Unplanned attack

1221 Words
The library with its large heavy oak doors was closed when Amelia got there. When closed, the doors formed the pack crest. There were books lining the walls from floor to ceiling. There were some very, very old museum worthy books encased in special cases. You could only handle these with gloves and mask, as even your breath could ruin the fragile pages. There were 4 large oak tables strategically placed in the room on which they could easily do research. There were comfortable oversize computer chairs on wheels that didn’t make a noise. The carpet was light blue and it was so soft that you instantly wanted to take your shoes off and run your feet over it. It was a nice, airy and comfortable place to work. Also, since only specific people could enter this domain, it was quiet. No one dared come into this place to bother anyone here. This was Alpha Cedric's personal space. Anyone coming in here without permission would face retaliation. This place was that sacred. We three planned and plotted the ball until the wee hours of the morning. It was then that Brenda told me the next day that we had to go shopping, that it was probably our only day to go. “What’s up girly? I know that look,” Brenda asked. “I have to go dress shopping and do hair, makeup and nails. Fuuuuuucccckkkkka.” I scrunched my face as Brenda relayed the message to Brandon. They know I hate shopping. It's my least favorite thing to do. My idea of a good time is workout clothes or sweatpants and t-shirts. I barely own any jeans. “I know what you two are thinking. We can ALL go tomorrow to get things set up and get them mailed out. It's a win-win for everyone, I guess. We can leave at 10 am.” They started to laugh as I started to put things away. I took a shower and crawled into bed. I tossed and turned and couldn’t sleep, so I went to my 3rd story window, shrugged and jumped. Midway, I changed into my wolf. We have done this lots of times. I let her take charge of running. My wolf, Serina, was magnificent. As a human, I was 5 ft 5, but as a wolf I was massive. I was almost as tall as my brother’s wolf Zues. Serina was pure white with a gray front left paw. Serina was almost 6 feet long and just as tall. She went to the woods to the lake at the bottom of a waterfall. No one knew we were coming here. I was ordered to never let others see Serina by my father. He tried to Alpha order , but it didn’t work for me. I'm not sure why. He doesn’t know how many times I’ve transformed into Serina. I know he was trying to keep her weak, but that never stopped us. Serina walked over to the lake and looked around quietly and sniffed for danger as she knelt to drink. She looked into the water and I looked back at her. My human face was on the water. I have never told anyone about this magic, as I discovered we were the only ones who could do this. Serina and I looked at each other as we had a conversation. Serina laid her head down on her front paws. Serina looked around again, and before she began to talk to me, “What’s wrong, lovey dove? I can feel all your emotions in regard to this upcoming ball and your brother and possible mate. They are all over the place. Let me see if I can get this straight. Correct me if I'm wrong. You're mad that you don't know what’s going on in regard to oh everything. You have to hide me and our magic. You’re scared about the fact that you don’t know who our mate is going to be and that we might have to share with Emily. Even worse is that you have to keep a secret and our magic. You are overwhelmed by the fact that this whole ball has been put on you for everything as well…. Your entire family. You are also scared of the fact that IF you find your mate you are going to have to leave Brenda and Brandon and your brother. Your life isn’t your own. It's what everyone else wants it to be, and you are who everyone needs you to be, but what Lovey Dove is it that you want? What is it that your heart desires?” I started to pace in the water. I couldn’t feel the water, but I knew where my reflection was. I could see her and the stars above. It was a clear night with very little clouds and a half moon was visible. I projected myself bigger, and I was walking on the water. It was a cool effect that we recently discovered we could do. “I just want to be loved for who I am. I want to have a say in what goes on around me and with me. I want to be able to explore the world and see everything that I can. I want to know the limits of our magic and connection. That is what I want. I need to feel complete. I didn’t ask to become a Little Luna as everyone calls me. I didn’t get asked if I wanted to stop a war. I didn’t get consulted on if I wanted to stop rouges. If not me, then who? My father and my mother have both given up on their positions and left everything to me. I am both Alpha and Luna. I hate it. I just want to enjoy myself. I'm only 20 and mateless. Goddess above I hope to find my mate at this stupid ass ball.” I flung myself back like I was going to lay down on the water. Before Serina could respond to my outburst, there was a disturbance to the left of us coming from the woods. I retreated into the back of Serina’s mind to let her handle whatever was coming. Two wolves came out, skinny growling, and foaming at the mouth. It was odd because neither had a scent to them. Neither spoke either. They started to circle opposite each other around Serina. Serina waited for one of them to make a move. She looked around her and didn’t move. One of them went low aiming for her feet. Serina gave a low growl and knocked it sideways. He got back up shaking his head trying to clear the fog. Once they regrouped they went for Serina’s throat; she killed one and knocked out another. Serina disguised her howl to alert the patrol. Ever so quickly and lightly, we went back to my room. No one saw us and the cameras never caught us. We went the same way we left and again through the air we shifted as I took control. I quickly put on some pajama pants and a t- shirt, knowing what was coming. I carefully locked my window and crawled into bed. I tried to steady my breathing in case someone came to check on me.
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