Chapter 6

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Annabel was packing her belongings with tears in her eyes. Annabel POV He is so mean, how could he just fire me just like that, what the hell will I tell Juliet now. She will be so disappointed in me, what the f**k just happened?‘How someone that handsome be so cruel at the same time, I hate him so much. And to think I had a crush on him, at least his brother is a little bit nicer than him. Annabel still couldn’t believe she just got fired on her first day of work, all she could think about is the disappointment on Juliet’s face when she finds out about it. The knock on her down diverted her thoughts, she went immediately to check who it was. As soon as she opens the door, she saw an angry Mrs Montes standing in front of her. Annabel is terrified with the look on Mrs jones face. “Mrs… jones”She stutters, cleaning her tears immediately. Mrs Jones entered her room without Annabel’s permission. “What have you done? Do you know the consequence of your action?”Mrs Jones sternly questions her while pacing around. “I promise it wasn’t intentional” Annabel tries justifying herself but Mrs Jones wasn’t buying it. “I warned you to leave the room before he gets back, didn't I?!”She barks at her as Annabel nodded slowly with her gaze down. “Now madam is gonna blame me for not teaching you on how to do your job”She concluded feeling irritated by Annabel’s presence. “I have been fired already, so you don’t have to worry about getting blamed,” Annabel tells her. “You aren’t fired”Mrs Jones announced. Annabel’s mood immediately lightened up when she heard her say those words.She couldn’t believe her ears. “What do you mean by I am not fired?” She doubtfully asked, making sure she wasn’t hallucinating. “I only came here to warn you about those brothers. Stay away from them if you want to last longer in this house”She warns Annabel before exiting the room ignoring her questions. Annabel immediately jumps to her bed with happiness, she couldn’t believe she wasn't fired. ‘Juliet doesn’t have to find out about this since I will be working here. I am so happy about this,’She thought, feeling excited. Her happiness was shortlisted when she remembered what had transpired between her and Andrew, making her frown. ‘If I want to stay here a lot longer, then I definitely have to stay away from them. I will make sure I never cross their part ever again. This has served as a lesson to me and now I definitely know that they are mean people and I don’t want to ever lose this job’ She mutters with seriousness laced in her tone. *** Juliet is a little bit worried about Annabel, all she wants is her first day at work to go smoothly for her. ‘I should call her and ask her. No, I shouldn’t do that; it might get her into trouble instead… I will text her’Juliet utters as she took out her phone from her apron to text Annabel’ She sent her a text message before getting back to work. Juliet works at a restaurant , it isn’t the best job so far but she has been able to feed from the job. Juliet is the only child of her parents, her parents are wealthy and live a comfortable life. Juliet was disowned immediately when she turned twenty because she refused to marry the man her parents wanted her to. She wanted to prove to them that she can live on her own just fine and she doesn’t need their money to survive. It wasn’t easy for her to live on her own, she faced so many challenges. She was harassed by grown ass men. There are times she will not eat because she couldn’t afford a decent meal for herself. “Juliet, the guy at the last table said you mixed up his order” the manager angrily stated. “This has never happened before, how did I make a mistake?” She rhetorically questions herself a bit confused by the situation. “All that matters is that you fix it, I don’t want to have complaining customers”The manager tells her before walking away. Immediately he left,Juliet immediately went to meet the customer. “I am so sorry about mixing up your order, it won’t happen again”She apologised to the customer. “Is this how you guys run things here? Incompetent workers and also a bad chef”He disgustedly remarked. Juliet frowns at his choice of words, slowly losing her patience but she tries her very best to compose herself and not snap at the customer. “I am really sorry, I will go get what you order right now”She apologised again offering him a new order. “Don’t bother about it, my lifespan will be shortened if I eat another one of your meals”He rudely declares. “I don’t think it is our food that will shorten your lifespan, it is definitely your attitude”Juilet bluntly admits ignoring his glare. “How dare a low life like yourself talk to me with such disrespect?!”He yells throwing the plate of food to the ground causing a commotion. “If you don’t have any manners, this low life will talk to you the way you deserve to be talked to”Juilet confidently claps back ignoring the mess he created. “I need to see the manager right now!”He yells. “What is the matter?” The manager who was already approaching their way asked. “I will never come to eat at a disgusting restaurant with very poor customer service,”The customer declared. “I am so sorry, I will fix it” the manager apologised. “I am f*****g out of here”He curses before storming out of the restaurant. The manager immediately turned to look at Juliet who was already shivering with her gaze down. “What happened,What did you do?”The manager immediately questioned her. “He said he wanted a refund and I told him we don’t do that here”She mutters. “You are starting to get on my nerves, if you know you really want to work here, you better start acting right”The manager states before walking away. ‘I hope he doesn’t die from obesity, he is talking about our food shortening his life span and it is obvious that he is going to drop dead if he doesn’t lose that weight. He is surely a terrible person and how dare he look down on me. Does have any idea who I am,Juliet utters out loud referring to the fat customer that left. *** “We are going to help with the preparations for tonight's dinner” Mrs jones tells Annabel. “Are we going to do the cooking?” She asks with curiosity. “Of course not, the family chef will do the cooking”Mrs Jones replies. “That’s so much better, I didn’t know how I was gonna tell you that I am a terrible cook”Annabel sheepishly admits.. “How do you cook for your husband then?”Mrs Jones asked. “Hmm.. he is never around, so I didn’t have to worry about cooking for him”She tells her laughing awkwardly. “It is a good thing you have me, I will definitely teach you how to cook when we have time”Mrs Jones assures her with a smile. “That will be great then”Annabel excitedly chirped out. They both went to the kitchen to go help the chef out in preparing dinner for the family. “I don’t think we should add the pineapple, sir Andrew is allergic to pineapple”One of the chefs pointed out. Annabel heard the chef and all she could think of was choking the pineapple down Andrew’s throat for making her cry but she immediately got that thought out of her head. “Oh thanks for reminding us,we could have gotten fired,” the second breathed a sigh of relief. “But sir Albert loves Pineapple,but nothing more important than sir Andrew health”They concluded on not adding the pineapple to the food. It was time for dinner and the dinner table was arranged in the right order. There were a lot of different varieties of food at the dinner table. The whole family came out to have dinner together. Annabel doesn’t want to be seen around them but Mrs Montes didn’t want her to leave, she made sure she stayed with her around the dinner table. “How was the contract, did you get it?” Mr Torres asks, referring to Andrew. “I didn’t get it,” Andrew coldly replied with his gaze on his plate. “I am disappointed Andrew, you are letting my opponent win”Mr Torres frowns. “We shouldn’t talk about work right now, let us have a quiet dinner” Mrs Torres stated. “Why can’t you be like your brother, he achieved the work I gave him”Mr Torres uttered. “Let us not do this dad” Albert pleaded with his father. “Talk to your brother, he needs to man up and get things done right. I don’t care if he is the younger son“His father frowns. “I won’t let you down again” Andrew calmly assures him. “You had better not let me down, I am really counting on you this time to get the next contract”His father stated. It was quiet for a while, the whole family started eating dinner without talking, the sound of their spoon smacking the plates is only what could be heard. “I think it is time we set a time for our son’s wedding”Mrs Torres blurted out. “I am not ready to get married,” Albert declares. “Your mother is right, it is time you get married” Mr Torres added, backing his wife. “I never get to have a say in my own life, it is me that will be left in that b*****e not you guys”Albert rudely stated. “Don’t say that, Tracy is a very sweet girl and she is perfect for you my son”She calmly stated. Annabel is getting tired of listening to their conversation, she just wants to leave and go to her room. She noticed that Mr Andrew was acting weirdly. He was turning pale and he was having difficulty in talking but no one was noticing. “What’s wrong?”Annabel asks Andrew,The whole family turned to Andrew. “What is wrong andrew?!” Albert yells. Andrew couldn’t say anything, he was short of breath. “Someone call the doctor!” Mrs Torres yells as Andrew passed out. The doctor came in to examine and he told the family that he had an allergic reaction to the pineapple that he ate. They are surprised and shocked to know that pineapple was in his food. “What the hell, who tried to kill my son!” Mr Torres yells. All the chefs were called in order, the truth about who wanted to harm Mr Andrew must be revealed.
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