Malko's Fury

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JuriEp4 "Juri. Juri. Juri wake up!" Juri was awaken by familiar sound which is not in place.   He awaken Macku and deserted their tent. Juri will bring Macku to the town of Maloria, there will be a station of Veelurian army. Juri will hand over Macku to them, for him to be with his family in Lynu. "Are you sure you don't need my help Juri?" Asked Macku. "Apparently yes. As much as possible i don't want any delay in my mission." Replied Juri while he was with Macku riding on horseback. Based on Macku's description there were distinct differences from the corpse Juri had buried. It goes to show that there's a huge probability that his parents is still alive. Just a minute after they left the place where they spend the night. A group of men pass by and surveyed the place. "Boss. Whoever stayed here departed just a minute ago." Said one of the guy. "Alright let’s go." Replied their boss. Then they go towards Juri's direction. Whoever tried to wake up Juri knows trouble is in the horizon. Macku and Juri have gone to Maloria. Juri is expecting to see the stationed Veelurian army. There it goes on the middle part of the town lies the stationary Veelurian army group lead by admiral Yori. "Juri Vangard. What brought you here?" Admiral Yori noticed the boy on his right side. "I need a favor admiral." Said Juri. "What kind?" Juri show him the boy and said: "This boy needs to be in Lynu, i want someone to assist him safely." Said Juri. "I see, don't worry. A group of my army will head back to Veelus tomorrow to deliver possessions collected, i will have my men assist the boy once they get to Lynu." Said the admiral. "Alright, thanks admiral." Juri says farewell to Macku. "Take care of yourself kid. Here, take this, you might need it for some reason." Juri gave one of his favorite army knife to Macku. "Thanks Juri, you sure you don't want me to come with you?" Asked Macku one last time. "Absolutely." Said Juri. Before he could went away, admiral Yori pass on his way and asked: "I'm quite curious why the best warrior of the Veelurian kingdom would enter Heendus?" Juri looked the admiral on his eyes straight and said: "King summoned me to check upon the army in this kingdom, and make a full report regarding its status. Apparently you're doing good admiral." Juri move ahead of admiral Yori. On his back admiral Yori said something. "Juri, you should know that the war is still fresh to this Heendurian folks. You are hot in the eye of every one of them, if they recognize you here, we don't know how the queen of Heendus and the prince would react." Juri didn't mind what he said, one way or another the admiral will figure it out about the queens death, once the army king sent arrive at the station which is about to come later that day. As much as possible he doesn't want anyone to know his real intentions. Juri was off to the Maloria market enroute to get to the next town. Based on the map, there are approximately seven towns along the way before the Heendurian palace. Along the market Juri saw a familiar figure at far, he recalled the guy who helped him during the fight against Gaston. He rushed towards him while the man continued walking to the next block. Juri followed him up to the next block but Juri lost him. Juri think he must be off to somewhere, but the person he followed is still on that block who hide himself on the wall across to him. He sneaked Juri pass by and gone to the other direction. The sky were cleared that day indicating Juri had nothing more to do in Maloria, and should get going to the next town. The town of Maloria is very busy that day. Juri is almost on the outskirt of town when he senses a strong Ryko and the ground was starting to shake, the quake brought a small breaking motion on the ground. It’s using an Ultra type of Ryko, one among high form of Ryko. Juri heard some wrecking sound in the middle of the town. Earlier that time just after Juri left the Veelurian station comes the entrance for the Takabi tribe lead by their Bodo (Translated to a tribal king) The tribe held a quite number of Takabian warrior (Tribe warrior) Their Bodo used an Ultra Ryko to cause destruction to a certain place or to a specific location. His actions caught the attention of Veelurian army which responded quickly head by admiral Yori. "You have the audacity to show yourself here disrespecting the honor of Veelurian army." Said admiral Yori. "You know why I’m here filthy admiral." Replied the tribe leader. "I have no idea what you’re talking about Malko." Denied the admiral. "You know what I’m talking about admiral, you stole an important possession from our tribe. ’Sindar Crystals' Admiral?" Said the tribe leader Malko. Sindar crystal or the green crystal is use to gain immunity against Magnus magic, but not a spell against this magic, it is limited only to defend yourself, and for a certain time. Eventually it will lost its effect and fade away. Malko accused admiral Yori of stealing the crystals and sells them to a buyer for a higher price. The Takabian tribe preserve the crystals as their source of healing process, conducive for the tribe for they are scarce in medical attentions. The tribe had its last supply of crystals causing the people of Takabia fall to sickness and suffer from numerous deceases. "You can't lie to me admiral, turn it back or else i will cause madness to your army." Said Malko. "You think your small group of tribal warrior could even scare my hundreds of Veelurian army? Old guy." Admiral Yori scolded Malko and the Veelurian army laughed at him. "I don't need an army to suppress yours." Malko infused his Ultra Ryko and released a full power causing destruction in a wide range, it even pushes the Veelurian army to fall backward. A full blast of Ultra Ryko shattered the Veelurian army camp. Admiral Yori commanded his army to attack Malko, but another blast of spiritual power pounded them. "How could this old guy possess such power?" Asked admiral Yori to himself. Then admiral Yori activated his ring and transform to a battle warrior armor. "Puny Bodo, you are insane to think you have shaken us." Said admiral Yori. The admiral used his agility to reappear in front of Malko and strike him with his double blade crescent sword binded with Ryko, causes the old Bodo to be thrown away. In the air admiral Yori saw Malko dropped to the ground wounded, but his nerve started to shake when he was surprised that Malko is actually on his back. Malko created a clone of himself without admiral Yori’s knowledge, he is on his back all along. Malko's Ultra Ryko has the ability to compress a spiritual power to form a power force on top of his spear and can released an extreme combustion that has an enormous heat which cause a burning sensation to anyone who will get hit. This is what happen to admiral Yori when he tried to block Malko's attack on his back. Admiral Yori could somehow take the power, although he got his two arm burned. After a disastrous attack from Malko, admiral Yori got injured seriously. Now Malko will strike a power force combustion again coming from a far distance in the air. Admiral Yori is in a serious problem, now that Malko is about to fire another shot on him. Admiral Yori tucked himself up and get ready to take it and made a defensive stance. "Now you will pay for what you did admiral." Said Malko when he fired up admiral Yori. It is almost in front of admiral Yori when someone blocked it, and lift it to the sky, where it explode. "Juri?" Says admiral Yori who's badly injured. "You are in a serious trouble admiral." Said Juri Adding: "What's with this old guy?" Juri asked. "He's rogue, he just came here and started attacking the army. He's quite strong." Said admiral Yori. "I know, he has an intense Ultra Ryko, i can feel it even in the outskirt of town." Juri added. Malko got impressed to Juri who lift his Ultra powered Ryko. Malko went down and ask Juri. "Who are you?" Juri didn't answered his question, instead he said: "It doesn't matter who i am. All i want is for you to leave this town at peace." Malko felt embarrassed. "Peace? We are at peace back in the mountain, until you stole it from us. Now you want me to give it to you? Take it in my corpse young man." Said Malko while inducting his Ultra Ryko, and Juri also started to unleash his Ryko. Their Ryko is creating a force field on them, sparing to each other. It gets larger field as they released more power, it causes a heavy wind that pushes the object thrown away. On the other part of the area one man on a black hood is watching on them. Meanwhile Malko and Juri showed off their Ryko powers. Juri and Malko attacked each other at the same time, hitting each other’s Ryko causes an explosion of spiritual power. "You should turn yourself into an armor young man, your humanly body will deteriorate once you get hit with this...." Said Malko while he fired up a combusting power force. Juri take it on his bare hands and activated his first ring and turned himself to a battle warrior armor, lifting Malko's power up to the sky, then Juri followed an attack to Malko creating a Ryko blast on him. Juri saw he was hit, but Malko uses a clone to defend himself, reappearing on Juri's back sending another combusting power force on his spear. Juri was hit when he turn around, but he uses Malko's combusting power force to make a counter attack by blasting his Ryko back to Malko. Juri made another attack to Malko, but Malko anticipated it and regain his Ultra Ryko, then used it to make his body bulky and masculine, he absorb his own Ryko to make his body young and strong. Juri receives a powerful punch from Malko, and Juri was able to bear it in his might. When Malko was about to do another punch, Juri got him first, he was able to dodge Malko's second punch and strike a strong fist blast on Malko's abdominal. Malko was intensely hurt, he manage to get up and started coughing and spiting blood. "You're quite strong young man, but you need more experience to beat my Ultra powered Ryko. I am not gonna make it easy on you now. I am tired resisting it for quite some time. Now you will witness a high form of Ryko, like you've never seen before." Says Malko who explode his enormous spiritual power. Juri tried to activate the second ring. The ring Algus gave him, but it’s not working. So he battle using he's Ryko combined with his ring which gave him extra power. Now the two Ryko users made a wide field that almost domed the entire town of Maloria. Ready to attack each other, Juri and Malko collide their spiritual powers and brought wide range explosion, it channeled through different directions. Juri can't sustain his Ryko power same thing with Malko. The excessive used of Ryko had lower down their reflexes, this is what admiral Yori took advance of. When Malko was about to use his combusting power force to Juri again, admiral Yori took this chance to attack Malko at his back, and he succeeded. Without anyone knowing the admiral used the Sindar Crystal to subsidized Malko's Ultra Ryko. Its healing power can minimize the power of Ultra Ryko. It lowered down his spiritual power, these leads a way to have Malko on his knees when admiral Yori attacked him, it cause him to faint. Juri didn't see that coming. He turn himself back to human attributes. He was exhausted with the fight. The Veelurian army arrested all the Takabian tribe and put Malko in a dungeon. Juri searched for Macku to see if he's okay. He found Macku far from the fight, Macku was amazed with Juri, that he was able to lift an Ultra Ryko. After while Juri wished to talk to Malko to ask a few questions, but admiral Yori warned Juri that Malko is a liar and he is no different from every scavengers, in spite of this Juri proceeded. Ten meters below the ground Juri spoke to Malko. "I'm confused old guy, why didn't you commanded your warriors to attack us, and why did you refrain from using your true power?" Asked Juri, then Malko explained about the Sindar crystal. "Your admiral holds a dirty secret, he's fidelity is not on your king young man, it’s on the prince of Heenduria." confess Malko. On his way out of the dungeon Juri can't take away his feeling that Malko might be telling the truth, and there's only one thing to find out.  
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