The Job

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I dressed in a navy blue blouse that had little white embroidered flowers at the collar. A cream color skirt and brown flats. I had no clue what to do with my hair, so I put it in a bun and did my make up. I never wore much make up, I liked to stay natural. My exercise routine often left me sweaty and I would smear any attempt at beauty anyway. I did think I looked good, professional, yet not too fancy. I finished my food and took my plate to the dishwasher in the large kitchen. Mother was talking on her phone, she smiled at me and blew me an air kiss. " Good luck honey." She whispered. I thanked her and walked up the street to the bus. I had decided that I wanted to make an impact on my carbon footprint by riding the bus. There was a woman pushing a stroller, her baby was so tiny. I covertly looked at them, not wanting to stare. " You want to hold her?" She asked me. I nodded. I really, really did. She took her tiny body out of her stroller and handed her to me. She smelled of baby powder and fresh linen. I inhaled deeply. " What's her name?" " Marianna." She smiled at me. " Do you have children?" She wanted to know. " No, I don't. I just lost a little one." I started to get choked up. She took her cute baby back. "I'm so sorry, you and your partner can try again, I hope?" She was kind. " No, just me. No partner." I smiled. " My name is Maria Castenato, nice to meet you." We shook hands. " Josephine Brennan." I told her. " Oh, Brennan? My auntie works for Claire and Joseph Brennan any relation?" She leaned into the stroller to adjust the blanket. " Ah Anita's niece! She has spoken kindly of you, nice to meet you." I took a step back as did she,the bus was arriving. We rode together, talking and laughing. I made my first friend on the city bus. It was very comforting, I could do this. I arrived at the bus stop near the tall new office building of Prestige. There were about 75 people there, waiting to go inside. I saw Emmery in line. " Hey, I'm here!" I called to her. She motioned for me to join her up front. I scooted through the crowd. Seeing me take cuts many started to grumble. Emmery gave them a scathing look then yelled. " I'm probably going to be your supervisor, I suggest you act accordingly!" I covered my mouth to stifle a laugh. She hugged me. " Jo, I hate to tell you this, but you are far too sexy looking to get hired. We need to fix this." She started to redo my hair, then buttoned my blouse all the way up, tight to my neck. "Nope, you are still f*****g sexy." She kissed my cheek. " I miss you honey." She ran her finger down my arm. " Are you hitting on ME, your ex college roommate? You had 4 years to ask me out, now...right here you give me your pouty, sultry look. I've seen you give this look to the boys when you were on the prowl!" " I'm a slow bloomer, so want to do lunch then?" She purred. I nodded. "But just as friends, sorry." She threw her blond head back and laughed. She had a very loud laugh. It drew the attention of those grumblers behind us. I giggled then. About an hour later we both sat outside the office of Lana Hill, the senior executive in charge of hiring us. She called Emmery in first. ____________ Emmery returned about 20 minutes later. She shook her head. I saw tears forming. " She's tough Jo." she ran out and left me to face the interview all alone. I was feeling anxious until my daddy texted me. " Ok, I am booking the cruise, we leave May 16th, in the spring time." I was utterly shocked. I smiled that he was actually making it happen. " Josephine!" The secretary called me in. I walked in swiftly and sat in front of a well kept brunette that looked very severe in a power suit and red heels. She was tall and thin and very beautiful. " Hello, I'm Lana Hill. Please, tell me what you plan to do to grow our business?" I removed a spread sheet from my briefcase and layed out several strategies to increase revenue and avoid financial pitfalls, sighting several recent new businesses that had deployed these strategies and gained extreme success. I followed this up by handing Miss Hill a zip drive with a slide show on my strategies. She said not one word. I figured I was leaving soon. I placed all of my papers back into my brief case and snapped it shut. Her phone trilled. Lana Hill held up her well polished red figernail indicating she was taking the call. I folded my hands and thought about lunch with my friend Emmery. I wondered if we were still on. About 5 minutes later, Miss Hill stood up and thanked me for my time, she sent me away. I stopped at the door, holding the door knob. " Miss Hill, one more thing...I want you to know that I have two more interviews today, both with the companies that I presented to you about. I want you to know, Prestige is my preferred choice, but understand, I am full of ideas and strategies and my time is quite valuable, I hope you let me know sooner than later, good day." I walked out standing tall. I had just told a fabulously tall tale. I lied. I was shocked when Miss Hill's secretary called me an hour later for a second interview. I declined it. I don't know what made me do that, but I knew...somehow, if I ran right back into that building I would show my hand. My daddy and I played poker enough times for me to know when to shield a good hand. I went to lunch with Emmery. " That was the worst interview I ever went on, she asked me about my strategies to grow the business. I froze. Then she berated me for my amateurish outfit and the fact that I was a fresh college grad, she had no time to babysit." I nodded, but I had expected this. I took a course on acing an interview. It had prepared me for today. My phone began to ring. I let it go to voice mail. We ate and talked about college and meeting up again soon. It was a nice lunch. I accepted a ride home from Emmery. There were two calls on my phone. One from Charles Hudson and one from Lana Hill. I chose to call Charles back first. I supposed I should tell him about the baby. " Charles." He said briskly. " Jo." I responded the same. " Oh, sorry. I'm so busy at work that I forgot to call you back. I want to apologize for being short with you. My dad was waiting for me on the slopes. I wasn't being a very good friend to you, especially...well, I'm sorry." " It's fine. Oh, I just had lunch with Emmery, that was something. We both had job interviews at the same company." " Did she get the job?" He asked. I could tell he was distracted. " No, neither of us did. It's for the best the boss is a real strict B." I laughed. " That's cool, OK I gotta run to a meeting."
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