Chapter 9

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The last thing Annabel wants right now, is to make any contact with sir Albert. “I don’t think I should be the one to go get him his coffee” she says with a nervous tone. “Don’t even get started with me Annabel,” Mrs jones says with annoyance “take this, and give it to him” she says with a strong tone while handing over a cup of coffee to her. Annabel took the cup of coffee from her, she knew she had no choice but to go to sir Alberts room. ‘It will be fine Annabel, just give him the coffee and try not to make any physical contact with him’ she whispers to herself. Getting to his room, she knocked at the door but she didn’t get any response from anyone. She decided to go in to drop the coffee since it will be better not seeing him. She opened the door and was shocked by what she saw. It was a half naked Albert, he had a lean muscular body and Annabel couldn’t help but drool over the body. She stood there for over 30 seconds before she turned her back so he wouldn’t notice that she was staring. “I am so sorry, I didn’t mean to come in. I thought you weren’t inside because you didn’t respond to me,” she says with a shaking tone. He didn’t respond to her “are you even listening to me” she says with a bit of annoyance. She couldn’t take the silent treatment anymore so she turned and saw he had earplugs on and that’s why he couldn’t respond to her. She quietly put the coffee on the table and quietly left his room. ‘What will happen when he finds the coffee on his table, he will for sure know someone entered his room, and what happens when he finds out that it was me’ Annabel says out loud. All this thinking is making her paranoid. “Did you deliver the coffee to him?” Mrs Jones asks as soon as she sees Annabel. Annabel was contemplating on if she should lie about it or just come clean with the whole issue. “Are you listening!” She yells with annoyance. “Yes, I gave him the coffee” she stuttered. “That’s very good then. Take this to sir Andrew’s room” she says handing over a glass of green tea. “Aren’t there other people in this house that can do the job?” She asks with a bit of annoyance. “I see you are complaining, '' she says, raising one of her eyebrows. “I am not complaining, I just think it is a little bit unfair for me to do everything” she says. “You giving the brothers their cup of coffee and green tea, isn’t something you should complain about. Now go” she says as she hands her the glass of green tea. Annabel whines out of the kitchen. ‘The first brother was enough and now how he is, when will it ever end’ she cries out in frustration. As soon as she got closer to his room, she knocked on the door and this time she got a response. “I was told to bring your cup of tea!” She yells out loud. “Come in,” he responded. She came in and saw him sitting on his bed and massaging his membrane. “Where should I put the tea?” She asks nervously. “You can always place it on my head” he says with annoyance, she couldn’t help but roll her eyes. She decided to put the tea on the table beside his bed. “Wait you are the cloth thief” he says as he looks up to see the person. “I am not a cloth thief” she says gazing down. “But you did try to steal my clothes,” he says with a smirk on his face. “I apologise but I wasn’t trying to steal your clothes,” she says in a low tone. “It’s fine, I have forgotten about it,” he says with a quirky smile. “Then why bring it up” she whispers to herself. “What did you say?” He asks immediately. “Nothing,” she says with a nervous smile. “Where do you think you are going?” he said as soon as she was about to leave. “I need to get back to work” she replies. “I didn’t say you should leave,” he says with a smile. Annabel couldn’t help but wonder why on earth he was smiling at her that way. “Since I have delivered the tea, I think I should get back to work” she says feeling uncomfortable. “I insist you stay here for a little while, have your seat” he says as he points at the couch. “I don’t think I should do that” Annabel protested. “Do you want to get fired?” He says, raising one of his eye brows. “Definitely not” she says and immediately went to have her seat. “So, I want to know more about you,” he says with a bright smile. “What do you mean by that?” She asks with confusion. “Everything there is to know about Miss Annabel” he says in a very seductive tone. Annabel couldn’t help but feel uncomfortable at this moment. “I am a Mrs not a Miss” she says with a strong tone. “So it is true then, you are married” he says as he gets up from the bed. “Yes, I am married,” she says nervously. “Oh! Married I see. What is your husband like then” he says as he walks closer to her. Annabel doesn’t know if she should get up from where she is sitting or just stay there. “He is a very nice person,” she stuttered. “Is that all” he says has he stopped moving forward. “And he loves me so much,” she says with an awkward smile. “Then why are you working here?” He asks with confusion. “My husband is in the Army and I need to take care of myself while he is away” she says nervously. “You do know the consequences of coming here right” he says as he continues walking closer to her. “I think I should really leave now” she said as she uncomfortably stood up. “Where do you think you are going?” he says as he grabs her hands and pulls her closer towards him. Their lips aren’t too far apart from each other, the tension was rising between them. Annabel is confused on what is going on, Andrew doesn’t know if he should continue with what he had in mind. “What the f**k is going on here!” Albert yells as soon as he sees them. They both broke whatever was going on or whatever was going to happen. “I need to go now” Annabel says as she runs out of the room. “What the f**k is this” Albert asks with confusion. “I was trying to have some fun,” Andrew says with a smirk on his face. Annabel came out panting, she couldn’t breathe properly. ‘What just happened again?’ She asks herself with confusion. “What is wrong with you brother? I told you she is married” he says with annoyance. “That has never stopped me before,” he says with a suspicious smile. “Don’t tell me you want to sleep with her?” He asks with curiosity. “Of course not, I don’t sleep with married women. I just want to have a little fun with her that’s all” “Don’t you dare do that” he says with anger in his voice. “Why are you getting mad? I am doing you a favour for doing this, now you don’t have to worry about getting her out of your mind” he says as he went back to his bed. “Me wanting to forget about her has nothing to do with you” “So you do like her,” he says, giving him a suspicious look. “Of.. course I don't,” he stuttered. “Then you shouldn’t worry about my business with her” he says with a smirk on his face. “You really are the devil himself” he says with a faint smile. “We should get ready for work” he says as he jumps out of bed. “I came here because of that but I didn’t know I was going to witness something else” he says, giving him a piercing look. “Don’t look at me like that brother, I just want to have some fun” he says as he has brought an outfit from his closet. “Let this one slide, we shouldn’t mess with her,” he says. “I am asking you for the last time. Are you interested in her?” He asks with a serious tone. “I am not interested in her,” he replies. “Then whatever I do with her shouldn’t be a problem to you” he says as he nuts his tie. “Whatever, I will meet you in the car” he said as he walked out of his room. ‘Things are about to get real fun for me’ he says as he smiles as he stares at the mirror. “I have been waiting for you forever, why are you late?” She asks with annoyance. “I am so sorry, I was caught up with something” she says. “What is that supposed to mean?” She asks with curiosity. “I had to go use the toilet urgently” she lied. “Oh! You should have said it in the very beginning” she says. “You have a visitor Mrs Annabel” the butler says as soon as he comes to the kitchen. “Who will that be?” Annabel says in confusion. “Me of course!” Juliet says she popped out.
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