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My mind spun as we hurried away from the warehouse. I couldn't get rid of the thought of Killian fighting off Moretti's men, affording us time to flee. The guilt gnawed at me; I wanted to go back and make sure he was safe. But Michael was right; we needed to secure the crates and regroup. Only then could we find out how to assist Killian. The drive felt longer than it was, with each minute stretching out as the exhilaration faded, leaving only tiredness and a throbbing headache. Michael drove carefully through the downtown streets, continually checking the rearview mirror to make sure we weren't being followed. "We'll be at the safe house in a few minutes," he added. "Once we secure the crates, we can plan our next move." I nodded and gripped the armrest tightly. The cartons in the rear of the vehicle contained important evidence that might bring down Moretti's organization, but my thoughts kept returning to Killian. I had to trust him to manage himself, but it didn't make things any easier. Finally, we pulled into the garage of the safe house, a simple structure in a quiet area. The reinforced door closed behind us with a hard clang, and I felt a little sense of comfort that we were temporarily safe. Michael and I swiftly emptied the crates and placed them in a closed area. The safe home had everything we needed, including computers, communication equipment, and firearms. It was a refuge, yet I couldn't relax. "We need to go back for Killian," I stated as the final package was secured. "He's out there alone, and he saved our lives." Michael sighed and faced me. "I understand, Nat. However, we cannot simply rush in without a plan. Moretti's men are everywhere. We have to be clever about this." I paced the room, frustrated inside. "We cannot just leave him there. What if he was hurt? What if—?" I started to worry again. A beep from Michael's laptop interrupted me. He rushed over, his gaze scouring the screen. "It's Killian," he whispered, relief spreading across his face. "He's sending us a message." I rushed over to check the screen. The message was brief but clear: I'm okay. Get the evidence safeguarded. Moretti is unaware that you have it. I will find a way out. I will contact you soon. -K "He's alive," I exhaled, feeling a weight lift from my shoulders. "But we need to get him out of there." Michael nodded. "We will. But first, let's go over what we have in these crates. If Moretti's men come looking, we must be prepared to move." I agreed, but my thoughts were still on Killian. We began unpacking the cartons and meticulously categorizing their contents. There were stacks of paperwork, flash drives, and several bags containing what appeared to be drugs. This was enough proof to put Moretti away for good. But as we looked through the contents, I had a horrible feeling in my stomach. The paperwork were fragmentary, the flash drives were encrypted with advanced protection, and the narcotics, while incriminating, were insufficient to bring down Moretti's entire enterprise. He had been clever enough to hide his tracks. The informant had deceived us, providing us with just enough information to lure us into a trap but not enough to really incriminate Moretti. Dawn had begun to approach as quickly as we had arrived. We had everything organized and documented, but it was evident that we didn't have the smoking gun we were looking for. "Okay," Michael responded, reclining back in his chair. "What do we do?" I chewed my lip while thinking hard. Just then, my phone buzzed. The message came from an unknown number: Meet at the dock. Come alone. My heart skips a beat. It had to be Killian. I showed Michael the message, and he grimaced. "It could be a trap," he said. "Or it could be our only chance to get him out," I offered. "I am going. You remain here and keep an eye on the evidence." Michael hesitated and then nodded. "Alright, take care, Nat." I armed myself and headed to the docks. It was deserted, and the air had a slight odor of salt and decay. Shadows loomed around, and I could feel the old strain in my limbs as I reached the meeting site. Up on the horizon, at first I thought it was a large wolf looming closer, but then a figure emerged from the darkness, and I recognized Killian immediately. As I dashed towards him, I felt a rush of relief and emotion. "Killian," I said softly, embracing him. "You're okay." He held me for a moment before pulling away, his expression stern. "We do not have much time. Moretti's men are still searching for you. Have you secured the evidence?" "Yes, it's all safe," I said. "However, it is not enough to bring Moretti down. "The informant betrayed us." Killian nodded as his jaw tightened. "I figured as much. We need to reorganize and devise a fresh plan. But first, we must get out of here." He nodded and looked around. "I have a boat hidden nearby. It will take us out of the city. But we need to move right now." "But what about, Michael?" I asked. "He knows the plan, he should join us soon after," Killian assured. We made our way to the boat, moving fast and discreetly. Once on board, Killian started the engine, and we drove away from the pier, leaving the city lights behind us. As we traversed the dark waters, I felt we were safe for now. But the fight was not done. We had the evidence; now we needed to ensure that it got into the appropriate hands. "Thank you," I replied, breaking the stillness. "For everything." Killian glanced at me, a faint smile on his lips. "We're in it together, Nat. We will bring Moretti down. And then, perhaps, we can finally find peace." He only replied.
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