Chapter 10

1878 Words
The smile on Annabel’s face as soon as she saw Juliet could light up an entire room. “Juliet!” Annabel yells with excitement as she goes ahead to give her a big hug. “I missed you so much,” Juliet confessed as she tightened the hug. “Not to break your reunion but we have a lot of work to do” Mrs jones says uttered from behind. “Oh, sorry” Annabel broke the hug. “I would love to take Juliet to my room so she can stay there and wait for me to do what I have to do” Annabel announced hoping she will agree. “I don’t think ma’am will be pleased if she finds out about your visitor” Mrs jones declares a bit skeptical of letting her take Juliet into her room. “She isn’t just any visitor, I assure you that madam won’t have any problem seeing Juliet here” Annabel tries persuading her. She believes since Juliet and her madam were already familiar there won’t be a problem. “It is fine as long as she stays in your room and doesn't distract you and one more thing, she can’t sleep over”Mrs Jones warms before exiting the room. “What a grumpy old lady” Juliet scoffs as soon as Mrs Jones leaves. “Shhhh.. don’t say that, I don’t want anyone to hear you”Annabel silenced her before grabbing her hands and leading the way to her room. When they got to the room,Annabel expected a gasp from Juliet as soon as she saw the room.But to her surprise Juliet had no facial expression on which made Annabel a little disappointed. “What is the matter?” Juliet asks on noticing Annabel’s disappointed look. “What do you think of the room?”Annabel uttered, ignoring Juliet’s question. “It’s alright”Juliet glanced at the room in one view and a little smile creeped up her lips. “Just alright?”Annabel scoffs in disbelief at her answer. “What else do you want me to say?”Juliet confusedly asked wondering what she was supposed to say or act. “Nothing really, I just thought you would be amazed about the room just as I was amazed when I saw it”Annabel admits staring at the room with amazement in her eyes. “Don’t get me wrong, the room is amazing”Juliet utters with a big smile on her face, Annabel still wasn’t impressed with her reaction. “Let's forget about the room, tell me about yourself”Juliet quickly changed the topic. “Where do I even start from?” Annabel sighs, stroking her chin a little. “You can start from anywhere, I mean you have been here for two days already”Juliet pointed out. It just hits Annabel that she has been in this house for just two days and so much has happened already. Annabel doesn’t know how Juliet will react when she tells her things about the brothers when she clearly warned her to stay away from them. “What are you thinking about?” Juliet asks,Annabel’s thoughts were diverted. “I don’t think I will be able to tell you so much about what is going on with me here. I have a lot of work to do”She quickly uttered with an awkward smile. “You should go do your work, I don’t want that grumpy old lady reprimanding you”Juliet tells her with a half laugh, Annabel couldn’t help but laugh as well. “Just make yourself comfortable here”Annabel muttered as she walked away. Juliet looked around Annabel’s room, she was impressed and happy about the new living condition of her friend. ‘This reminds me so much of my old room’ she says with a sad tone ‘I am glad that Annabel now stays in a place like this’.She uttered with a faint smile. “Good morning sir!” “Good morning sir!” The workers in the company all bow their heads, greeting as soon as the Torres brothers walk in. “We have an important meeting in five minutes” Albert reminded Andrew He didn’t wait for Andrew’s response before he walked down to his office. Andrew didn’t take his attitude to heart, he just smiled and went to his own office. The brothers' offices aren't that far from each other, so it is easy for them to go to each other’s office. It was time for the meeting and they all assembled in the meeting room. “We will continue the project that we have been working on for the past six months now” Albert announced as he showed them his plans using the projector “Our rivals have made it their life’s mission to copy everything we do. The design for the new blush palette that hasn’t been released yet”Albert sighs as everyone waited patiently for him to continue. “Our rival company has released it using the same design and that only means we will have to redo everything again” He announced with disappointment laced in his tone as everyone murmured to themselves. The whole board murmured on the fact that they have to start all over again which made Albert a bit disappointed. “How did they know about the new design? It only means someone in this company has been giving our enemies information” A man in his mid sixties says with anger in his voice. “I agree with him, someone is definitely working for the enemy” Another man his age says with anger . The whole place was in chaos, they all wanted to know the person that was giving out their secrets. “Enough!” Andrew yells and they all went silent “I think we should all allow my brother to continue talking”He calmly uttered before glancing at Albert. “Thank you Andrew, I am not disputing the fact that someone is working for the enemy but that doesn’t mean we should spend our time trying to figure out who the enemy is”Albert tells them. “We need to start this project as soon as possible,”He announced. “What assurance do we have that it won’t be copied again?” Someone asked. “I can assure that, trust me the person who did that, will not want to try it again”He assured them with a smirk on his face. “If we go on with this plan, we will make ten times the amount we should have for the last project”They all clapped with excitement. The meeting was over and everyone left,Andrew went to meet Albert in his office. “You did really well brother” Andrew said as soon as he came to his office “what is the matter?” He asks as soon as he sees the look on his brother’s face. “I honestly don’t want to go on this date,”Albert admits with a low tone. “You don’t have to if you don’t want to” Andrew tells him. “Dad has made a reservation already and I don’t want to bail on Tracy” he let out a sigh… “This is so frustrating,”He added, ruffling his hair a little. “Just see it as having dinner with a friend” Andrew jokingly suggested trying to make him feel better. “She is a friend and I don’t see her more than that. I don’t want to get married to her and she will end up knowing the kind of lifestyle I live, I don’t think I can ever be faithful in the marriage”Albert admits with fear in his tone. “This is such a messed up brother, I know you don’t want to get married and there is nothing you can do since dad has made his decision already. Why don’t we make her want to end this reunion”Andrew suggested with a wicked smirk on his face. “What do you mean by that?” He asks with confusion. “You need to show her your true nature as a womaniser and she will never be happy with the marriage. She will definitely call it off”He uttered, feeling pleased with himself. “You are so right, why didn’t I think about this in the first place,”Albert's face palmed his forehead. “You are so smart!”He added as he got up to give him a hug. “Of course I am smart,”Andrew smirks and breaks the hug. “I need to get up home quickly, the driver will come back for you”Albert announced before leaving. “Don’t worry about me, I have plans to get a drink with friends later on!”Andrew yelled. “See you later then!”Albert yells back before exiting the office. ‘I honestly hope this works out for him, I hate seeing my brother this stressed about anything’ Andrew mutters watching as Albert leaves. Annabel entered the room and saw Juliet on the bed looking bored. “I hope I didn’t keep you waiting for too long,” Annabel said as soon as she came into her room. “It is fine, I understand that you have to work,” Juliet uttered with a smile. “I finally got a break and now we can catch up on things”Annabel sat down on her bed beside Juliet. “So, tell me everything,” Juliet uttered without hesitation. “Well, a lot did happen and before I start, don’t get mad at me because it wasn’t my fault” Juliet nods her head. Annabel went on in explaining all that had happened in the past two days to Juliet. From almost getting fired to Andrew almost being killed, the tension between her and the brothers. “They are trying to mess with your head” Juliet scoffs with annoyance “did you tell them that you are married?” “I did tell them I was married but I think Andrew has no morals or respect for women to care about that”Annabel disgustingly pointed out. “This is really bad, it might affect your stay here. In all you do, make sure you avoid those brothers at all costs. Like I said before, they are nothing but bad news”She warns Annabel. “I will definitely stay far from them,how is it over at your workplace?”Annabel asked, changing the topic. “Just the usual, Annoying boss and customer but it's nothing I can’t handle,” she says with a faint smile. “I think it is time I leave, I don’t want you getting into trouble with the grumpy lady”Juliet annoyed before getting up. “I really do miss having you around” Annabel whines. “Just focus on what you came here for and all will be fine”Juliet assured her and was about to leave,But stopped and turned to look at Annabel. “Before I forget…
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