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CHAPTER 2 NOTE: [For clarification, Lucian and Ethan are the same. Lucian is using the name Ethan to get along with the human University as for his investigation to the death of his mate. Thank you! ] EMERY GRACE CONRAD POV “So, how did the first day goes?” That’s the question I first dreaded Mom would ask. How can I tell her about what happened? Would she then believe me? My first day became one of the worst day I don’t want to remember. I encountered things that absolutely drove me crazy. To run off in the woods, just because somebody called me Michelle. I heard him clearly utter the name, so soft, and gentle; the longing painlessly buried on those depth. An affliction of sadness and anguish for the loss unbeknownst to how much he suffer. I pretended to not hear her, and gobbled down the chicken we ordered that night. That’s for dinner. Mom told us that she haven’t had any spare time to cook dinner. The fact she’s been cleaning the house for the entire day lead for mom to definitely forget the time. Luckily, there’s a nearest fast food chain that’s still open at this hour. Reign share his thoughts first. “I hated it.” Unaverred eyes, he looks straight. He seems to be annoyed of something. “People sucks here, and girls flaunted, and throw themselves to whoever they think would give them a good time – and there’s one particular girl in my class, who thinks she could get a good look at my pants.” His nose scrunched up. “It is absolutely disgusting, Mom.” “Oh God, this is so f*****g hilarious.” Adam laughs. “Watch your mouth, Ady.” Mom scolds him for cursing. “Sorry, Mom—“ Soon he turns his attention to Reign. “—but don’t you get it? We’re in a liberated country. Of course, people would be different here. They are not as conservative as the people back there on our hometown.” “Because you don’t just f**k straight whoever you can see walking on streets with a pair of legs, Adam.” Sarcasm drips over Reign’s voice. “In America, they have been thrown over the window.” Adam bites back. “Yeah, right. Coming from the one who totally agrees with it.” Even if I am not paying attention, I know Reign was probably rolling his eyes to Adam. “Oh God, what I am gonna do with the two of you.” Mom complains, feigning to be somehow stress with what’s going between the two, but we know she’s kidding. Mom was absolutely enjoying the whole show. While on the other hand, I remain silent, hopefully praying that Mom wouldn’t confront me later on. “And what about you, Emy?” When I think that I’ll be spare nonetheless, boy I was wrong. When I lifted my head, the three of them were all staring at me expectantly. “What?” I took another bite, and shrugged my shoulders. “It wasn’t that bad. It all goes well, and I made quite some friends.” ‘Friend my ass.’ “Oh, that’s good, Emy!” Mom was delighted, and I don’t wanna ruin her mood by telling her how bad – No, it is the worst thing that ever happened to me since we move here. I hated America. But how would I even admit it? Mom needs the move, surely the three of us could agree how difficult the change was. No, just Reign and I, since we know that it did not bother Adam as long as he could play around with some girls. The audacity of my older brother. Tch. I wish things have always been the same. Dad hadn’t cheated on Mom, and we are still living on the same place. We do not need to turn our back to our grandparents, whom I really missed a lot during this days, especially Gran’s stories about how did he, and Grandma ends up together. Those days staying at their house, and making foods, cleaning the attics, playing on the courtyard, and going to get some fruits from the farm at the back of the barn. I missed them. The dinner ended. Mom kisses us goodnight, and I soon strides to where my room lies. It wasn’t gigantic or what, but I am grateful to have a roof sheltering over my head. I grabbed my diary, and opened the window adjacent to my bed. My eyes survey the lush green trees in front of me. There are cuckoo’s resounding from the woods. Perhaps, a night owl on his hunt for his food. The clouds lie above, and the moon shines deliberately an array, wherein nothing to be compared from. It is a beauty. Soon, I began to write. Dear Diary, My first day sucks. I’ve meet strangers, and it actually made me felt quite peculiar— The sight of the man I’ve encountered in our classroom came back. I am still reminded of how deep his eyes were, and the tenderness his lips promised regardless of not being touch even. Unconsciously, I brought my fingers to touch my own. My lips are charred, they are not soft unlike most of the girls. I am not someone who’ll spend my days painting my eyelids, and cheeks, and trimming my brows only to look appealing. I am more into baggy clothes, plain look, ponytails, powder, etc. Some sort of an old school fashion, which did not bothers me a lot. Although, I often received some harsh words coming from how ugly I may have look for them. But that doesn’t mean that I never had the chance to admire somebody. I can still vaguely remember my first heartbreak back in college. “I-I like you a lot, Ace.” My lips quiver, and my heart rate quickened on its highest point dramatically. With trembling legs, I muster the courage to confess what I felt for my long-time bestfriend. We are childhood friends. Both of our parents knew each other, which ended the two of us developing bond through the years of being companion. And I was hopeful right of this moment that Ace were feeling the same thing such as mine. Hopeful, I smiled at him, but his expression wasn’t the one I am expecting with. It is some sort of disgust, and for the very first time I felt like I haven’t really know him, regardless of what we shared together. The mask worn dither, underneath a horrid and scornful Ace is what I could see. “You like me, Emy?” He did not bother to hide the mockery. I felt a pang on my chest. “A-Ace.” But long before I could explain, a group showed up behind him. It was the popular kids that’s quite known in the University, and it includes the woman, who was linked as his rumoured girlfriend, Amanda. “I knew it, Babe!” Amanda as she gets nearer clings to his arm. She have a satisfied look that’s far itched on her face. It irritates me to the core. “That means I’ve won the bet, Guys.” There are series of groans coming from the men, before I’ve saw the money being exchange. I am not naive. I was far from it. I gasped when I realized what is happening. “Y—you make a bet?” My eyes watered. “—And babe?” So, it is true. It wasn’t a rumour all along. “Don’t worry, we’re gonna make some use of it, Emy.” Amanda laughs. I was tempted to charge, and rip her throat out. Her laughter made my ears hurt. But I still couldn’t admit the fact that Ace had sold me like that. “Ace? W—what’s happening?” I stuttered, hopeful. I wanted to hear him say that all were just stage. That Amanda being here, and her group were just part of the plan, but no. Ace just coldly look at me, pulled Amanda on her waist, and kissed her right on that spot. I watched their intimacy, before I turned my back to leave. Eversince that day, things haven’t been the same. I cried for ages, mourning about the feelings that weren’t reciprocated by him until I realized that there are things that do not really go as what we planned out no matter how much we hope for it. I was awakened by a low growl. The past dwelled deeper again. Memories hid in depth, and lay dormant at the back of my head. My eyes followed the sound, but no soul were in sight. My ears might have been playing tricks on me or it was just some wild beast on a night prowl just like the owl. I hugged my arms, when the wind blows coldly. I was ready to close the window, and pulled the blinds down, when my gaze loitered to the woods for the last time. However, this time something caught my eye. Am I just hallucinating or I was really seeing a child, who’s looking straight ahead of my room. THUMP. My anxiety plummeted, and skyrocketed. What the hell this child’s been doing out there? I couldn’t decipher his face. But he is on his pyjama, ready to dream, yet he seems to be in a wrong place. “Hey.” And my fear doubles, when I saw him shaking his head, and soon before, his body disappeared in sight. The child runs. He is running deeply on the forest and at this rate, I am well aware of the danger lurking behind those emerald green trees. It doesn’t feel good. Not even a bit. I don’t know what to do. I bit my nails – frustrated, and was trying to be rational at all, but how could I just f*****g leave it be? A child alone in the forest means a bad news, and I’ve watched enough documentaries that eventually shows events about what may or may not happened in real life. “Oh God, why do you keep testing me everyday?” And before I could fathom what I was doing, I jumped down from the window. Luckily, I did not break any bones, and so I run – barefooted, if I may add. The ground felt cold under my feet. Mud clinging on my toes totally reminds me of my days in the farm. The grass stretched as far as my eyes could see. The branches from the trees extended that block my sight momentarily. I wanted to call for the boy, but I reprimanded myself. If I made a noise, I’ll probably disturbed anybody lying here or residing here at night. I don’t want some things tailing me around, when I am just trying my best to rescue whoever child he belongs to. I keep the tracks left on the ground. They are not easy as they seems, but I continue. I passed trees – Big trees that loomed dominantly among the rest. But a mistake, I almost curse when I realize that I haven’t left any sign for me to not get lost in the woods. A bread or something, I really f**k up, but I’ll worry about that later on. Stressed, my night prowl continue, and so I heard a scream. Something that seems to be in deep pain – utterly suffering from an injury it couldn’t bear. “You can do this, Emy.” I cheered myself, hoping to ease my anxiety. I moved to where it was coming from from. The grass gave way. I was greeted by a clearing, woods, and runes that I’ve never seen lies on an opposite direction. They were accompanied by boulders, and destroyed rocks, but I couldn’t compare the shock I’ve felt, when I saw the child, but he wasn’t alone. Beside him, a beast lies. I gasped loudly. It turn its head. The groans ceased. It looks alert – eyeing me cautiously. Onyx black fur covered it – thick, and deep in color just like when the sky were painted by the witching hour itself. Claws glinting as sharp as a finely polished knife, and canines that deemed to tear with ease were spouting on each sides of its lips. The beast eyes were in a deep shade of gold, and silver. A combination that made it looks deadly, but beautiful. “Are you a friend?” My attention went towards the boy. He doesn’t seems to be scared. He is actually right beside the beast – calm, and looking expectant at me. “I-I don’t know.” I am still trying to regain my composure. “It doesn’t matter.” He walked to where I was, and I just watched – Frozen. I did not even resist him, when he leads me to where the beast lies. “He needs help. Can you help him?” Why is he just casually making conversation as if it was just one of the most normal thing to do? “I-I...” I gulps, and meet the beast in the eye. “W-what happened?” “Check his wounds.” The boy gestured to its paws. My eyes followed his line of sight, and I could see a bullet penetrating to one of its paws. It’s bleeding non-stop, and that’s a bad news, because it could die due to the continues loss of blood. “Can you help him?” He asked again. “I can, but I am not a medical practitioner.” Worries filled my voice. “That’s all right, all you need to do was just removed the bullet from his paws, and you can leave the rest to us.” Assuring, he said. “Are you sure?” I frowns. “Absolutely.” I never bother to asked him another question. I tore the side of my night clothes, and bent my back to reach its paws, which utterly confuse me. Why I am not afraid? No fears or something, and it’s weird that I felt like I am compelled to do whatever the boy wanted me to. I tied the tattered cloth around it paws, and unconsciously raised my hand to brushed its face. “This is going to hurt badly.” My voice is soft, and it seems to understand what I am trying to say. It nudged my finger – a sign, before I hold the bullet in place, and took it out. A loud cry emitted, it almost made me deaf before I tied another cloth, and pressed on the wound to stop the bleeding, which I successfully done in less than a minute. I am really grateful that I have taken that Civil Welfare Service Training (CWTS) from my old school. Soon, groans flowed in the forest. It prowess until the beast wounds slowly healed – HEALED?! What the actual f**k? My jaw drops. Wide-eyed staring at them, I wanted to ask if I was in some sort of a fantasy movie or something. I was literally internally panicking. “You’re healed, Alpha!” He cheers loudly before turning too look at me. “Thank you, Miss Emy!” “H-how did you know my name?” I blink. “That’s for another story!” He looks happy. “But for now, you should sleep. It’s past 11 already.” But I wasn’t even a bit concerned. Everything that keeps happening felt like it keeps testing my sanity. “What do you mean by that?” But when his eyes morphed into a deepest shade of crimson, my consciousness deemed to be losing itself away from the abyss. My eye sight were slowly becoming blurry. I blink. Twice. Thrice. But it is no use. I was feeling so weak, and before I could utter another word – I fell, and soon were deprive from the truth that I wanted to badly asked. “Goodnight, Emy.” The same voice softly said. NO! “No! Don’t make me sleep!” When I woke up, I was breathless. But imagine my horror, when I found myself on the same room that I’ve got to choose, when we move. All seems to be in normal position. Am I dreaming? I don’t know. I don’t f*****g know. If I am, the dream was realistic that all felt so real. The feeling – the boy, and the beast. “What just happened?” I touched my chest, and closed my eyes. “What a peculiar dream.” I was ready to go back to bed, when my eyes landed to the muddy footprint left on the wooden floor inside my room. And believe me, when I say that they have never been a dream at...all. BLOOD MOON PACK LUCIAN WOLVEUS SALVADOR [ALPHA LUCIAN] To smell the same scent he’s been longing for lead for a series of nostalgia that Lucian couldn’t comprehend. The first day he least expected to run with a new student, who deems to be having the same scent of his mate, Michelle. She who peril on the hands of the war between – the rampage of rogues. The same c*****e that he himself had not foresaw. It is a nightmare. Her last breathe, the smile, which Lucian failed to save had become his utmost regrets. Nightmares of sleepless night that were even unfathomable, the anguish that he shared with his pack members, the blood moon pack. Lucian lean his back to his chair. It was nearly dawn. The sky isn’t as clear as it seems. An ominous feeling, yet the troubles he couldn’t brush off that reminds him of that woman earlier, in spite of not knowing her name. But to say that even Lucian vent out to hide his identity by using Ethan ‘stead of Lucian. To lure the hunters as he knew that the chase never stop regardless of how majority seems to buried the scars left by the war itself. Lucian shut down both of his orbs for a moment. [ LUCIAN’S POINT OF VIEW, WHEN HE ENCOUNTERED EMERY] I was walking, accompanied by two of my pack members – two warriors in the name of Aeron, and Calex. Although the name both used is far from how they were identified in the pack house. We’ve been relying on it for two years. Prior to get along with the University as we seek after the information leading for us towards the rogue, who attack the Blood Moon Pack before. My jaw clenched. The mere thought of them made my blood boil. “Had you found anything?” Unlike humans, the bond connecting us had made us capable to channel a network inside of our head to communicate with each other. “Not yet, Alpha.” It was Aeron, who responded. “But it seems like they are connected towards the missing student from the previous months.” Aeron is more massive than Calex. He stand tall, but his behaviour told otherwise. Apart from being a soul to every group, he talks a lot, and was carefree, in contrary to Calex, a warrior, who seems to lack the communication, and put forth to take everything seriously at hand. “What about you, Cal—” Yet I was cut of, when I felt how stress my wolf was inside my head. It is so sudden. To pace back and forth churned my stomach for no apparent reason. His feeling shared to mine, yet I couldn’t fathom. “Alpha?” It was their turn to ask, query that seems I remain in are of, when I took a whiff from the air. The morning breeze, and the sweet smell of pine, and something that were much and more sweeter caught me off guard. It knocked me off, stunned. The sea of crowds disappeared. My orbs that I can feel won’t last long as my control is slipping away would presumably dilated. My wolf wanted to be let out, crawling, and spiralling as it ferociously howl and growl. “Michelle.” My voice even for me seems strange. She looks beautiful, a reminder of the scars wounded me for so long. I can see how intrigued she was until it was replaced by fear. To reassure her that I won’t put any harm has been too late, when she turned her back and run. The urge to run after her that I couldn’t stop uncontrollably withhold my entire being. “What are you doing?” If only I hadn’t been stop by Axel. His eyes are stern. A pair that told me to quit the chase. “Get out of my way.” I growled at him. “No.” He closed the gap between us. “If you continue chasing after the new student, I’ll believe that means I needed to report it to the council.” I gritted my teeth. His and the council, damn this brat! Axel is a peacemaker, the eye of the council, who ruled over the laws for century to bestow punishment if a must. “Tch.” I clicked my tongue, and look behind him to where she’s gone from. Perhaps, well run into each other again....Michelle. Lucian smiled at the memory. To feel warmth, and soothed, such comfort that has been unknown for him since her death... His dear Michelle. @cycy
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