Chapter Seven:

4176 Words
Flora’s POV: One of the glorious things about being a Queen, is that I have eyes and ears everywhere. They are in every bush, around every corner and in every hole. I know that spying on wolves is not great of me and I may be infringing on privacy, but after seeing Viola that day in the garden, I knew I needed to find out what’s going on. Her eyes have become so lost and her body so thin. Sam tells me that she hasn’t shifted in months. This is ridiculous and as a Luna, it is my job to see to the well being of the people in my Kingdom. I will be damned if I just sit around and watch my friend perish into a shell of herself. I have watched her for weeks. The only strange thing that came up, was that she was dating that male wolf, Mitch. Is he her mate? Why is she hiding him? Is he the reason she is so unhealthy? I will personally see to his punishment if he is hurting my friend. I see my sexy mate sitting on the phone at his office desk. He has his legs up on the dark wood, his shoes flung off to the side and his tye pulled down, making me roll my eyes. He can stay on the phone with Kyle for hours. “Come, Xavier. We have plans tonight.” I say, gesturing for him to hang up, but he doesn’t. Instead he puts Kyle on loud speaker and I laugh. I see him rubbing the spot on his lap, inviting me to sit there. “Hello, Kyle. How are you?” I laugh out. I do miss my friend, but I hear he is doing amazing things in the Western Territory. My spies on that side have been impressed with his maturity and dedication. “Queenie, I am well. How are you?” Kyle teases back and I laugh. He is still his goofy self. I look at Xavier with excitement in my eyes. “Well, Xavier and I are pregnant. I am so excited! We actually met a few weeks back with the doctors and found out it’s a boy.” I announce, hearing a loud shout on the other end. Xavier chuckles at Kyles reaction. The kingdom is going to have a new, baby king! My heart swells. “That is fantastic news, guys. Congratulations. Goddess, Xavier is going to be a father! Who would have ever thought?” Kyle laughs out. His breaths haggered from all his shouts and hoots. “Maybe you will find a second chance mate and be a father soon too, ey?” Xavier teases back, but the call becomes silent. I silently smack Xavier. Not everyone is lucky enough to meet a second mate and we know Kyle is sensitive about the whole mate thing. Sometimes these men can be so dumb! “Oh, Kyle. Don’t listen to Xavier. Besides, when are we going to see you? Its been three quarters of a year now! The Winter ball is next week.” I ask, genuinely interested as to when we may see him. I wish he would come for the ball. It’s always such a happy event for the people and it would mark exactly three months to the Royal Wedding. “I don’t know guys. I am so, so ,so close to finding this cure. Like it could be a week, or a month or maybe a few months. I will be back.” Kyle answers and I smile, feeling proud that our friend has shown such a commitment to his research. “Anyway, Kyle, we do have to go. We are going to ambush Viola tonight.” Xavier says, getting ready to wish his friend goodbye. I can see him looking at me with mischief in his eyes. “V-Viola, how is she?” Kyle barely whispers and Xavier needs to ask him to repeat himself. That is strange, surely he speaks to her himself? “She isn’t doing well, brother. She has been really sick. She won’t speak to any of us, never comes for visits and has become really thin. The other day she collapsed and was in a coma for two weeks.” Xavier says, sounding defeated. “On top of that, she has been running around with the new Doctor, Mitch. He seems to be her boyfriend or something.” I say, adding spice into the gossip about our friend. Tonight we are going to put an end to her secret running around, once and for all! Xavier and I wait for Kyles response, but instead, the beeping of a dead line greets our ears. Xavier looks at me with a shocked expression. “I wonder why he cut the call?” I ask, looking at my mate. Kyle never hangs up, besides, we didn't say anything out of the ordinary. “No, I doubt he cut it. The connection probably got interrupted. It happens. Come, little wolf, lets go.” Xavier says to me and takes my hand leading me out his office. I cant help but look back at the phone and frown though. A strange feeling takes over my body. We walk along towards the entrance and see Sam and Melody waiting with dinner. Pizza’s and a salad for me, with the baby on the way and all. “Ready for plan AMBUSH?” Melody giggles and we all laugh at her. We have been planning this ambush for days, specially after I told the rest about Viola and Mitch. The plan is we rock up, unannounced at Viola’s door, knowing she will have Mitch in her room and that they spend Friday nights together, waiting for their pizza. Sam and Xavier will pretend to be angry with discovering that innocent, little Viola has a boy in her room and Melody and I will be shocked, although I already know Melody might blow the cover with her laughs. Hopefully, Viola will so shocked that she will tell us what is going on. “I really hope he is her mate, because if I smell s*x in that room, I migh…” Sam begins and Melody smacks his shoulder. “You will do nothing, Sam. Viola, isn’t going to open up to us ever again if you act like a crazy, big brother.” Melody says and Sam hangs his head and huffs. I can’t help laughing at this immature bunch. “Hmm, I don’t know brother, if I smelt s*x, on my little sisters bed…” Xavier begins, but we all tell him to shut it at the same time. The boys are so busy bickering about Viola, they don't notice that we arrive outside Viola's door. “Get in character, guys.” I say, looking at them all in their eyes. They know their Queen means business and even Xavier swipes the smug grin off his face. Viola’s POV: My heart is thundering in my chest, as I look at my four friends and my… I don’t even know what Mitch is, but everyone is looking between him and I. I could cut the tension with a sharp knife if I wanted to. I look at Mitch, he looks unsure, but keeps his composure. I bet he must be mortified at the unnanounced and casual arrival of the king and queen in my room. “Your Majesties.” Mitch greets them and bows. If only he knew, they are my friends and such official behaviour is not needed. “Rise, male wolf.” Flora says, making my eyes go wide. She is never so formal, specially not with people who work in the palace. I can see she has kept her regal posture, making her look intimidating. Weird! Mitch looks up and greets everyone else. “Viola, would you mind telling me why you never introduced us to your mate?” Melody says, causing Mitch and I to tense and look at each other. Goddess, how do I explain Mitch to my friends? “Um, well, h-he, um…” I begin, but my mouth goes dry. I can feel my fingers pinching against my clothes and my cheeks are red. “We aren’t mates.” Mitch says quickly, giving me a reassuring smile and squeezing my hand. I can see my friends watching our interactions. I don't miss the angry expression on Sam's face. The others just appear confused, making me feel guilty. Dating wolves that arent your mate, is usually unheard of in our realm. “Would you mind telling me why it smells like s*x in here then?” Sam booms, his eyes flashing. I watch as Melody and Flora try calm him and my heart breaks for how badly I have treated my big brother. All my lying, showing on his face. “You do not need to answer that Viola, but you do need to account for everything else.” Xavier says, his voice laced with authority. I can feel his aura filling ever space in the room, making everyone present, except for Flora, bow their heads for their king. I am thankful that he allowed me to ignore my brothers question, but I look around at my friends and they look so disappointed in me, specially my brother, making my eyes well up. For the first time, I can see how I have affected them. “You know, mom and dad let me bring you with me to Mainland, on condition that I look after you. You run around, ignoring your friends, you wont speak to your own brother and now, you’re sleeping with someone who isn’t even your mate! All that on top of the fact that you’re sick! Vi, you’re making my promise to mom and dad awfully difficult and I am in two minds about asking them to take you back home, to the North.” Sam says, his voice breaking slightly. My eyes go wide and I feel the hot streams pour down my cheeks. Coming with my brother to Mainland was the pride and joy of both his and my life. “I am not a child!” I shout at Sam, throwing a pillow at him, which does nothing to him physically. It isn't fair that he has such authority over me! “Then why are you acting like one, Viola? Look at you, crying all the time, avoiding your problems and throwing pillows!” Sam booms again, making me flinch. I am not some baby. “You know nothing, Sam!” I shout back this time and shudder at my own volume. I can see Mitch looking at me with concern, his whole body pressing into mine for comfort. “Then tell us, please Viola?” Flora steps forward this time, pleading me with her eyes. “I can’t. You guys wont understand. You’re all happily mated.” I whisper, letting myself cry and waving my hands from side to side. “Oh Goddess, Viola. Please don’t tell me you’re acting out because you didn’t meet your mate at eighteen and you’re jealous?” Sam raises his voice and makes my sadness become anger again. How can he be so stupid? “Viola, none of us were eighteen when we met our mates. All of us were twenty plus.” Melody begins. I feel my veins start throbbing with irritation. They are accusing me, without even knowing the full story! “I mean, Goddess, I am in my late thirties and look how happy I am with Melody now. I didn’t walk around like a moping Mimi waiting for her, though.” Sam adds and I feel my fists ball together tightly. “Remember what happened to me on my eighteenth birthday with Sarah? That is what happens when you’re desperate for a mate, Viola. It blinds you. You need to let the Moon Goddess do her magic.” Xavier adds and I feel my body shake. Oh, Mr. I know everyone and everything! “Viola, its true you…” Flora begins, but I explode with a massive scream. I put all my anger, sorrow and anguish into the scream, letting it echo and vibrate through every space in my room and down the hall. I can feel the tension from my body coming in waves, from the tips of my toes, up through my shoulders and out my mouth. Each decibel releasing all the pent up frustration of the past quarter of a year and the also, this moment. I feel the air leaving my lungs and choke out a cough at my lack of breath. The sound started shrill, but became more of a sob towards the end. That felt good. I look up and see everyone, including Mitch, holding their ears. When they look up at me, everyone has shock on their faces. Their eyes wide in horror at my actions. “Viola?” Mitch asks, but I stop him by putting my hand up. I will not endure this nonsense any longer! I look around at all of them, their stares stoned and speechless. Good. “My mate doesn’t want me.” I whisper out, keeping my voice low and head down. I refuse to look at them. The room is filled with a tense silence and I want to run out, but I know I am not getting out of this one. “WHAT!” “WHO IS YOUR MATE?” “I WILL KILL HIM!” “DID YOU JUST SAY, MATE?” I don’t even know who said what, I just heard all these questions shouted at me at the same time. All I can do is sigh at their reaction. “On my birthday, I came into my room and saw a note on my vanity, along with this necklace.” I say, lifting the pendant up to show them the green-eyed wolf. My Ely. “The note was from my mate, saying he would come back for me, one day.” I remark and slump down on the chair, feeling defeated. “But, your birthday was…” Melody begins. “Almost ten months ago.” I finish her sentence, looking up to see the concerned stares from Flora and Melody. Sam looks like he is going to punch something and I can see him seething. Xavier looks deep in thought and Mitch, is rubbing my back in calming circles. “Well, your mate must be one of the medical staff who left for the Western territory.” Xavier says, finally looking victorious and I roll my eyes at his false hope. He is the king, of course he would come to these conclusions quickly. He can't help himself, but find solutions. “It can’t be. I welcomed the last one into Mainland months ago. Viola would have met him by now.” Sam says, looking at Xavier. His fists still balled up. “Unless…” Flora says, her eyes filled with a glimmer. I can see her looking between the others and their eyes go wide in shock. “What?” I ask out. “Viola, what if Kyle is your mate?” Flora asks and I have to suck back my tears again. “It isn’t him.” I whisper. Goddess, how will they handle the news about their friend. “No, it has to be him. Nobody else, who is a male, left that day.” Xavier says, agreeing with his mate. "But why would Kyle leave her?" Melody asks. They are so caught up in their little debate. “IT IS NOT KYLE!” I shout out. I really wish they would just listen to me the first time, instead of bickering between themselves. “And how would you know that, Viola?” Melody chimes in, looking smug. They all look like they just discovered some nuclear secret, except for Sam, he still looks like wants to murder someone. “Because I phoned him many months ago and asked him. I asked him up front and he said no. He also refuses to speak to me since then. I haven’t heard from Kyle in months. I guess he was disgusted at the idea of his friend seeing him that way!” I point out and wipe away the stray tear. I hear them all gasp in shock. “HOW DARE HE! I WILL RIP HIM APART WHEN I SEE HIM!” Sam booms, his wolf coming to the surface and his shift starting. I see Xavier pull Sam out the door for a pep talk. Thank Goddess Xavier was quick enough. “So you see? I didn’t only lose my mate. I lost my best friend too.” I say in a whimper, Melody and Flora have tears in their eyes. Their expressions as defeated and helpless as mine. The truth is, there is nothing they can say or do really. I was given a raw deal. “Oh, Viola, I am so sorry that you have been going through this alone.” Flora says. “I wish you would have spoken to us sooner. Of course we would have been there for you. You’re family to us!” Melody says and pulls me and Flora into a hug. I giggle through the sobs, as it feels like old times. I hear a cough behind me, making me loosen the hug and look at Mitch, who is sitting awkwardly on the couch. Sam and Xavier also walk in again, Sam looking like he is holding on by a thread, but more relaxed thankfully. “I think I should maybe go, Viola. You deserve this time with your friends.” Mitch says, putting his hand on my shoulder. This male wolf may not be my mate, but he has been my rock in these hard times when nobody else was. “Nonsense Mitch.” I start and then turn to my friends. “Guys, meet Mitch. He has been there for me for the past few months and has been one of the only things that actually make me happy. I know he isn’t my mate, but there isn’t any guarantee that my mate will ever come back.” I say, pulling Mitch closer to me and looking up to him in front of my friends. “I love him, so I would appreciate if you guys accept him too. He brings me joy.” I say, keeping my gaze on Mitch and I feel his arms tighten around me. His warm smile never leaving my one. “I love you too, baby.” Mitch replies and I see the warmth in his brown orbs. I don't hear any replies from my friends, but they keep their opinions to themselves, making it a bit more comfortable. The rest of the evening goes by quickly and I feel so surprised by how much fun it was to be with my usual group of friends. I have missed them a lot more than I thought. I always thought it would be too much for them to know all my problems, but it finally feels like a weight has been lifted off my shoulders. “Goodnight, baby.” Mitch kisses me and leaves the party. He has a big surgery seminar tomorrow with upcoming doctors, so he needs to be fresh. “Bye Mitch!” Melody laughs and we all laugh at her. Mitch swings his body around and salutes, making Xavier and Sam do it back. Maybe they will all be friends and times can go back to how they were with Kyle. I feel happy in this moment, but the underlying sadness of Kyles absense lingers. “We can see you’re happy with him, Viola.” Melody hums and nudges my shoulder, making me giggle. “What are you going to do though, if your mate comes back for you?” Flora chimes in, making everyone go quiet and look at me. I knew she was going to ask me something like this, as she watched Mitch and I with cold, calculated eyes all evening. I have been dreading this question all night, because I don’t have an answer. “I don’t know.” Is all I can say. “I know you say you love him, but the mate bond is something else, Vi.” Sam says, looking awkward and pulling at the fluffs of the blanket on his knees. I know I have really put him in an awkward predicament. “I know, Sam. All I ever wanted was to just meet my mate and live happily ever after, but he left me, for months upon months and in that time I learned to love someone else.” I reply, shrugging my shoulders. I can see the four of them looking between each other. This is what I hate when I am alone with them. It is as if they have some secret language, because they are mated! “If you guys have something to say, just say it.” I sigh out, making them snap out of their internal dialogues. “Well, Viola, it’s just that the mate bond is all-consuming and when he comes back…” Flora begins. “You men IF he comes back, Flora. Its been ten months. We all know its down right impossible for a wolf to stay away from their mate for that long. He could be dead, for all I know!” I huff out. “Don’t say that!” Melody says passionately, looking at me wide-eyed. “Also, I think you have your facts mixed up, Viola. Yes, once a mate meets their fated and looks in their eyes, it’s impossible to be away from them for longer than several weeks, but your mate only sensed you, he didn’t actually interact with you in any way.” Xavier says, making everyone look at him. “Your mate could very much be out there, dealing with something or someone important. Don’t give up, Viola, because let me tell you something, the Moon Goddess is not someone you want to challenge. I also doubt, that any male wolf would sense his mate and make the choice to leave, if he didn’t have a damn good reason. One day, he is going to walk through that door and you’re going to be in a serious situation, because you are going to have to explain why you have Mitch on your arm.” Xavier says, everyone in awe of his wisdom. I wonder if Kings have some special training and thats why they know so much? “Well, I will just tell him, that I have Mitch on my arm, because he was a sod for leaving me!” I reply to his remarks. It’s true, why would I need to answer to someone who left me alone for so long? I can see everyone giggling and chuckling at my outburst. I don't get why my words are so funny. “That may be so, little sister, but no male wolf is going to just sit by and watch their mate cozy up with another. Now, don’t get me wrong, I feel sorry for your mate, because when I find out who he is, I am going…” Sam starts becoming passionate, but Melody puts her hand on his shoulder and kisses his cheek, making him stop mid sentence and look at her. “We are all going to give your mate a whole lot of hell, one day when we meet him, because let me tell you Viola, you will meet him. It is only a matter of time.” Melody finishes off Sam’s intentions and we all chuckle a little. “Cheers to that!” Sam says, sporting a big, goofy grin. We all c***k our glasses. They leave the room and I get into bed, their words still fresh in my mind. What will happen if my mate comes back for me? I can't just give up on Mitch, who has been nothing but kind, patient and caring towards me. How do I give up on someone who was there for me in my darkest times? I can feel the familiar pain and whimpering in my chest and I try soothe my wolf.
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