Chapter 7

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The look on all the chefs' faces shows how terrified they were. This was a mistake that shouldn’t have ever happened and knowing the kind of family the Torres were, the person will be punished severely. “What is going on, why are they all looking terrified?”Annabel whispers to Mrs jones. “Someone is trying to harm sir Andrew”She replies earning a gasp from Annabel “everyone knows that sir Andrew is allergic to pineapple, so it wasn’t an accident”She added. Annabel wonders who would have done it, she knew how annoying and irritating sir Andrew can be but she never imagined someone would actually try to harm him here. “Who do you think is responsible?”Annabel’s curiosity kicks in. “Whoever it is should pray that he/she never gets caught,”Mrs Jones silently utters a short prayer. “What will happen to the person?”Annabel questions like she was the culprit. “Let just say, the person will wish he never did that”She utters, giving her a death stare. Annabel is a little bit terrified, she is so glad that she didn’t go with what she had in mind about putting the pineapple in sir Andrew’s food. Flashback.. ‘I should really teach him a lesson for what he did to me, I mean a little bit of pineapple wouldn’t hurt’ Annabel says with a smile on her face. ‘You know what, I shouldn’t do this before I get into another trouble. I do pray he chokes on his food’She thought before leaving. After some minutes that Annabel left, a woman is seen entering the kitchen. She seemed suspicious, she covered her face in a black veil and she constantly kept on checking if anyone was behind her. She brought out shreds of pineapple and put in Andrew’s meal. Each member of the house has their own individual plates and that’s how she knew that was Andrew’s plate. She doesn’t look like she is one of the chefs or any of the workers. She heard a noise and she was terrified of the noise, she immediately ran out of the kitchen, but unfortunately for her she left one of her slippers. Back to the present… “I will only ask this once, who tried to harm my son!” Mr Torres yells. The chefs all murmured to each other terrified of the look on Mr Torres. “I had specifically told them not to add pineapple to the meal”The head chef admits gazing down. “You are the head of the chefs in this house and it is your responsibility to make sure everything is kept in order!” He yells. “I am so sorry sir”He immediately apologised with his gaze still down. “You do know how many years you have worked for our family and I respect you a lot because I grew up eating just your food,”He stated“But my son almost died today because of your incompetence!”Mr Torres yells. “It will never happen again sir”The head chef assures him with a low tone. “It will never happen again because y’all are fired!”Mr Torres declared. The head chef raised his head when he heard those words, his eyes widened but he immediately recovered. “Please sir!”They all pleaded in unison as they fell to their knees. “I can’t let this happen again, if I don’t fire you guys, it will repeat itself”Mr Torres uttered. “We are here sir!” A police officer announced as soon as he walked in with Three other able bodied police officers coming with him from behind. “I am glad you guys came just in time. These are the people that tried to kill my son”Mr Torres concluded pointing to the chefs on their knees glaring at them all. “You all are under arrest” The police announced. “I promise we are innocent!”They all cried out. “You don’t actually think y’all will get fired just like that, that will be too easy,don’t arrest the head chef”Mr Torres states as the police officer tried to handcuff him. The head chef is a little bit surprised that he doesn’t want him to get arrested. “Okay sir,We are taking them all to the police station for questioning and it will be investigated”The police officer stated. “Do whatever you have to do, I want the person caught”Mr Torres tells him with annoyance laced in his tone. “We will make that happen”The police officer assures him bowing a little ,as they ushered the chefs outside. Mr Torres turned to look at the head chef immediately the police left.He saw him gazing and sighing. “I didn’t set you free because I think you aren’t part of this crime, I set you free because I know what you are and what you have done to our family. You aren’t fired”Mr Torres announced before leaving the room. The head chef had a big smile on his face as soon as he left. He took out his phone and called someone. “Good job, this is just the beginning.They have a lot coming to them”He chuckles vigorously before hanging up. Annabel pov A Lot has happened already and this is just my first day at work.l really hope sir Andrew is okay, I don’t like him but I don’t want it to seem like my coming here is bad luck to the family.I saw my phone laying on the bed and immediately picked it up seeing a text message from juilet.Fuck I totally forgot to message her. *Hey,I miss you already,can’t wait to hear all about your day when I am done with working*That’s what Juliet’s message reads. Annabel can’t wait to tell Juliet all about her day but she decided to skip the fact that she was almost fired today. ‘All I know is that a lot is going to happen in this house, I can feel it’.She mutters feeling a cold shiver down her spine. Albert and Mrs Torres were both in Andrew’s room, Andrew still hasn’t opened his eyes yet and it was really bothering his mother as the thought of something happening to her son scared her. “Will my son be a fine nurse?”She questions with hope in her eyes. “He will be alright ma’am,I will take my leave now”The nurse announced before making her way to the door. “You can’t take your leave now, I want my son to open his eyes at least before you leave!”Mrs Torres yells, making the nurse halt at her tracks. “I won’t go anywhere then”The nurse declares before going back to stand beside Andrew’s bed. Mrs Torres held her son’s hand sniffing a little,Andrew eyes began twitching a little before opening them slowly. “Where am I?” Andrew questions weakly as his eyes scans his surroundings. “You are awake!” Mrs Torres yells with excitement. “Where is this place?”He questions his mother, a bit confused. “You passed out and suddenly you don’t remember your room”Albert jokingly utters. “Oh My room,What are you all doing here?”Andrew's questions,a bit confused. “You had an allergic reaction to pineapple and we had to call a nurse for you,”Mrs Torres explained while pointing to the nurse that was standing firm. “What!” He yells. “Take it easy bro, don’t go about yelling”Albert calmly tells him. “But they are all aware that I am allergic to pineapple,”Andrew scoffed. “Don’t worry my son, the person who did this will definitely get punished”His mother assured him. “He needs to rest now,he should take all his medication and he should definitely avoid anything that has pineapple in it”The nurse finally spoke. “We are definitely going to make sure it doesn’t happen again,” Albert assured her. “I will be taking my leave now”She mutters looking at Mrs Torres who nodded her head giving her approval. “Thanks”Mrs Torres thanked the nurse before she left.. “I think we should leave now,” Albert suggested, holding his mother’s shoulder. “Yes,Have some rest my son”She agrees before standing up. They both left his room leaving alone to think about who would have wanted to harm him, he knows that they are all aware about how he gets when he takes pineapple and it seems to have worsened now. “Any news about the investigation?” Mr Torres asks the detective. “Yes, we found these slippers beside the counter in the kitchen”The detective tells him, handing him the slippers kept in a bag. “These are ladies slippers,none of my workers are allowed to wear something like this”Mr Torres utters gazing at the slippers with confusion. “That only means the person that did it. Isn’t any of the chef” the detective concluded. “Then who can it be then?”Mr Torres stroked his moustache. “Someone is trying to harm your son and the person doesn’t live here,”The detective declared. “You mean an outsider came in here to try and harm my son,how did the person get access to my house?!”Mr Torres questioned enraged by the thought of an outsider sneaking into his house. “We should check the CCTV camera installed in the kitchen,” Mr Torres suggested. They went to the room to check all the CCTV cameras, nothing suspicious. All the cameras suddenly went blank. “The CCTV footage has been hacked,the person is smart enough to tamper with the footage,”The detective stated. “We aren’t safe in this house anymore,Someone is trying to harm my family and the person could achieve this with the help of someone here”Mr Torres declared. Mr Torres believes there is a traitor in the house and he must get rid of the person as soon as possible. “If that’s the case then, you need tighter security. I will offer you some men that will help protect this house” the detective offers assistance. “That will be much appreciated,”Mr Torres utters with a smile. Albert pov Gosh I wonder what that house maid is up to right now?I know I’m supposed to be worried about my brother Andrew's health but I can’t seem to get that maid off my thoughts.Gosh what is happening to me I mentally yelled but my thoughts were interrupted by. “Excuse me sir!” Annabel utters out loudly with her gaze down. Alberts turns to see Annabel standing in front of his door and suddenly his heart skips a beat.
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