Princess Meca's revenge

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JuriEp5 Ep5 In the current time Algus went to Cero (Battlegods kingdom) to see his father and to deliver a report about Juri's quest. In the kingdom of the Battlegods, there are seven Prime Battlegods lead by Vinu. When Algus arrived, he witness his father in a middle of huddle with the rest of the Prime Battlegods. "Pardon me to interrupt you father. I am here to relay that i have fulfill my task." Says Algus. "Very well Algus. Now i want you to go to the Hall of the Battlegods. I want you to guard it."   The Hall of the kingdom is the place where the gods rested their treasures and power resource that includes powerful weapons, invincible Magic, and other significant knowledge. "Why do i have to guard it father? It has been safe for thousands of centuries now." Asked Algus. "Because Drifus stole an important treasure." Answered Dagon, the Battlegod of storm and lightning. One of the seven Prime gods. Algus can't imagine how it was done. "What is it father?" Vinu walk near to Algus. "He stole Mina stone. The stone to awaken an enormous power of a Magnus magic user. And since the stone cultivates revenge and destruction. It stimulated Drifus as the god of revenge and destruction to become more powerful." Says Vinu.   Algus become wearier about what happen. "But father how could it be possible? The hall is guarded by our strongest prime Battlegods. I don't think Drifus alone could apprehend them." Dagon understand his notion. "You are right. He was not alone. He asked a favor to the Raven Battlegods. They gave him a Magnus magic spell to freeze the time. With it, he was able to get the Mina stone at the hall without having a fight." Explained Dagon. "If its Magnus magic shouldn't we be able to sense it while he's stealing the Mina stone?"... "We can't. Together with the Magnus magic spell the Raven gods gave to Drifus, it is also binded with another spell to hide it from us." His father replied. "I understand now. This is not just Juri's fight this ours too." "Right. I just hope that Juri could change their faith. It would help us protect the stone from Drifus hands." Said Vinu. "I should get going father. For now let’s leave it to Juri."   Algus went off to the hall of the Battlegods. Back to the flat lands. Prior to Juri's quest to Heendus. Princess Meca overheard the council about his plan. So she keep it secret to the kingdom that she is going to Heendus too.   Too much for what happen for the queen. The princess cast aside her emotion, then replaced it with anger and revenge, suppressed her true feeling. Cast with fierce and furious, princess Meca escape the night after Juri left the palace, with her bow and arrow, and other stuff resourceful to her travel. No one notice her left. Back to the town of Maloria. After they defeated Malko and brought him to a dungeon. Juri decided to stay in Maloria for a certain time. He wanted to know the truth about what Malko told him. If it’s true that admiral Yori plays a dirty game and having a secret deal with the prince of Heendus, Junno. He might be able to know where exactly Junno is. That is going to make his mission a lot faster.   Earlier that day, Juri went to sneak the army camp where the loads and important possessions are stocked. He unveiled every canvass he saw. Opened every chest hidden, But he can't see anything like a green crystals. Few moments, one of the guard found him and asked: "What is it you're searching Ranma?" (Ranma—highest prejudice for a Veelurian warrior—Almost leveled to a general) Juri slowly went out the camp and Said: "Nothing i just wanted to know where the food packs are, i figured it’s not here." Denied Juri. "Apology Ranma, but the foods are in the tent next to the Artillery." Said the Veelurian guard. "Pardon me. If i may ask, where is admiral Yori?" "He's not here. He was going to meet Princess Dinna of Heendus in the entrance of this town. She is here to give medicinal supplies to the local indigenous people." The moment Juri heard him say it. He asked if the prince will be there too. "Yes he supposed to be here too." Juri felt jolt in his pulse. "I see. This will be the busiest day. And by the way, is the army sent by the kingdom arrived already?" "Apology Ranma but there is no army deployed since yesterday." Said the guard. "Alright. Thank you. I have to go." The guard nodded.   Juri made a good decision by staying for a while. He did not expect that its Junno himself will come to him. This is going to be his great chance giving justice to his queen and to another one. Juri prepared himself for a fight.   Princess Dinna the kingdom’s sweetheart, Junno’s younger sister make it sure that no one will be left out of supplies. She brought sufficient supplies for them. One of her servant came from Takabian tribe. She asked the princess for medicinal support as the tribe suffers from various illness. The princess granted her request. Princess who's raised by her mother away from the palace and close to the unprivileged. Along with her great heart for the misfortune bears a lovely physical attributes. She had her fascinating look and clear skin from her mother. It’s not surprising how admiral Yori and the rest of men gone crazy to her.   Almost entire people of Maloria gathered to see the princess. Everyone wanted to see her close enough. The army make way for the princess entourage. The royalty rides in a covered traditional huge chariot. They ended up a wide platform with a stage, the crowd piled up waiting for the royal family to come out. Admiral Yori introduce them. "The royal family is here to give medicinal aid to the locals. Now here's Princess Dinna to take the rest." The princess reveal herself, and went up the stage. "It is indeed an honor for me to personally distribute this medicinal supplies for you. Now my brother is supposed to be here, but on our way going here, he went back to the palace to secure something. But rest assured no one will be left out." Said the princess who then joined in distribution of the supplies.   The disappointment of the crowd did not exclude Juri. If taken the chance he won't let it slip on his hand. The prince of Heendus is quite elusive. Juri left the crowd and went back to the camp. He noticed two of Veelurian army lifted a chest box. He followed them. Suspiciously the chest box were brought down to the dungeon. What the town didn't know is that the dungeon is also a tunnel way out of the town. Below the ground, before you reached the dungeon hid a secret passage. There, admiral Yori is waiting for the chest box. Admiral Yori commanded his men to open the box. When they started opening it, green light shone the tunnel. He's right admiral Yori is dirty. As he asked to open it he commanded to keep it secure then he ordered his men to open a hidden door. "Poor old guy. Now that he's locked up, i will squeezed all the remaining green stone to its last piece." Says admiral Yori. To his surprise Juri almost confronted the admiral. But he has to do something first. He has to set free the old man, Malko. "Why did you comeback young man?" Asked Malko. "Your tribe is in danger. You need to hurry." Says Juri as he smashed the locked of his dungeon. When Malko got loose. He set free his warriors too then he asked Juri. "The admiral will wrath when he found out what you did young man." Added the Takabian Bodo. "He won't." Said Juri. "What? Why not?" Juri did not reply to him, and went off to follow the admiral.   The admiral went ahead of them. At the end part of the tunnel, there were a group of hunters outside perhaps waiting for the stone. One man approach the admiral. "What took you so long admiral?" Admiral Yori surveyed the men around him. "Apology my prince. We had to make sure the princess is safe." Replied admiral Yori. Another man came forward and asked: "Where is the crystals admiral?" "Hold up your horse... Kelan. And what was the finest assassin doing here, my prince?" Asked admiral Yori. "Kelan is here to make sure deal is clean and fair." Says Junno. "Speaking of fairness my prince. Where is my price?" Kelan felt insulted. "What made you think we’re going to fool you admiral. If we had a choice to steal it from you instead." Says Kelan while starting to heat up his spiritual power. "If i were you, I’m not going to do that. For you might fetch the attention of a hunger dragon." Said admiral Yori. "Who?" The prince asked. "Juri Vangard. He's here for you my prince. And if ever he finds out you are here. He will do everything to catch you." "Everyone stand down. Hide your Ryko." Signaled prince Junno. "What are you so afraid of my prince?" Asked Kelan. "Juri Vangard is the Ranma of the kingdom Veelus. He had several war entered as early as teenage. Now I don’t want any delay because of him."... Junno stated. "And he is one of the warrior to cause death of your father my prince." Added admiral Yori. The hype is on the flare. "I can handle him my prince." Kelan suggests. "Sure you will, but for how long? Look. They point fingers on you my prince to what happen to the queen Shareena. It is not just Juri who's coming for you. I am certainly sure that there are other Veelurian out there who wants your head." "Enough with it admiral." Says Junno, and just right after he uttered those word an arrow pointed towards him in fast paced. The prince manage to halt the attack by holdig the arrow on his bare hands. "The admiral is right. It is not just Juri who wants your head. Prince." Said the man on a black hood whose voice is soft more likely to be a woman underneath the mask. "Show yourself." Says Junno. She took off her hood and mask revealing her to be. "Princess Meca?" Said admiral Yori. "Now you will pay for what you have done to my mother."   The princess released another set of arrows, but kelan stop them using his Ryko. By the time Kelan used his Ryko. Juri found in his mind where they are at the same time he senses someone familiar. Back on the end part of the tunnel.   Princess Meca did not mind she is coming solo. Out of revenge and anger she manage to make an offensive move to kelan by a back flip in front of him and turned to Junno to stab him with her poisonous knife. She had almost the chance to kill Junno, when admiral Yori block her, steal the knife and stab it to the princess. The princess did not expect admiral Yori to defend him from her. The poison of the knife started to faint princess Meca. Admiral Yori pull off the knife and attempt another stab to finish her, however. A shakening Ryko pulse blasted the admiral right on his face. The admiral has been thrown away helpless. Juri strike the attack coming out the tunnel and he's not aware of who was the familiar person he sensed until he'd seen princess Meca at far. The moment Juri saw princess Meca fainted by the stab, he remember the apocalypse where the princess died saving him. Without his knowledge, Juri was able to vanish from his place to exactly where the princess lies. The hunters were surprised that a Veelurian can do that ability, especially Junno. Juri grabbed princess Meca before she lay down. She was running out of breath. The poison is starting to take effect. "Meca. What are you doing here? You should be in the palace." The princess is stammering while she talk. Juri knew it was the princess who's behind him throughout his travel. The one who helped him from Gaston. "No. No. Don’t do this to me again my princess." The Princess blacked out. Juri felt it’s his fault.   Feeling the guilt to himself for what happen to the princess. Juri gradually overflowing his Ryko. Showing a red mist flowing from his body. It’s getting bigger and bigger. As Juri is losing his own mind. His Ryko reaches almost every four kingdom. His body changes as the red mist overflows his body. Even his second ring, the ring Algus gave him, commenced to light. Hinting he is reaching a higher level of Ryko. Kelan and admiral Yori simultaneously attacked Juri, but as he gripped his fist, his Ryko explode. They can't even get to near Juri. Juri gaved an eye to admiral Yori. "You. You will pay." Juri's eyes looks furious. He is out of his own mind. Kelan's striking an attack. He also unleashed his Ryko trying to contend with Juri's. Kelan cannot surpass Juri's Ryko even were to combine with admiral Yori. Until Kelan showed off his true power, his Raven power. Kelan is a Merdi, means he is a son of a Battlegod. He is a son of a Raven god. He is cursed to live along the four kingdom "He is strong." Said admiral Yori to Junno. "It’s because Kelan is a god." Kelan transformed himself to a Raven Battlegod. The two clashes their powers. As Kelan strike and offensive move, Juri took his turn effortlessly. They almost had equal performance, but to make sure it’s going to favor Junno’s side, admiral Yori helped Kelan. To keep Juri the undercard. But still Juri can vie both of their powers. "You are not going to win us three Juri. So you better surrender yourself." Admiral Yori boasted the power of three. Then someone interrupted. "You are right. So I am betting for a power of two. And this time i am allowing my warriors to fight too. Each of them possess and extreme Ryko and even exceeded mine. So I’m not sure if you'll make it alive away from here." Malko just entered into the battle. This two high form Ryko users combined their powers. "We have to retreat admiral. Order your army to secure the crystals. Kelan… I know you want to fight, but not this very time. Let’s go." Says Junno while Malko and Juri is preparing for monstrous attack. Junno added. "Juri Vangard. We will cross our path again." Then he used his vanishing power to escape together with his allies and admiral Yori. Malko and Juri almost got them, before Junno's vanishing power could completely translocate them to another whereabouts. They caught one of their ally.   Juri went back to princess Meca. Then Malko walk near to the princess and said: "The Sindar crystals could cure her. Come with me." Proposed Malko. "Where?"....... Malko replied. "Home..."    
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