Sad and confused pt.3

1354 Words
Once Sams's shirt was off Esme ran her hand down his abs “You aren't going to get off that easy,” Esme said as she hopped down out of his arms. “You confuse the s**t out of me, you know that?” Sam said while looking at Esme, Esme could tell he was heated. “You think I don't know that?” Esme said before continuing “You told me how much you wanted me to feel pleasure from you… so then why would you hurt me like that…I might just have to get that pleasure from someone else.” Esme said “I wouldn't do that,” Sam said “Oh, and why not?” Esme said Sam pushed off the wall and put his hand around Esme's neck, pushing her up against the wall. “ I swear to god Esme, you f**k someone else…” Sam paused “I will do exactly what I told you I would, I'm not f*****g playing” Esme just smiled at him “Awe Sam does it bother you to think about me with someone else,” Esme says teasingly “Um excuse me?” Josh says sternly Both Esme and Sam turn their attention toward the door and see Josh Fugo standing there with an irritated expression “What's going on here?” Josh asked “Are you okay Esme?” he added For context, Josh and I are neighbors, I met him before school started, and he's really sweet, just all-around a genuine guy, we connected on a more personal level because both of our older brothers left for the military, and I won't lie part of me could see myself with someone like Josh he's sweet and he's responsible and mature for his age all which are aspects I like when it comes to a guy. It also helps that he's gorgeous he's tall like 6’3 tall, and he has dark curly hair, and god the most attractive green eyes I have ever seen. “Josh! It's so nice to see you again,” Esme said as she pulled Sam's hand away from her neck Esme hugged Josh tightly before turning around to face Sam and saying “Goodbye, Sam,” I walked out with Josh and saw that Maylee was still with Connor I walked over to where they were sitting “Hey maylee, hey Connor, Josh is gonna drive me home, I just wanted to see if you were coming with or staying for a bit?” Esme asked with a smile “I'll probably head out with Connor in a bit but I'll be by the house to get dressed for the dance,” Maylee said “Okay, I'll see you there, also your dad is coming by I don't know if he will be there when we are there though,” Esme said looking directly at Maylee Maylee doesn't have a great relationship with her dad, he is also my Uncle Dave, who has been in and out of jail and on and off drugs like forever, I feel bad for Maylee because I know it is hard for her to see him he has never really been there for her my dad tries to talk him into coming around more but it never works. It's odd tho that he's dropping in and out of the blue, he probably wants money in all honesty. “Oh…umm.. That's okay I'll still be by the house to get my dress,” Maylee said, you could tell her mood kind of changed “Okay, I love you,” Esme said before walking back over to where Josh was standing “Ready?” Josh asked Esme “Yep, I'm ready,” Esme said back in response Josh always takes the long way home I'm not entirely sure why but when I ask he says ‘For the scenic view’ But if we're being honest there's not much of a view it just houses, more houses, trees, some land, a farm or two, nothing extraordinary though. Josh seemed to enjoy going this way, so I dealt with it. “Esme, can I ask you something?” Josh said pulling Esme from her thoughts “Yeah sure what's up?”Esme said “What is up with you and Sam Graudy?” Josh asked while still looking at the road “Well I mean we're lab partners, other than that nothing. Why?” Esme asked “What I saw back there looked like more than just lab partners…I just.. I don't want you getting hurt. I really like you Esme and I think you deserve someone who doesn't do violent-looking things to your body.” Josh said “I appreciate your concern Josh but it's not like that, I swear, we are strictly lab partners,” Esme said “Then what was it that I walked in on? Why was his hand around your throat? Matter of fact why were his hands on you to begin with?” Josh asked with a stronger tone to his voice “I don't know how to answer that Josh..but I swear it's nothing you should concern yourself with,” Esme said “I don't want him touching you..,” Josh said trailing off “I wanted him to…,” Esme said Josh pulled the car over and turned and looked at Esme and said “Next time you want someone to touch you.. Come to me,” josh said looking at esme So this seems awful of me but god I needed something and before I knew it I was straddling Josh he was just so hot like Sam was too but Josh was like the dark soft guy and Sam was the light rough guy and part of me needed both. I started to make out with Josh, and honestly, I thought he was sweet and innocent but he slid his hands up under my shirt and unhooked my bra I could feel his d**k getting harder between my legs, and god part of me wanted to take it out and… woah what has gotten into me, I don't even recognize myself. Josh kept going, lifting my shirt and putting his head underneath his mouth soon connected with my n****e causing me to moan out, ‘god this felt amazing’ I ran my hand through his hair gripping a handful, and pulling him in closer he wrapped his arms around me pulling me hard against his bulging c**k through his pants, I could feel every single detail about his c**k all thanks to the skirt Sam picked out for me. I think Josh could tell I was wet he put his hand down between my p***y and his c**k and started to rub my p***y through my panties making them soaked I leaned more into him and looked behind him seeing a police officer getting out of his car and walking toward us “f**k Josh, there's a cop!” Esme blurted out “f*****g hell,” Josh said as he lifted me off of him and sat me down in my seat, reaching across and buckling me up then adjusting my skirt to make it look like he didn't just have that skirt up around my waist but god him buckling me up was f*****g hot. He then fixed himself pulling his shirt down so the cop wouldn't be able to see his bulge. The cop then knocked on the window and Josh rolled it down. “What are you two doing all the way out here,” asked the officer “We were just talking officer,” Josh replied “ it looked like a lot more than just talking,” the officer said “I'll let you off with a warning for now but don't let it happen again,” the officer warned before walking back to his car and pulling away both me and Josh leaned back letting out a deep breath “So does that mean you don't have a date for the dance?”Josh asked, his face slightly red
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