Chapter Nine:

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Viola’s POV: The most highly anticipated annual event has finally arrived and I can see the hype and pomp radiating in the air. It is tradition that the King and Queen, open their gardens for the week, allowing the people from the village to choose flowers for the picking and enjoy the outside air. From my bedroom window I can see loads of excited male wolves, sifting through the colourful bundles and chatting amongst themselves. It is one thing I have always admired about living on the Palace grounds, that come rain, shine, snow or wind, the flowers are perfectly kept and changed to suit the seasonal comings. I go to my vanity and put some pink lip gloss on, fluffing my hair a little and tapping my cheeks to add some warmth. Mitch told me to meet him at the fountain, my favourite spot in the gardens and I think I know why. That silly, caring and handsome wolf has been a nervous wreck all week, thinking about how to ask me to the winter ball. I don’t get the vibe that he is a very romantic wolf by nature, so I can’t wait to see him step out of his comfort zone and watch his calculated self become more vulnerable. Even Sam went out of his comfort zone and bought Melody the most stunning floral chain, apparently a twist on presenting a lady with flowers. She was a loved-up mess for days, giggling over their shared dinner and flaunting the delicate chain. What lady doesn’t like being spoilt and shown some tender love and care every one in awhile? I’m about to leave, but my green-eyed wolf, hanging off the necklace organiser, shines and reminds me of it’s rightful place. How can I almost forget to put it on? I haven’t left my room without it on, since the day I got it. It is a symbol of my wolf, but it was also a gift from my mate. I know he may never come for me, but it is a small piece of him that I can hold onto. I quickly lift it and add the accessory to my neck, smiling at the way the green emeralds brighten against my skin. So beautiful. “Mate.” Ely whispers, standing up and wagging her tail. I smile, knowing how much the necklace calms her. It must be the fact that it was a gift from him. She has been a bit more talkative since I introduced the lemongrass baths, but she still sleeps most of the day and has lost more weight. I wish I knew what to do, but I am out of options. I leave towards the garden, an extra bounce in my step and feeling bright. I can see the fountain in the distance and a genuine smile adjourns my lips. The sound of the water and the little pebbles rolling in it, always play my favourite tune. I sit on the edge, running my fingers through the water. I see the King has added some fish to the warmed water and their bright, reflective bodies shine against the dark bottom of the pond. I can see them dancing in the waves of the water, dodging the waterfalls I create and looking up at me with their large, bulging eyes. I giggle at their expressions. “I love your laugh.” A male voice says from behind me, making me turn to look at the stairs. Mitch is standing there, his hair sitting in curls on his shoulders and his tall, lean frame proud. I can see he is hiding something behind his back and his eyes follow my gaze, making him smile. He really is handsome. I wonder if my mate is handsome like him? “You don’t laugh often. You should do it more.” Mitch says, coming closer and pulling me out of my thoughts. “What have you got behind you there?” I ask, my lips painted with happiness. I can see my question takes Mitch off guard and he has a smirk, lifting his eyebrow. “Well, a little bird has been fluttering around Mainland, telling me that tomorrow is the winter ball.” Mitch begins, moving closer. I can see a glimpse of uncertainty in his eyes and my heart squeezes. I wonder what he got me? A necklace? A charm for my bracelet? Maybe he is going to sing to me? Or perhaps he wrote me a love letter! “So, I thought I would ask you if you want to go with me?” He asks, rubbing one hand through his hair and pulling a single red rose from behind his back with his other. I look at the rose. It really is beautiful and the shades of red glimmer in the sunlight. I should be happy, but why do I feel disappointed? I wish I didn’t expect more. If my mate were here, I wonder what he would have done? “Oh Goddess, Viola. I have disappointed you.” Mitch remarks, lowering the rose and looking at me with guilt. I feel embarrased for not being happy. “No, no, Mitch. Sorry, I just…” I begin. “No, I can see it all over your face, Viola!” Mitch adds, making me look at him. He looks so upset. I guess I expected a bit too much from him. It isn’t his fault that he isn’t good at this. “Of course I will go to the ball with you, Mitch. Thank you for the rose.” I reply, taking the flower from his hand and offering him a smile. He sits next to me in awkward silence and we stare at the fish. I wonder what he was like with his ex mate, Lila. “I don’t know why this feels so hard for me, Viola. I don’t do romance, not since…” Mitch says, peeping at me from the side. “Not since Lila?” I ask, feeling the dread set in. By the look on his face, I know I have hit the nail on the head. I want to feel devastated by this, but I only feel sad. Sad for the fact that no matter how much I love and commit myself to Mitch, there will always be something missing, for both of us. “I’m sorry, Viola. I do love you though and I promise to spend every, single day trying for you. I want to be with you. I want to see you laugh, like you did just now. I want to make you happy.” Mitch says, his eyes holding promise. I can feel how fond he is of me. “I know we aren’t mates, Mitch. I guess there will always be a part of our souls that is missing, but I am happy with you. I am willing to choose the light, instead of the darkness. We can work through the emptiness, together.” I reply to his confession, adding as much sincerity into my words. I still can't shake the feeling that I am never going to know what it's like, to be the beginning and end of someone's heart. “Thank you, Viola.” Mitch says, cupping my face. I can feel the blush creeping in and I look down at the rose. It may only be one rose, but I guess it is magnificent, the way the petals reach up to greet it’s beholder. To greet me. “They say a single rose means love at first sight. It also symbolises that the one given to is the one.” I say, looking into Mitch’s eyes and searching for some sort of happy truth. I can see a flash of uncertainty and guilt swirl in his dark pools, but he quickly replaces it with amusement. What is that about? “ I actually had a whole bouquet for you.” Mitch remarks, looking at me and chuckling. “Well, what happened?” I ask, returning his laugh. His uncertainty still bothering me. I want to be happy, so I have to remind myself of the things that are joyful. “On my walk back, I saw a young pup crying over by the boulder pool. I couldn’t just walk past, so I sat with him. It turns out, his dad sent him to buy flowers for his mother and some bullies stole his money!” Mitch says. I can’t help but gasp. I hate bullies! “Oh no! I hope he doesn’t get into too much trouble!” I reply. I can't help but frown and a part of me wishes that Mitch had given the child my rose. He would have appreciated it more. “He wont. I gave him your bouquet. That’s why you only have one rose.” Mitch remarks, looking at me with pride in his eyes and my heart swells. Mitch gave my whole bouquet to the child and kept one flower for me? He helped a child and this is why he will always be someone worth while to me. All of a sudden his uncertainty and the single rose, means nothing. I crash into his body, squeezing him and letting my admiration seep through. “You are just so, so kind! Thank you for helping that boy!” I reply, pulling his lips onto mine. The kiss is gentle, sincere and longing. We pour comfort into each other, pulling and squeezing against each other’s bodies. He may not be who the Moon Goddess chose for me, but he is everything I would ever look for in a man. His love for helping others, his sense of humour, his gentle patience and his commitment. I choose him. The morning was divine and Mitch and I spent our time walking in the snow and chatting. I can’t help but think about how lucky I am, to have met someone to help me feel happy again. I walk alone towards my bedroom, feeling proud to call Mitch mine. He saved me from a dark loneliness. Who needs a mate anyway? I can see my door coming closer and with each step, the smell of lemongrass invades my senses. The aroma has Ely purring in my head. Did I leave the essential oil bottle open, in my room? I step in and look around. The sweet, enticing and delicious smell is making my mouth water and my body tingle. I take a step forward and feel my feet crunch on something, making me look down at the floor. Spread across my room, are thousands of small pieces of paper. The papers are stuck onto the floor and covering every inch of the surface. I lift one to inspect it and notice there is writing on it. “You are beautiful.” The first note says and I frown, lifting another. “You are kind.” The second says. I carry on lifting papers, scanning my eyes over each. “You are smart.” ‘You are worthy.” “You are breath-taking.” “You are gentle.” “You are funny.” “You are strong.” The letters carry on and on, my mind becoming frazzled by the words of affirmation. Did Mitch do this? I look around me, staring at the dots of paper, still scattered across my floor and waiting to be read. This must have taken forever. I carry on scanning my room and notice a large box on my bed. As I move closer, I see the brown, velvet box is embellished with ruby sequins and tied together with a large, navy ribbon. It’s so big, it takes up almost half my bed! I continue gazing at the box, searching for a clue as to what it is or who it’s from, but there is nothing. Oh well, I better go ahead and open it then. My heart is racing, as I slowly tug at the ribbons and watch them fall. I lift the lid, feeling my body become numb the more I reveal the contents. I blink a few times, not believing my eyes. My palms are feeling sweaty and my eyes are welled up. Inside, is the most magnificent, most stunning and most indulgent looking dress, that I have ever seen. I lift the dress up and rub the soft, silky material. Under the shadow, the dress appears to be forest green, but as I lift it under the light, it shines a metallic emerald. Streaks of blue and green play in glittery harmony under the light. It is a boob-tube dress, that has ombre diamonds scattered across the bodice. I lift the dress more, to see it is a floor length dress and the skirt puffs out slightly, giving enough room for me to skate on the lake at the ball. The skirt has three layers, each shining in uniqueness. The first is blue, to add a regal flare. The second is green and creates a warmth. The third is mesh, scattered in more diamonds, that flicker in the light. All three layers coming together in a perfect emerald flare. At the bottom of the skirt, the diamonds form a pattern, revealing floral decorations. I have never seen a more stunning item in my life, but who is it from? I look back at the box and notice both heeled boots and clip on skates to go with the dress. Perfect. There is also a warm, fluffed shawl to wear, as the event is outside and in the snow. Breath taking. I lift up a face mask, made of silver diamonds and emeralds. Exquisite. More importantly, there is an envelope. My heart feels like it is going to stop. I reach down and open the delicate edges. My eyes scanning over the paper. (Letter Begins) Dear Viola, There are not enough words, or enough adjectives, or enough items or enough gestures, to tell you how much you mean to me, or to tell you how perfect you are. The floor in your bedroom ran out of space and unfortunately, so did the ink in my pen, whilst I was writing out the notes. Just know, my heart has been beating for you only. I needn’t give you a flower, because you will be a blossom of beauty in this dress at the ball tomorrow evening. I made sure to include florals in the dress too, in case anyone asks. I will see you tomorrow at the ball as my date and finally our days of suffering will be over. One day, has finally come, Viola. Your mate. (End of letter) I feel the earth shake around me and I can’t help but let my eyes bulge out. It feels hard to take in breaths, my heart is pounding so fast. I don’t want to move, nor can I. All I feel is my mind turn off and the darkness consume me.
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