Chapter Eight:

2782 Words
Mitch’s POV: I pace up and down in the flower store, looking at the way the colours melt into each other and the petals bloom in different shapes. I can feel a headache building up in my mind. Why do I have to get the damn flowers again? “Because, Viola would love it. Ladies love flowers.” Blade, my wolf, yips in my head and I laugh out loud. He had always been the more romantic of the two of us. I am a man of science, facts and calculation and I don’t understand why ladies need gestures for small things, like invitations. I decide to pick up the white lilies and choose a couple, making them into a bouquet. I hope she will like these, they are pretty, I guess. I look down at the way the lopsided, white petals invite the yellow bulb in. “A good choice for loss, sir. They say the white lily is the most significant for purity of the soul and remembrance. My condolenses.” A teenage she-wolf comes up to me, looking down at the flowers I chose. I look down at the flowers and frown. For loss? “These flowers, over here, have so much meaning?” I ask, feeling confused. Why do they have to complicate flowers? "Yes, sir. Those are a common choice for the death rituals." The teenager remarks, making my eyes go wide. "I am not buying flowers for death purposes!" I gasp out. I put the lilies down, back into their buckets of water, making sure I don’t hurt the stems. Damn, I don’t know what flower will be appropriate. I point towards some bluey, purple flowers that are big and seem pretty. I can see the girl following my gesture. “Ah, the Hyacinth. Another beautiful flower, that represents playfulness, sporty attitudes and rashness of attitude.” The girl says, chuckling at my shocked expression. “Does every flower in this shop, have a meaning?” I ask, genuinely interested, because what was a simple job, all of a sudden became really difficult. The she-wolf nods at me and I can see amusement swimming in her eyes. “Need help, sir?” The girl asks. She can probably see that I am way out of my depth here. Goddess, help me! “Yes please.” I say, giving her an embarrassed smile. My eyes are pleading and desperate. With over a hundren different flowers in the shop, how am I to know which one will be best for Viola? The girl gives me a small run down of the different flowers and I settle on some mixed bouquets of roses, tulips and a few hints of violets. It looks pretty and I can’t wait to give it to my beautiful girl. I am in a really happy mood today and so is the whole of Mainland. Invites have gone out and the Winter Ball is happening in three days. I can hear the chatter on the street of everyone planning their outfits and picking out their masks. Yes, it is a masquerade ball, which apparently adds to the charm of the evening. Apparently it is tradition, that a male wolf represent a flower to a she-wolf, officially inviting them to the ball, hence my frenzy in the flower shop. I was just going to pick a flower in the garden for Violet, but Melody caught me and asked what I was doing. When I told her, she looked horrified, explaining that it is more than just merely giving a girl a flower and that the men of Mainland have become accustomed to grand gestures of invitation, as it is a symbol of devotion prior to the Winter Ball. I was really embarrassed by her confession, because I am not really one for grand gestures. Don’t get me wrong, I will always treat my lady with devotion, love, care and respect, but I battle a bit on the romantic side of things. The only she-wolf that got to see my romantic side was Lila. A loud hooting gets me out of my thoughts and I notice a male, middle-aged wolf, standing on top of the red-tiled roof in front of me. A single, red rose in hand. Apparently red roses are supposed to represent love and passion. “PATRICIA!” The man shouts, making everyone on the streets look at him. He looks like he is battling to keep his feet steady. I hope he doesn’t fall, it would surely not be good for his body at that age. Besides, what on earth is he doing up on the roof? “THOMAS, GET DOWN FROM THERE BEFORE YOU DISLOCATE YOUR HIP!” A lady shouts back, her dark hair pinned into a bun. I look around me and everyone is fully aware at what is happening here. Even the cars have stopped to watch the ordeal. The people in this village are very invested in each others business. I roll my eyes at the scene. “WILL YOU GO TO THE WINTER BALL WITH ME?” The man shouts again, causing everyone in the streets to whisper amongst themselves. I can see the man is sweating in anticipation, as he balances on the roof, using one hand to hold onto the apex and the other to hold the red rose. I can’t believe this man, would attempt something like this, at his age and just to ask a simple question. It is absolutely ridiculous. "Remember what we did for Lila?" Blade chimes in, reminding me of my own crazy antics. (Flashback) Lila has been down lately and Blade and I really want to show her just how beautiful and lovely she is. I finish drizzling the last of the flower petals along the floor in the house. I have planned a whole treasure hunt for her. She is sleeping in bed and when she wakes, she will see a note telling her to go to the bathroom. I have written, "SEE THE REFLECTION IN THIS MIRROR AND BASK IN IT'S BEAUTY." She will notice I have a candle lit bath ready for her with foams, oils and salts at her disposal. I even have her favourite chai latte waiting for her in a cup holder, along with some roses and a note. The note mentions for her to go down to the kitchen when she is finished bathing. In the kitchen, she will see breakfast waiting for her. Her favourite, syrup crumpets and cream puffs. I have written another note saying, "FOOD FILLS OUR BODIES, BUT YOU FILL MY SOUL. GO TO THE LOUNGE WHEN BREAKFAST IS DONE." She will go to the lounge and see that I have set it up with blankets, pillows, fluffy toys and snacks. I will have the remote ready, for her to press play to a comedy show. A perfect way to make her laugh and relax. Another note reads, "YOUR LAUGH IS LIKE A TONIC TO ME. SEE YOU AFTER THE SHOW IN THE GREENARY GARDEN." I waited for her there, with body oils and face masks. I was ready to pamper my mate and spoil her. Kiss her wounds away and give her words of affirmation. I knew she liked the smell of coffee, so I had a coffee machine running and the oils and scrubs were all coffee flavored. I was even ready to put a face mask on myself, making me look like a clown of a man, if it meant she would be happy. Time went on and I watched Lila make her way outside. She looked more relaxed than normal, but her glimmer and gloss was still absent from her smile. "At least she is smiling today." Blade chimed in. True. I rubbed every inch of her body, her pleasurable moans egging me on. My member was hard at the sight of our mate, but I hid it well, knowing this moment is about her, not me. I swung her onto my lap, her legs on either side of my waist and I presented her with a ring of promise. "Lila, I promise to love you until I die. I promise to be devoted to you. To make you happy. To appreciate you. To honor you. You are everything to me and so much more. This ring is my promise to you, that I will be by your side until my last breath." I looked at her, searching her face for any emotions. The ring was a shining red and the rubies, mixed with diamonds on a thin, gold band glistened against the navy box. Lila smiled, but I saw no meaning in it. I wanted to break in half, but her body crashed against mine, her wet folds under her towel pressing against me. I knew I should have stopped her, but it felt so good. "Lila, what do you say?" I asked her again, between her assualts on my member. Her hips still rolling against mine and her soft, cushioned lips going up against my neck. She ignored me verbally, but her body was shouting out to me in need. I could smell her sweet, intoxicating arousal in the air and Blade was howling in anticiaption for his mate. I felt her long fingers pull me down and slide my pants off. Before I could even reach her auburn hair, I felt her flower suck my rod in. Every tight, wet, warm space, becoming filled with my length and need. I couldn't help but roll my eyes back in pleasure. I don't think I will ever be able to enjoy s*x like this with anyone else. Lila's hips rocked back and forth, each time taking me in deeper and deeper. I wanted to look down and watch her body slam down onto mine, but her rounded belly was getting in the way. I looked at her chest, marvelling in how plump her buds were looking and as if she could hear my thoughts, she brought my fingers up to squeeze them. The more I squeezed, the louder she moaned, making me lift my hips up to meet hers with every rhythmic sequence. I could feel the way her core was tightening and I knew it would be soon that my member explodes into her. I loved watching her come undone. Her cheeks would always become red, like her hair. Lila quickened the pace, her head leaning back and her body slapping against mine in desperate moves. "I love you Lila." I couldnt help but say to the woman on top of me. I am in love with every ounce of her. I looked into her eyes, filled with lust and watched her pound against me. Her moans became labored and she was riding out her orgasm. I could feel her walls spasming around me and I let go of my own seed. I couldn't take my eyes off of Lila though. She looked so raw, authentic and sensational in the moment. Goddess, today was a good idea. (End of Flashback) That was the last time Lila and I made love. She died a few days later. "You used to know how to be romantic." Blade huffs. “YES!!!” The lady shouts back and the whole crowd erupts into applause, everyone clapping and screaming in cheer. I get pulled out of my thoughts and notice I have goosebumps. I watch as the man makes his way off the roof, sticking around in case he falls and needs help. I see him land safely on the floor and walk away. Time for me to also woo Viola. I amble into a small section of the forest, knowing it’s a short cut to get to the palace and begin my journey through the trees. I always love the way the pine needles stick together against the snow. One of my favourite parts of living in the North growing up, was going on an adventure with my friends to see who could find the biggest pine tree. When we did, we would have a competition to see who could find the most amount of cones to take home. I remember my mother using them to light the fires for our tea. A soft crying gets me out of my thoughts and my eyes zone in on a small, male pup, sitting hunched over against a rock. I make my way there quickly, hoping he isn’t injured. “Everything okay?” I ask, bending down so that I can be on his eye level. The boy ignores me. I want to chuckle at his childish behaviour. I sit down next to him, placing the flowers in front of me and begin whistling. I can see that my relaxed posture and no-threat attitude has him easing up and he is stealing glances at me, his eyes going wide every time he observes the flowers. “You like the flowers?” I ask, trying to catch onto the cues he’s giving me. This question makes him lift his head and meet my gaze. “Yes sir.” The boy says, his eyes following the lines and details of the colourful bunch in my hand. “Would you like one?” I ask, watching as his face lights up in delight. Bulls eye! The little pup begins frantically nodding his head. His tears long forgotten and his little legs lifting to stand. “Are you going to tell me why you were crying first, maybe I will give you two then.” I say, hoping I have done enough to earn his trust. I can see he looks a bit unsure, so I don’t push him further. I pull out a rose for him to hold, but his gaze is still on the rest, making me chuckle. “My dad sent me out to fetch some flowers from the old shop, down in the village, but I was walking over here and a bunch of older boys stole my coins! My mom won’t get her flowers now and my dad will be angry. He was saving for the past few months to get some roses.” The boy states, his eyes becoming sad again and my heart clenches. “Well, boy, these aren’t roses, but take the bunch and give them to your dad. I’ll take the one flower in your hand rather.” I say, handing him the large bouquet and pulling the single rose from his hand. His eyes are wide and his smile is as bright as the moon. The boy didn’t waste time and ran away, skipping along the forest path and holding the stems with both hands. The bunch was almost as big as him, I hope he makes it home in one piece. I chuckle at his behaviour. When I can’t see him anymore, I look down at the single red rose and sigh. Oh well, it will have to be enough. I continue my walk, eventually seeing the ornate rises and falls of the Palace ahead of me. Viola told me she will be by the fountain, so that is where I am headed. I walk a little further, eventually hearing the sounds of the water treacle and spray. The droplets composing a calming tune. I push my legs up the hill and sitting on the edge, running her delicate fingers through the water, is my she-wolf, Viola. She is wearing tanned skinny jeans and a dark, emerald green jersey to match her eyes. I watch the way her golden locks bounce on her shoulders, as she goes down to scoop up water and lets it run through her fingers, back into the pool. I don’t need to see her face, to know she is happy and that brings me a sense of peace. She is still on the very thin side and the way the light dances on her face is accentuating the gauntness of her face, but this woman is more than her looks. She is smart, kind and beautiful in one small-sized, blonde package. I put the red rose behind my back and begin my last few steps towards her. I could watch her for hours, but I know I need to give her this flower now. I don’t know why I feel so helpless at this romance and love thing. When Lila was around, it came so naturally and so effortlessly.
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