Sad and confused pt.4

1290 Words
Esme’s pov Josh drove me the rest of the way home and walked me to the door “Esme, I hope what happened back there didn't change anything between us,” Josh said “I appreciate that Josh, thank you for taking me home, I'll see you at the dance,” Esme replied as she walked inside Walking to the kitchen Esme was wrapped in her thoughts I don't know what to do, first Sam now Josh I like them both Sam gives me the thrill but Josh gives me the sweet soft side. I need some time to think, I don't want to do what I'm doing with Sam if I want Josh and I don't want to keep what I have with Josh if I want Sam. Ughhhhhhh this is so confusing “There she is!” Dave says referring to Esme “Uncle Dave, it's so good to see you again, how are you?” Esme said giving Dave a hug “I've been great, I've got some amazing news to share with everyone once Maylee gets here,” Dave said excitedly “I can't wait to hear, I'm gonna go start getting ready for the school dance and I'll see you when Maylee gets home,” Esme replies “Great, have fun,” Dave says as he walks back to the kitchen Esme heads upstairs to her room and starts to rummage through her closet looking for her side tie-down solid black mini-dress. Finally, she finds it, pulling it from her closet. Yes, this is exactly what I was looking for the perfect dress to make Sam jealous. I wonder what Olive will be in. god the thought of Sam and her having s*x makes me feel disgusted. Part of me hopes that Sam will see me tonight and realize he made a mistake, but part of me also wants to see where this whole Josh thing goes. Times like this call for some serious bestie talk, I need maylee to get home asap. Maylee’s pov Connor is so sweet and he skates, he told me that he'd teach me if I wanted, I know I just met him but I kind of wanted him to ask me to the dance. I don't normally go to these types of things but I told Esme I would, purposefully in front of Connor, in hopes that he would ask but he hasn't. Maybe he only sees me as a friend, I mean that's okay and all, give us time to get to know one another but still, can't even ask me to the dance. “You okay,” Connor says pulling Maylee from her thoughts “Oh, yeah I'm good, thank you for driving me by the way,” Maylee says “Yeah, no problem, I had a good time with you today Maylee, maybe we can hang out again,” Connor says “Yeah, I would like that!” Maylee says “I would too,” Connor says “Thank you for driving me home Connor, I'll see you at the dance,” maylee says as she gets out of his car Okay, that gave me some hope, Connor was genuine, and he made me feel butterflies in my stomach. I liked that about him. I head in to get dressed for the dance tonight, my mind is full of thoughts and emotions, my dad is supposed to be there when I go in I haven’t seen him in almost a year. He and my mom are both alcoholics and they never took care of me like they should have. I don’t hate them, but I do hate they didn’t care enough about me to stop. My dad has always been an alcoholic when he met my mom all he did was drag her down with him. I've been afraid that I would grow up and be just like the two of them, I don't want to be like them, I want to be more like Don and Karen. They have the love and the perfect family, honestly, Esme is lucky not everyone gets the golden parents. Maylee opens the front door and is greeted by silence. She treads forward to the kitchen stopping right outside. She listens in on a conversation between Don and Dave. “Don, my brother, I wanted to inform you of this ahead of time because I wanted to have someone on my side in this. I know it will upset Esme but I'm filing for custody of Maylee.” Dave said “What!” Don says abruptly “Yeah… I've sobered up I have a job and a place to live I thought it was time for me to get to know my daughter, and what better way than getting her back,” Dave says “Dave you can't do this come on I mean maylee is like our own daughter…” Don says “Don, listen I get it I do, but I need this I need my family back, Sandy and I want maylee in our lives, and I'm sure that maylee wants us in hers as well,” Dave says HE WHAT no no no this can't be happening f**k my life oh my god I knew my parents were crazy but not that damn crazy. Surely Don won't let this happen right? RIGHT? I'm in such deep s**t. Maylee starts to back up when she hears them start again “Dave, I didn't want you to find out like this, and I am so sorry, Maylee isn't your kid,” Don says sternly “Don, what are you saying I was there, I'm on her birth certificate, Sandy and I f****d, a lot might I add,” Dave said in response “Yeah well, Sandy and I also f****d a lot,” Don says “YOU f****d MY WIFE?” Dave said “Lower your voice! My daughter is upstairs,” Don says “You lucky your wife isn't here, I'll make sure she hears of this,” Dave says “No need, she already knows,” Don says “f**k you Don, you were supposed to be my brother,” Dave says as he storms out of the kitchen bumping into Maylee “Maylee!” Dave says “I've gotta go get dressed,” maylee says as she starts up the stairs rushing into her room. What……the………fuck……… don is my dad and the dad that I thought was my dad actually my uncle? stepdad? what the actual f**k is going on. “Earth to Maylee,” Esme says waving her hand in the air “Esme! What are you doing In my room?” Maylee says “Isn't it obvious, waiting on your ass to get home,” Esme says as she stretches out on Maylee’s bed “Um… anything new you want to tell me?” Maylee says “No… why are you acting so weird… oh my god did you and Connor f**k?!” Esme says loudly The door to Maylee’s room opens “Maylee I am so sorry you had to hear all of that,” Don says walking in and seeing that Esme is there “Oh I'm so sorry…um Maylee can I talk to you for a moment,” Don says “No, I really need to get dressed I don't want Esme to have to wait on me,” maylee says awkwardly “Okay just when you guys get home I need to talk to you Maylee,” Don says “Okay the both of you are acting weird, what is going on?” Esme asks “Oh, nothing darling just some stuff from school for Maylee,” Don says
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