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As I neared the abandoned warehouse, the anxiety was apparent, and my heart was hammering. Michael and I had carefully planned this stakeout, but something about the night felt odd. The industrial sector was strangely quiet, with deep and gloomy shadows pooling like ink in the faint light of a flickering streetlamp. The air was thick with the bitter stench of rust and oil, in stark contrast to the cool night breeze that sent shivers down my spine. "We're in position," Michael said through the earpiece. "You good, Nat?" I took a big breath and scanned the area. "Yeah, I'm good. Let's just hope this lead pans out." As the minutes passed, my nerves frayed. My pulse quickened with each creak and rustling. I could see Michael's figure a few yards away, hiding behind a stack of crates. The warehouse loomed before us, its windows dark and menacing. Suddenly, a convoy of black vehicles approached the warehouse. My heart skipped a beat as I recognized Moretti's men. I put my back against the wall and looked out from behind my cover. "They're here," I muttered into the microphone. "Four vehicles, eight men in total." "Copy that," Michael responded. "Bane's crew is in position. Let's move." I nodded, even though he couldn't see me, and moved cautiously closer to the warehouse. I pulled my gun, and its weight felt comfortable in my grasp. I stayed to the shadows, moving slowly and deliberately. As we approached the entrance, I heard voices inside. My pulse quickened. We needed to be careful. One false move and the entire procedure could fail. "Bane, move in," Michael instructed. A few moments later, another unmarked vehicle appeared from the darkness and parked in front of the warehouse. A bunch of armed guys disembarked, and their leader opened the backseat. I bolstered my grip on my gun, prepared for anything. Just as I was about to signal to Michael, a gunshot broke the silence. I ducked immediately, my heart thumping. "s**t!" Michael yelled. "Bane's team is under fire. Move in, Nat!" I did not hesitate. I dashed towards the warehouse, narrowly avoiding gunshots that flew past me. The sounds of shooting and shouting filled the air. My adrenaline rose, and my mind was totally focused on the objective. Inside the warehouse, chaos reigned. Moretti's men were everywhere, engaged in a heated gun battle with Bane's force. I spotted a burly man with a scar running down his face barking orders. He was clearly in charge. "Get the goods!" he exclaimed, his voice breaking through the din. I slipped behind a stack of crates, my breathing ragged. "Michael, we need to secure the crates. They're getting away." "Roger," he said. "Cover me, I'm going in." I glanced from behind my cover, my gaze fixed on the cartons being loaded into the vans. I took aim and fired at one of the males. He fell with a cry, but there were too many of them. "Dammit," I mumbled, reloading my gun. I couldn't let them escape. "Nat, watch out!" Michael's voice came through my earpiece. I moved just in time to see a man charging at me with his firearm raised. I fired instinctively, striking him in the shoulder. He dropped his weapon and fell to the ground with a groan. "Thanks," I breathed. "No problem," Michael responded. "Let's finish this." I nodded and pushed forward. The sound of gunshots were overwhelming, but I tuned it out, my focus laser-like. I approached the crates with my gun trained on the remaining men. They fell one by one, leaving only the burly man. He gazed at me, his eyes full of hate. "You're making a big mistake, detective." I raised my gun, keeping my hand steady. "Drop your weapon." He smirked, tightening his hold on his. "You'll regret this." Before I could react, he moved and I fired. The gunshot struck him squarely in the chest. He slumped to the ground, and I took a big breath, my body shaking from adrenaline. "Nat, you okay?" Michael inquired, racing to my side. I nodded, looking around the room. "Yeah, I am fine. Let's secure the crates and get out of here." But then, as we were about to leave, we were ambushed from all sides. The light switch turned on, and guns were marked on us. My heart sunk as the bright light flooded the room, revealing Moretti's men with rifles pointed directly at our heads. Panic flooded through me, but I battled to maintain a serene expression and a steady hold on my firearm. "Drop your weapons!" one of the soldiers said, his voice echoing throughout the huge chamber. Michael and I exchanged short glances. We reluctantly lowered our guns, letting them clatter to the floor. "This was a trap," Michael said under his breath. Before I could react, I heard heavy footsteps echoing from behind. I turned slightly to see Killian appeared . I was relieved a bit. "What's going on here?" Killian's voice was quiet, with an edge that has everyone's attention. The man who had ordered us to drop our weapons paused, his gaze narrowed. "Who the hell are you?" "Someone who doesn't appreciate you messing with my friends," Killian said calmly. "Now, I suggest you let them go before things get ugly." The man's gaze shifted to me, then back to Killian. "You're bluffing." Killian's lips curled into a dangerous smile. "Try!" And on command, these men were sniped one by one, headshots straight to the head. Killian didn't hesitate with this distraction. He lunged at the nearest man, disarming him with a quick, practiced movement. Michael and I took advantage of the distraction by diving for our firearms, causing chaos to break out. The warehouse erupted into a flurry of movement. I shot at the men closest to me. But another fired at me but suddenly a hand clamped over my mouth, and I instinctively tried to scream, but the sound was muffled. I twisted around, ready to fight, but then I saw who it was. "Killian!" I whispered fiercely, and with wide eyes. "Shh," he warned. "We don’t have much time." He immediately guided me behind a stack of crates, staying low to avoid being noticed. "We need to get out of here," he said, quickly. "Moretti's men have this place surrounded." I nodded, my heart still pounding from the shock. "What's the plan?" Killian peeked around the corner to survey the scene. "We create a diversion. I'll grab their attention while you and Michael get to the exit." Killian had already moved before I could object. He raced from behind the crates, firing his gun to attract attention. Shouts erupted as Moretti's men turned their attention to him. "Michael, now!" I called out, signaling to him. We rushed together for the exit, crouching low and taking advantage of the confusion. As we approached the door, we could hear gunfire echoing throughout the warehouse. My heart struck in my chest, and excitement propelled my motions. We made it to the exit and rushed through it, the cool night air blasting my face. "Keep moving!" Michael urged, tugging me along. We dashed towards the outskirts of the industrial zone, the sounds of the fight gradually receding behind us. When we finally came to a halt to gather breaths, I turned to Michael, a worried expression on my face. "Killian is still in there. We can't simply leave him." Michael nodded, his face gloomy. "We'll circle back and figure out how to help him. But now, let's secure those crates and get out of here." We loaded our vehicle and drove off.
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