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 CHAPTER 3   THUD. The ground beneath shook as if something forceful had landed causing for the sudden quake. The stones bounce from where they lies; pebbles quiver, and the lush green marshland, which stretch as far as one eyes could perceived were uprooted – destroyed by a force from the huge amount of strength that broaden the load of the chaos being cause at that particular place. To say the least for  it to be out of this world would be an exaggeration, in spite of how a pair of claws and paws continue to ravage one another, uncaring, and barbaric. The amount of how far they can go is immeasurable. One stood at the other end; breathless, but to sough after the death of another is the only thing that could patch up the thirst it was being troubled about.   The clouds took an array – greyish in colour, and much darker that it almost emitted an ominous and foreboding aura. It is between dawn. No soul loitered, except the two.   ‘I am going to kill you, Alpha!’ Said a voice incoming from a wolf – it is a werewolf, much younger, yet bolder.   The intimidation that the opponent radiates from hadn’t lead for him to succumbed and accept his defeat. To forfeit means shame leading for his blood as a disgrace, although he knew how he could not stand a chance against the wolf ahead of him. It is an Alpha, and he is a warrior.   ‘I am much stronger than you!’   Blinded by false beliefs, and fury, he run. To be indenial of an ignorance had lead for his doom. He charged, but his attack is futile as he were forcefully thrown, and slammed hardly on one of the trees.    ‘Fool.’   Wide-eyed, he could have sworn to never heard such voice that cause his spine to shudder, but the ache he felt is much worst. The anguish of his wolf that they shared.   A series of groans resonated, a painful cry, yet to be stubborn as means of death he show no lament and so on claws after claws. s***h – the wantons to tore the flesh of his foe to avenge his distress, and anguish is overwhelming. Yet to say the least that it couldn’t withstand the strength of his opponent is an ugly truth that lead him on grave danger.   Bloodied—coloured fur that were smoothly being carried by the cold breeze belongs to a more massive being. His eyes on a slit, dismantled the doom promised by his claws, which is incomparable towards the talons of a hawk to its prey. The fight continue. It is between life, and death. A superior, and inferiority to show who’s in charge. A war of species in order to identify its leader.   One of the beast growled ferociously. Its snout were raised high on the air. Canines protruded were all ready to sink deeper are all in display to express its authority. Its paw scratched the ground. It’s all bloody. The white fur were covered in mud, and blood that clings on its body. It’s large, but the opponent was double in size.     GROWL. It’s more dominating. The aura’s domineering nature seems to be more hereditary than the enemy, who’s blood runs through the years of experience. It circles the latter, bent its head, and when the beast opposite to it charge – it launched, and open its mouth. It took the white beast neck, and bites it harder.   It’s confounded at first, stupefied. It wasn’t expecting the move that it tries to escape its doom. However, it’s too late. CRACK. And the serenity took place once along after the battle ended, when the younger beast body went limp.   ‘What a fool.’   The opponent disregard the corpse, aimlessly releasing it as if it was one of the most normal thing in the world. And soon after, there are cracks – bones being bent, and conformed until the fur covering the beast physique morphed into a human—like skin. A male –bare, and naked ever since the day he was born replaced the ferocious animal. He is muscular, a tan-complexion compliments his God-like figure. 6 feet in height. He is large, and his ocean-like eyes did not lose the temperamental nature it has, regardless of ending the opponent’s life. Lifeless beast that slowly transformed into a body of a young boy, who dare challenge his authority.     To think he could run and survive had only put him towards the grave he dug himself. He dare challenge the wrong Alpha. ELIGOR. One of the most ruthless, and notorious leader, yet admired by many for bringing victory on each war he leads.     Gadreel, his second-in-command appeared to give him his clothes.     “Clean this mess.” Eligor’s voice is deep, and cold. Ragged, and there are no softness that’s visible from the way he speak.     Gadreel knew what he meant. His eyes landed to the corpse, but similar to Eligor, there are no sympathy coming from him. The corpse deemed to be unworthy for every mercy that he could have shown.   “Yes, Alpha.” He showed his respect, before morphing into another magnificent wolf to shred it, and buried it himself – No, more likely bringing it to the enemy pack as a warning to never offend Eligor or they will face the same doom just like this boy.     ELIGOR OF NABERIUS PACK. Who wouldn’t have know him, except of humans? He is the leader known to bring death, and doom in America. One of the 7 Alpha’s of the 7 continents of the world. Dark, and Evil. No one dare to mess with him, for they knew that it will end into the most heedless fight that they would only hope for death to come reap, and sow before Eligor have the chance to do so. He beheaded his enemies. Feed on their blood, and bathed on the sorrow of their children.     His name were even used to scare young pup, who dare set foot into the deepest part of the woods. Rumours even spread out that he is heartless that in order to remain sane, Eligor were believed to take children, and devour their heart to restore his – What was missing into him, for the moon goddess herself had taken one of the most important thing to every werewolf under her power. A mate. And Eligor has been living for thousand of years – mateless. But it is on his favor, he knew what a mate was. It only means weakness, and he forsaken weakness.   He stop on his tracks. The moon shines above him. Eligor lifted his head – the madness on his eyes never fades.     “I’ll kill whoever you are going to send.” His glare intensifies. A vow to the goddess, who will challenge his strength, and so he continue. To step towards the shadows, who take him into an ethereal darkness he’s always been used to.           EMERY GRACE CONRAD’s POV     There are so many things circulating inside my head. Everything doesn’t make sense. The move. The dreams. The scenarios. The school. I don’t want to stress myself about it, but my mind were too stubborn that I’ll often wonder about the boy and the beast I’ve met in the forest. To keep pondering that lead to some struggles as I failed to focus my attention to the class.     This is driving me insane! But much worse was the fact that I’ll be attending my second class in the University – quietly forgotten about the detention given to me by whoever was that student. I don’t really give a f**k. All I just wanted was a peaceful day without any troubles.     When we hit the road, and reached the University, Adam, and Reign kissed me goodbye’s. How I wish that my day would be similar to them. No troubles, but a normal college student’s usual day.   I sigh.     “Mind sharing your thoughts, Emy?” I almost had a heart attack, when the familiar voice came ringing on my ears.     “Luna.” I exclaimed, not expecting her presence at all.     “Well, good morning too, Emy.” She laughs softly. “But I’ll be wishing you another good day, just in case that it did not goes well.”     “N—no.” I bit my lower lip. “I just didn’t sleep well last night, that’s why I am a bit jumpy.”     “If you said so, Emy.” She opened the locker next to mine. “By the way, you have just gone missing yesterday. I’ve been wondering why did you just run out of nowhere? The professor’s been looking for you, and I just made up a story that you are not feeling good.”   If heaven had sent me an angel, it will be her. Oh god, I almost forgot about that one. My first day really sucks. Thankfully, I don’t need to make another excuses about the stunt that I pulled yesterday.     “ E—er...” I was a bit embarrassed. How could I admit to her that I run just because of those male? This is absurd! “I-I don’t know.”     I looked away, and did not meet her eyes – in fear that she would be able to read through me.   “That’s alright, you don’t need to answer my question, Emy.” Luna assured me. “But same as before, you shouldn’t sit to that spot you’ve chosen yesterday.”   That made me curious.   “Why? Is it because of those guys?” I emphasize the last word.   “Yes.” She nodded her head. “They all means troubles. Aeron, Calex, and Ethan have that spot.”   So, that’s their name, but it’s weird. Yesterday, when I saw them, I felt so affected by their presence that it made my knees felt so weak. Like, something about whoever it is on the group had his effects on me that I couldn’t stop, but be drawn over.     “Is that why you wanted me to choose another seat?” I asked her.   “Another big yes, since they do not take it lightly whoever claimed their seat out of nowhere.” Luna replied. “Territorial bastard, yet girls openly swoon at those boys.”     “And you’re not one of them?” I joked.     “No.” She shrugged her head, and grins. “I have a man to take care of rather than drooling like a teenage girl over some boys, Emy.”     It did not surprise me. Luna is a beautiful woman. Of course, she has a boyfriend unlike me, who seems to be taking for ages, before I finally get courted.   Luna, and I talked a lot. We walked together inside the classroom, and luckily there’s a vacant seat beside her. I took that one, and while we are engage in a conversation, the familiar presence invaded the four corners of the classroom. Aeron, Calex, and Ethan.     Ethan seems to be the one who’s in charge among the three, and I wouldn’t deny how handsome they are. Tan boys, who seems to be out of a fantasy novel. It did not made me wonder why they are receiving a lot of admiring looks coming from the girls.   I tore my eyes off, when I saw Ethan’s eyes survey the room, and stop to where I was. His gaze made me nervous, but not as intense as it were yesterday.     “He is looking at you, Emy.” Luna whispered beside me.     “He’s not, L—luna.” I gulps, and pretended that I was busy taking notes.     I heard that the noise inside the room subside. Luna gasp. I heard footsteps, and I silently pray that it wasn’t coming towards my direction, but when it stop, I felt like wishing for the ground to open up, and swallow me right on the spot. I felt like there are some girls, who’s digging holes at the back of my head obviously not hiding that fact.     “You –“ I can tell that it is Ethan. What did I do? I am not even sitting on their spot! Is he holding a grudge just because of what happened yesterday? “—come with me.”   He does not appear mad. He’s far from it. He looks calm – that it almost scared me whether he’s just trying not to show his anger in front of those girls, who admire his group.     “B-but...” I wanted to resist, but he pulled my wrist harshly. I tried to call for Luna, but the man were much bulkier, and muscular over me. What chances would I have with Lucian? Perhaps, except when I found a loop to escape his grasp.     His hand tightened around my wrist. In fear that he’ll do something if I complain, I hold my tongue, and it feels terrible. Remind me of my highschool bullies, who would raid my bag, and beat me when I often have the courage to fight them. But Ethan doesn’t seems a bully – if he is, and I was some sort of a romantic, I’ll call him a handsome bully with an evil deeds. Fortunately I am not some kind of a damsel in distress who’s hopeless dreaming about it. That’s ridiculous, and utterly disgusting.     “What do you want with me?” I muster the courage to asked, but I do not even get any response from Ethan.   He continue to pulls me harder only giving me difficulties to walk since I felt like a paper flinging back and forth, because of how light my weight would have been compared to him. There are no souls around. The classrooms door are all shut closed. How I wish that the boy who had given me the detention slip would be around at some point, but luck doesn’t seems to be on my side today.     The corridors were all empty. We walked – no, he is forcing me to come with him! Until he stop on his tracks. My eyes-widened. Ethan brought me to the same woods at the back of the University!     “W-where do you think you are bringing me?” I tried to get his hands off, but Ethan is strong.     He pulled me again.     “N-no, please.” Without thinking, I bring my knees up, silently hoping that if I hit his crotch, he wouldn’t dare to kill me the next time we see each other. My movement is clumsy, but it feels like it would be my last chance to stop whatever he is planning to do with me. But to my surprise, Ethan easily evaded my kick with ease. His other hand goes for my legs, before I was pinned to the ground without breaking any sweat.     He do not seems amused for what I have pulled.     “I-I was just... Y-you scared m-me...” Stammering mess, I was trying to explain my side. Exact words, but my tongue seems to be knotting against my thoughts.   “I-I’m sorry—” But when I looked up to redeem myself for that daring stunt, I stop. My heart race midway. My throat felt dry, and my nerves raked, and cold sweat were all embedded at my forehead.   Ethan... He do not appeared to be the guy I saw yesterday. His eyes weren’t blue. They are black. His lips are angled – snarling, and teeth, which seems to be extending as a small canines on each side. Veins could be seen lining up in a row on his neck. They look alarming, seemingly in repulsion of something that wanted its dominion.   I felt frozen on the spot. There’s no escape. I was a prey left for Ethan. I am under his mercy, and I felt so hopeless.   “Sangue ... Senti odore di sangue.” [Blood... You smells blood.] His voice were raspy.   He looks enticed. My eyes watered. I don’t know what he is saying, but I have never been so scared in my entire life.   “P-please.” But Ethan only buried his head on my neck. He seems to be taking my scent as I heard a small groan coming from him. My knees felt weak, I felt violated.   “Profumi di lei...” [You smells like her...] His voice changes. It becomes more deeper. His tone seems sorrowful, although I couldn’t understand his words. Whoever was speaking appeared to be in so much pain for whatever reason that I don’t know about. Lonely, and in so much distress.     “E-Ethan –“ but before I could utter another word, I found Ethan being thrown over a mile away from me. I screamed, but it became blood-curdling, when I saw the appearance of another uninvited guest. A wolf. Blackish in colour, and he seems agitated, and mad.   My lips tremble. What the actual f**k is happening?!   The wolf looks like it could destroy the entire building. Its growl hurt my ears. In worries, I looked over to see whether Ethan is still alive or something. Luckily he is, but his clothes are already in a messy state. Tattered, and dust clinging on the hem of it. He seems to be as mad as the wolf, but I was in a state, wherein I am questioning my sanity.     Am I still dreaming? But imagine my horror, when I witness how Ethan suddenly – oh God, he is turning into another wolf! A hazel nut coloured wolf!   “O-oh my god!” But not even one pay me any heed.     Ethan charged, but the agility of the black wolf were much faster. A black mass that whipped to clamped its paws only send Ethan or whoever he is right now away. He hit a tree, and the oak fell over to him. It did not end there. The black wolf attack the moment that it sense that he is still alive, and breathing. Large beast that’s fighting over, and over again, and I knew that Ethan do not stand a chance against this one.     I am almost in the verge of losing my consciousness. I heard stories, but I do not believe legend to co-exist along with humans.     Imagine my horror, when blood began coating their furs.   “N-no.” I wanted to stop them, but I don’t wanna die.   They stomped the ground. Break trees, and bit each other. And when Ethan’s body staggered, all of the strength that I lose earlier came back, and I run. I choose to run – deeper in the forest to escape whatever doom awaits.     I pushed my legs. Adrenaline rushed in my blood. I heard thuds. In sync of my tracks, and I felt so Frustrated – so scared, and afraid that I just wanted to go back at the house, and be hopeful that all were just a dream. I’ll find myself on the bed, and that’s it. But fate is so damn f*****g cruel!     Dammit!   I cursed loudly, when my legs caught up with a root sticking on the ground. Failing to notice, I lose my balance, and fell. The bones on my feet seems to be dislocated even.     “W-why –“ I was crying. My sight is blurry.     I wanted to scream, but when the twigs in front of me resounded like they are broken, because somebody stepped on them, I lost it. I felt like I’ll die, but I don’t want to die. I still have a lot of dreams. I haven’t even had a boyfriend, and I am a freaking virgin! I don’t want to die as a virgin for f**k sake!   My heartbeat race, but when the bloody black wolf made his entrance, my subconscious felt like it’s slipping right past at me. He looks magnificent, but deadly. Beautiful, but scary. Enticing, but so evil – that the darkness looming over the wolf itself were out of this world. His presence is too intimidating that I felt like I was under his mercy, when in fact I am. His canines, and his claws could shred my body in no time, if he wanted to.     “P-please...” But the fatigue from the running, and the happenings came back at me. I blinked, hoping to stay awake, because I am not even sure if it is a nightmare. But then I lost it. Blackness moved, and took me away from the light. My body slowly fell, but instead of the hard ground I am expecting, I found myself being lull on a pair of arms that wrapped itself around my back, and circling even on my waist.       “I hate you.” And that’s last thing that I could remember.   - @cycy  
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