no intention to get in there too. Why are you acting so rude to me? It's not my choice to be here and not yours too. But we all are helpless. So can't you just keep peace with me for these few days?” I was furious about his behavior, so I shouted at him. “Which one is my room?” I asked Ethan. “You can take the one at the end of the corridor.” He answered. “Thank you.” Saying this I took my bags from him and walked straight towards the room he said. Entering the room, disappointment consumed me. I shouldn't have shouted at him. They were helping me no matter how much they hate me, and I am the one who seeks their help. I have to keep myself cool until I leave this place. I sat in the bed of the room and looked around me. It is not as luxurious as I expected, but I have to manage. It's freezing and dark in this room. Soon the cold started getting inside my bones, and it became unbearable. I tried to cover myself to be warm but at last, I lose the war with this cold. I pushed myself up from the bed and started walking towards those alphas' room. My whole body is shaking by now. When I came in front of their door, my body started getting warm by itself. An unknown pull started running through me. I controlled myself and knocked on their door. In just about a second the door opened revealing a furious Aiden. “What? I thought I told you to stay away.” “Can I change my room?” I said without any hesitation. “Why?” “That room is too cold. I think you're forgetting that I am a human. I don't have the same body heat as you.” “Be thankful that we are allowing you to stay here. Manage with what you got and keep your mouth shut.” “Aiden, stop it. That's enough. Do you want her to die freezing in cold? Our job is to keep her protected. Even from the cold. So keep your temper down. Cassia, I think it will be warmer downstairs. Come I will show you your room.” Ethan came forward and motioned me to go with him. I felt awful to cause all this trouble to them. “Look, I'm sorry I shouted at you before. I shouldn't have done that. I will try to stay away from your way as much as I can.” Tears started leaking out of my eyes. “Can I request you something? I know both of you are my mates. But I will never try to claim you as mine just like you don't want to claim me. But please don't reject me. A human heart can't bear the rejection of two mates together. I promise I will never come in your way.” I was crying only at the thought of being rejected. “Okay. We won't. Just don't tell anyone about it.” Aiden said to me with the softest voice I have ever heard from him. “Can I ask you one more thing?” “Go on,” Ethan said. “One thing I can't understand, how come both of you are my mates?” “We are twins. We are supposed to share everything. Even a mate.” Ethan answers my question and I nod to him. Now I understand why I have two mates.
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