Sad and confused pt.5

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TRIGGER WARNING ⚠️ Maylee’s pov This has been the craziest day ever! My dad, or well, Dave is f*****g crazy. I can't believe Don is my Dad, I wonder if he will tell Esme. Karen all already knew that I was his. This is crazy, I must be hallucinating “So I've got to tell you about how my past few days have been,” Esme said pulling Maylee from her thoughts “So first day of school I met Sam and stayed the night with him, crazy I know, and he made me try out for the cheer squad! Why he thought that was a good idea I have no clue but I did have some fun with it… anyways... I also was driven home by Josh and we had to talk to a cop but that's okay the Josh thing was today and we made out but I've also done stuff with Sam” Esme said “Esme, I love you I really do but I can't talk right now I need to get ready for the dance,” Maylee said “Jeez someone’s panties are in a bunch,” Esme said as she got up and walked out of Maylees room. I feel bad being rude to Esme but I have so much going through my mind right now to focus on her problems. I’ve gotta just push the Don and Dave thing to the side and get ready for this dance. Maylee starts to do her makeup once she’s done with that she slips into this red mid-thigh length dress with a v-shaped back cut out pairing that with some black block heels. I need to go to Esme before the dance and apologize for being so hateful to her earlier. I really didn't mean to I just have a lot going on right now and I don't know what to do. Maylee walks down the hall to Esme’s room and knocks “Esme I'm sorry for being so rude earlier, I've just got a lot going on and I took my frustration out on you. Can you forgive me?” Maylee said with sympathy After a minute with no response, Maylee opens Esme’s door to see her room is empty She must have already left for the dance Esme pov I don't exactly know what is going on with Maylee right now but she was rude as hell. I wasn't trying to piss her off or anything. God, I'm so nervous about this dance, I don't think I've ever actually gone to one of these. Part of me wants Sam to not even show up, but also if he doesn't I'll know exactly what he's doing, and be wishing it was with me instead of Olive. Esme continues to walk to the school when a car pulls up beside her. “Well, if it isn't Esme Jackson,” says a familiar voice Esme looks to the side the car is on and sees none other than her ex Mark. “Mark, what are you doing out this way?” Esme says “My best friend's sister needed a date so I offered to come with her,” he said checking Esme out “And where is this date of yours?” Esme said “She told me to meet her there. What are you doing? Why are you walking?” Mark asked “I still don't have a car Mark not everyone is rich like you,” Esme said smugly “Well I have a car and you look like you could use a ride,” Mark said “I think I'm making my way there perfectly fine,” Esme said as she started to walk again. Mark slowly moved his car up next to her following as she walked “Oh come on Esme don't be like that, we dated and split I get it, but I'm only offering you a ride in the car not on me,” Mark said with a smug look “I'll have you know that I would never do anything of that sort with you, Mark Tamp, never, so f**k off,” Esme said as she walked faster “Esme I was only kidding, come one get in the car,” Mark said Esme thought about it for a moment but ultimately decided to get in only because the walk was long and she still had a while to go Eventually, they arrive at the school mark puts the car in park and turns it off, then looks over at Esme and leans in pulling her chin to make her look at him and kissing her right on the lips “Mmmmm I missed that,” Mark says “I didn't so stop touching me,” Esme says as she starts to pull away “I didn't say you could go yet,” Mark grabs her thigh pulling her back to where she was “God you've always been such a prude Esme its time you lighten up baby girl, I can make you real loose,” Mark says as he tries to kiss Esme again but she slaps him right across the face “I said stop touching me you pig,” Esme shouted Mark grabs Esme by the throat pushing her against her seat “You ever slap me again and ill make you regret it, now be a good girl and spread your f*****g legs,” Mark said All of a sudden Esme’s door opened and it was Josh he punched Mark and pulled Esme out of the car then proceeded to walk Esme to the front of the school. “Esme, are you okay?” Josh asked with worry “I'm fine now, I should have never got in his car, that was f*****g stupid on my part,” Esme said “Dont blame yourself he shouldn't have been on you like that, f*****g creep,” Josh said “Let's just go in I want to forget about all of this,” Esme said They both walk into where the dance is being held “Do you want a drink,” Josh asked “Yeah actually I'd love one,” Esme said “Okay, I'll be right back,” Josh said as he disappeared into the crowd God I can't stand Mark I can't believe I ever dated him. He cheated on me so many times while we were together but I stayed with him until we moved here. I'll never the day I walked in on him with Ariadna Preston, god she was a b***h. She always tried to get with Mark when we were together and eventually, he gave in. I think part of it had to do with the fact that I wouldn't f**k him and she would, she's low-key a lot like Olive. Out of nowhere, Esme gets bumped into “Hey watch it w***e,” Olive says loudly “You bumped into me Olive, so you watch it,” Esme said sternly before adding “And the only w***e here is you,” Esme finish with “Oh please, I'll drop my panties as long as it's a good d**k, but you, you drop your panties for anyone, but especially for other people's men,” Olive says “What are you even talking about Olive?” Esme asked “Oh don't act like you don't know Esme you're not as sweet and innocent as you put out,” Olive says “Olive I knew you were f*****g psychotic, but this is a whole new look,” Esme says “f**k you Esme I know you and Sam f****d, so spill, a little birdy told me you were a prude but I guess not after all since you f****d my man,” Olive said
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