You lied to me

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Esme’s pov “Excuse me, WHAT?” Esme asked as she looked over to Sam “You told them we had s*x?” Esme asked “Yes, because we did,” Sam said looking directly at Esme “Why would you do that?” Esme said before continuing “We didn't have s*x Sam,” “What's going on here?” Josh said as he stepped up next to Esme “Aw look it's Josh Fugo coming to rescue Esme again,” Sam said “Wait y'all had s*x?” Josh asked looking at Esme “Yes,” Sam said “No,” Esme said Sam stepped forward looking at Josh “She just doesn't want you to know, what I made her feel that night,” Sam said “Esme is this true?” Josh said looking at Esme with hurt in his eyes “Josh you can't believe this, they are both lying,” Esme said “I don't know who to believe, I don't think you are as truthful as you put off, I've gotta go,” Josh said walking away and Esme chasing after him “JOSH!” Esme shouted “Josh slow down, they are lying, I told you the truth,” Esme said now chasing Josh down the hallway “Josh please, just listen,” Esme shouted once more “Why should I Esme you led me on, you made me look like a f*****g fool, I love you, Esme, I can't make you get that any more than I already have. I don't want you for just s*x and the thrill of it. I want a family and a woman I can grow with someone who will one day be a wife to me and mother to our children. I love you, Esme, tell me you love me too… please Esme,” Josh said as he began to cry “Tell me you didn't lead me on and that Sam's f*****g crazy, and that you are with me Esme,” Josh said “Josh..,” Esme said “I can't do that I've only known you for a few weeks, I care for you I do but I don't love you…yet at least,” Esme said “I can't wait for you to figure out what you want Esme, I love you and that's all I've got,” Josh said “Have a good time at the dance Esme,” Josh said as he walked out of the school What the f**k was Sam’s problem? Why did he do that? Josh didn't deserve that, he didn't do anything wrong. Sam and Olive deserve each other. I can't do this place anymore. Esme turns and bumps into Sam “Esme.. Are you okay?” Sam asks “Do I look f*****g okay Sam, you are a f*****g asshole, I hate you, and I never want to see or talk to you again Sam. Stay the f**k away from me.” Esme said as she pushed past Sam. Sam grabbed Esme’s arm pulling her back “Esme just hear me out..” Sam tried to say before Esme cut him off “No Sam there's nothing you can say or do to fix this you f****d me over, I liked Josh a lot actually and you messed it up for me with that bullshit you pulled, what the f**k were you thinking Sam?” Esme blurted out “ I was thinking of how much you mean to me and how I hated the way Josh would look at you. How I could treat you better than he ever could, I could give you everything you want Esme. The thing I thought about the most was how you looked at him with zero interest but when you look at me I could see everything you desire, and no I don't mean that in a dirty way, I mean it as I see the life you want for yourself and how hard you've worked to get it and how hard you are still trying. I think about how badly I want to grab you up in my arms and hold you as close as possible, and how I would keep you safe for as long as I live. How I'd give anything if it meant you got everything you desired. Most of all I think about how madly in love I am with you Esme,” Sam said looking Esme deep in her eyes “Sam..”Esme said softly “That's what I was thinking Esme, god anything to keep him away, and if that meant I had to lie then so f*****g be it. I'll tell the whole damn world a lie if it meant you would always be mine. I don't want to go back to life without you Esme, you came here and f****d me up, I've never felt the way I feel about you towards anyone else, and I never will,” Sam said “So go ahead Esme scream out, cuss me, hit me, tell me how much you hate me, I love you enough for the both of us, you can do it all I don't care, as long as you are mine for it all,” Sam said sternly I didn't know that's how he felt about me. I don't think anyone has ever said such things to me before, I could feel exactly every emotion he was feeling in that moment. I felt the hurt, the joy, the love. Sam meant what he was saying to me I could feel it. Why me Sam Graudy, you crazy guy? I have no words in my body at this moment, I'm in pure shock all I can do is hug him, so that's what I did. Sams pov I can't believe I just told her all of that, I mean it is all true but I don't think I was ready for her to know that. I love Esme Jackson with every part of my being, I hadn't known her long but I felt safe with her. She made me feel different, better than I ever did with any other girl. She is strong and she knows what she wants. I know what I want now too. “Sam? What are you f*****g doing,” Olive says “Go away Olive,” Sam says still hugging Esme “You are my date Sam why the f**k are you with her?” Olive says “Olive I'm gonna say it once more go the f**k away leave me alone I'm done with you, and leave Esme alone too, and her friends. I want nothing more to do with you.” Sam said “You know what fine be with that little w***e,” Olive says Sam pulls away from Esme and walks up to olive “Call her a w***e or any other name for that matter again and ill ruin your whole pathetic f*****g life, do I make myself clear Olive?” Sam said Olive just nods her head and then walks away “Esme.. Will you go to the dance with me?” Sam asks “Yes..” Esme responds Sam takes Esme's hand and walks her back to the dance into the middle of the crowd they walk. Sam stops and pulls Esme in close holding her tightly “I didn't mean to hurt you, Esme I hope you can forgive me,” Sam says as he runs his hand up and down her back to comfort her. “I forgive you, Sam,” Esme says looking up at him “Did you mean what you said back there?” Esme asks “I've never said anything more true Esme,” Sam said looking at Esme passionately “I believe you, Sam,” Esme said then she leaned up toward Sam and kissed him.

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