Sad and confused pt.2

1287 Words
Esme’s pov I headed downstairs after finishing getting ready, Sam was standing behind a chair at the dining room table waiting for me. I stepped in and to where he was standing. “Have a seat, my mom is cooking us some breakfast, I hope that eggs and toast are okay for you,” Sam said swiftly as I began to sit down, and he pushed the chair in behind me before stepping to the side and sitting down himself. His mom came in shortly after with a plate of food for each of us. She sat the plates down in front of us and said “Esme I hope you like eggs and toast, it's Sam’s favorite I cook this for him almost every morning,” “It looks lovely Mrs. Graudy, thank you so much for your hospitality,” Esme says kindly bringing a smile to Mrs. Graudy’s face “Oh please dear call me Laureth,” Laureth said pleased. With that, she was off to the kitchen again Sam and I ate breakfast in an awkward silence. I couldn't wait to get to school and tell Maylee everything that had happened. As we finished our breakfast we both got up, Sam took my dishes to the kitchen. He came back to where I was standing, ushering me toward the door. He grabbed both of our things and said “Bye, Mom,” then opened the door for me, both of us stepping out and he shut it behind us. We walked toward his Jeep, and he opened the door for me once again, I hopped up into his Jeep and he shut the door behind me. The drive to school was equally as silent as breakfast, almost like he had something on his mind, I mean, he wouldn't even look at me. Finally, we got to school, I looked as if Sam was going to say something when he just pointed at something past me. I turn my head and see Maylee walking fast and crying, I open my door as quickly as I can, jumping out and running to Maylee. “Maylee what’s wrong??” Esme blurts out “Trey… he dumped me for one of Olive's bitches… her name is Teddy Wem,” Maylee says For some odd f*****g reason this struck a nerve in me, I turned and saw Sam standing at the front of his Jeep, I walked over to him and grabbed my bag from his hand. I think he could tell I was pissed off “Esme, where are you going?” Sam said but I ignored him and kept walking, I walked up to the school through the front doors when I spotted Olive and Teddy. I marched over to them Teddy turned to face me with a s**t-eating grin across her face. I swung and landed a punch right in her face, she gasped holding her face, and just as I went to do the same to Olive someone grabbed my wrist stopping me. I look to my side and see Sam, why did he stop me? “What are you doing? Sam,” Esme said visibility frustrated “I don't want you to hit… my date to the dance,” Sam said looking Esme directly in her eyes I'm sorry what! After everything yesterday and everything last night he's taking her to the dance. Wow, I played myself, and I played his stupid f*****g game. You know what f**k him if this is how he wants things to be then that's how it will be from now on. Game on Sam Graudy, game f*****g on. “Ha, that's not what it seemed like when you were feeling me up last night!” Esme says as she walks away, “f**k you, Sam,” Esme yelled before disappearing around the corner. Okay so I know I needed to fix the Trey and Teddy issue and low-key made that about me but okay because I will fix both mine and Maylee's problems and I'll start with the dance. The whole day went by slow as f**k, I swear it felt like it was never going to end. Thank god the bell finally rang, I jumped up off of the bleachers when Sam started to walk towards me. “Esme wait up!” Sam shouted I just kept walking like I didn't hear a damn thing he was saying, like my god why am I strung up over this guy all he was, was a walking s*x toy. “God Esme that was mean as f**k,” Esme said to herself But in all honesty, he was, that was all he brought to my attention. No hi, hello, I like movies, and clubbing, nothing like that was said just s*x. I was completely done with Sam and his army of w***e’s. My phone grabbed my attention when it started ringing it was my dad “Hey, Dad, everything okay?” Esme said “Umm…yes sweetheart I just wanted to let you know that Dave will be here when you get home after the dance,” Don said with worry in his voice. “Okay, Dad, thanks for letting me know I'll be there soon to get ready for the dance,” Esme said “Okay just be safe, I love you,” Don said “I love you too Dad,” Esme said and then ended the phone call. I was getting close to the parking lot and I saw Maylee with Sam’s friend Connor from yesterday she was smiling and looked like she was having a good time. I was glad, she needed that, I don't know the extent of her and Trey's relationship but for it to make her of all people cry she must have felt comfortable with him. She's been through so much with her parents splitting and getting back together, just to split again, not to mention the alcohol and drug issues they both had. That's why she lives with me now. But either way, she deserves so much from life itis good to see her actually getting something good for once. “Esme..,” Sam said his voice taking me from my thoughts I turned and looked at him with the most, I hate you, look I could have pulled out. “What Sam, what else could you possibly want from me?” Esme said with anger “Let me explain, please,” Sam said looking sad. “No, I don't need an explanation, I understand already, the bad boy wanted to get the good girl to fall for his antics, but he didn't realize it would be so f*****g easy, so he got everything he wanted in one night,” Esme said through her gritted teeth while looking at him directly in his eyes. Sams's eyes drifted upwards looking behind me at Maylee and Connor. I saw what looked like a glimpse of happiness before his eyes drifted back to me. “ I can't do this,” Sam said he then grabbed my hand and pulled me back into the school “Sam, where are we going? dude let go of me, I'm mad at you!” Esme shouted Sam stopped in his tracks turned to Esme and said “If you are so mad then why don't you take your anger out on me, princess,” Esmes' eyes lit up she grabbed Sam and pulled him into the janitorial closet. She jumped up and Sam caught her. Esme wrapped both of her legs around him, and he backed up against the wall, Esme kissed him hard and started pulling his shirt off, Sam helped by pulling it up as well…
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