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When they say that death would come to visit you, it would be painful, but some were an exemption that they wouldn't be able to feel the pain. Unbearable sufferings would lost on your tail. Liberty. Unending freedom, but all debts should be paid. Death is not an ending. It is just another doorway for a route you dare choose to take over.     When I woke up, and opened my eyes, I felt like I was still being deceived. No beast surprised to attack me. No sign of wounds or injuries that could tell me that I was dead.   Only I've seen myself dressed in a robe - white robe that reached my toes. Made in silk, and almost sparkling at the luminesce of the light coming from a pair of candelabra located at the bedside table. The bed is made up in a circular pattern - a moon on its full bloom were shining brightly overhead. The place seems unreal. And waters - cold, and icy covered the floor. It did not made me shiver nor shudder. The feeling is overwhelming. It felt great - so serene, and so peaceful.     "You are awake." A soft voice caught my attention, and on the shadows stepped one of the most beautiful woman that I've ever seen. She have one of the purest, and palest complexion, soft features, symmetrical visage, aristocratic nose, and lips curling in a friendly smile that made my heart flutter at the sight of her. Her eyes in a shade of purple hue caught me off guard in admiration.   She is beyond perfection.     "I-I am." Meekly, I reached out, when she extended her hand, and the feel of her skin against mine felt like I was being lull on a haven itself.     "Come, child." She brought me to a stone covered with flowers I've never seen before. They have different colors, and roots extending, and going simultaneously towards one another. There are blue, lilac, red, pink, and green. After admiring them, my eyes brought back itself to study the woman.     "Where am I?" And why does my voice felt so weak - so fragile, as if I was too embarrassed to stand before her.     "Home." She smiles. "You are home, Emy, and soon you will understand everything."     Home? Understand what? But when she squeeze my hand, all of the worries fade through. My mind seems to be driven out of every concern that put me on an edge.     "Soon, you'll see why you have been chosen, my child." She continues. "A war would destroy the world, and wounded would seek after salvation. Took refuge, and they would be given, if they would surrender and choose peace or suffer the wrath of the moon itself. Rage will devour the land, my child."     Slowly, her eyes water, but they weren't tears, her cries drops blood. Yet I don’t feel scared. A pang on my chest seems to share her sorrow. She cupped my face, and brought her lips to my forehead. A soft kiss, and soon I envision all the distress she express earlier.   A war. There are bodies scattered on the land. Humans, and beings I couldn't decipher what specie they may have come from. I saw my brothers - cold, and lifeless as they were all covered by blood like the rest of them. There are no survivor. The marshland took pleasure in bathing after each corpse. Roots clamped, and took them as they decayed. They sucked the life left, and annihilated them.     I gasped loudly. My horrors may have been far itched on my face that the woman looked at me with sadness.     "The choices is in your hands, Emy." Then she turned her back. "Your choices would means fate. You can bring demise, or salvation to the world, my child."     "W-why..." I was breathless. "Why is it supposed to be me?"     When she return her gaze to look at me, I've saw a light she tried so hard to hide behind every emotions. It disappear as fast as I've seen it that it feels like I was just seeing things on my own.     "Because I lived through you, Emery."           **   When I woke up again, it was a different story. Sweaty, I cupped my chest. The beating never stop. It's loud, and almost at the brink of explosion. Beads of sweat runs through my palms - my entire body felt like it was being burn. It feels hot, and the temperature within the place I am conformed with is humid.     My arms are tied on a bed. Ropes that penetrated through my skin, which I believe would left marks, and countless scars if I tried to move again. The bed felt hard, and my back hurt at how long I must have been passed out.     My eyes drifted across my ankles, and pain prickles my skin, when I saw the bandages bulging at how swollen it was. I must have taken a bad fall earlier, while trying to escape.   Speaking of. I still couldn't believe what I have witnessed earlier. Lucian, and the beast. They all felt surreal, but before I could be reminded of the past, there are series of clanks, keys jingling, and the metal doors were soon open.   A man walked inside. I am not familiar of him. Given the fact that we just moved here in America. If ever I am still in America. That's what I fear the most.     "You're awake." He said, and the same phrase gave me a sudden dejavu. The man is dressed on what I can see was a an old plain shirt, and baggy pants that appears to be much larger than him.     "W-where am I?" I cough. My throat is dry. My lips felt like they would crack, and bleeds if I dare speak another word.     The man took noticed of the sudden wince I may have shown in display. He walked closer, and I trembles. I've saw him reached out after a bottled water beside me.     "Drink." And he do not need to repeat the word again, because I really need a drink. The water relieved my thirst, the hunger I felt, although I am not really sure on how long I have stayed in this place.     I cough, and he put it away, when he knew that I have taken enough.     "W-where..." I tried to calm my nerves. "Where am I?"     "I couldn't tell you." He shrugged his shoulder. "Orders."     "How long had I been here?" I asked again.     "5 days in a row." He pulled a chair, and sit, yet far from where I am. Like being closer to me would means trouble on his part.     "5 days." I repeated. Mom surely was worried. She must have been looking for me, and 5 days, how can I just sleep on those days? I do not even have severe injuries, I just have a sprain ankle, and that's it, unless the big black wolf have done something that cause me to be put in a deep slumber.     When I looked up, I've caught him studying me. A mere curiosity, but I felt like I was a prey under the predator's eyes.   "W-where is it?" I whispered.       "Who?" His forehead ceased.     "The w-wolf." The thought of the beast made me shudder. "Where is it?"     But he did not acknowledge my question. He just continue to stare, before leaving. That's what happens before that day, and soon it follows, and continue. The man would watch over me, bring me food, but never giving me permission to move, neither making in contact at me. He would be far from where I am like I have something contagious.   I get used to it. I lost count of days, but that doesn't mean that my spirit to escape were also diminished.     "Can I take a bath?" When I made that request later that day, I know that I am pushing my luck. But surprisingly, the man agreed. He went to where I was, and untied my feet, but not my hands. He is still careful not to even lay a hand on my skin.     I bit my lips. I needed to escape. The man had been kind to me, but I do not belong here. I thought he'll bring me outside, but 'stead of, I was brought in a room - it was gigantic, and large. At the center, there' s a pool in a circular pattern. It was covered in rocks instead of tiles.     "Call me outside afterwards." My hands were soon untied. Freedom's been calling me strongly. I can smell the liberty, and somehow guilty for I am just gonna used his kindness to my own benefit.   I do not belong here. I am just going to rescue myself.   I walked to where the pool was. The water feels warm against my skin, but I was not here to bath, but to actually escape. Making sure that he won't barge in, I tiptoed, and look after an opening - window. It was open, my eyes survey the fields, and the trees I'll be taking even though I am not familiar with whatever route I may have keep tracks on. I weighed myself, and slowly climb up to the window. Luckily, it did not give me any difficulties, and the fact that the room is in the ground floor.       When my feet touched the grass outside the room, I felt so free. I did not looked back, and run. I run for my life. I run to escape, and to go back to Mom, Adam, and to Reign. I badly missed them.     "You can do it, Emy." Adrenaline rushed.     I pushed myself, and I was so near that it made me scream in utter frustration, when weight pushed me to the ground. I was frustrated, but afraid - something that's sharp made some wounds at my back, which surely tainted the clothes I am clad with. I winced, but it took pleasure, and pushed me harder, making me gasp loudly.     "P-please." I sob. "Please, just let me go."     I cried, and beg, but only receiving a growl in return. It's ferocious, and angry. It's paws pulled me easily, and when it turns me over, I met again with the same black wolf. It's orbs were menacing, and for no apparent reason, it looks like it wanted to annihilate me right on the spot.   "P-please." And I closed my eyes, when it growls loudly.     The man who have accompanied me rushed on our aid. He do not look sorry - like my actions were unforgiven.     He meet the beast eyes. They look to be communicating, and I couldn't understand how. The beast throw me a glare, before harshly throwing me on the ground. The pain is unbearable, as if a punishment for the stunt I pulled. My back is still bleeding, but when he turned his, why does I felt like I wanted to run and apologize, and it hurts. The way he treats me hurts me to the core. It's more than something that I couldn't explain.     The pain that took my heart, and slowly ripping it away.   "P-please." Am I begging to be released? "W-why can't you just let me go?"   The beast stop on its tracks. But it did not look back, before it runs away from me. Its pace continues until its large figure were captured behind those towering trees.     "Let's go." The man took me by the wrist, and I hide the longing I felt, and the absence the beast fulfilled earlier. Am I having a stockholm syndrome? Oh f**k, this is so f*****g insane! I am not in some fantasy novel to fall to whoever abduct me for pete's sake!     The man pulled me with ease. I did not show any resistance. I was pulled inside, not even giving me any chance to study the entire place. He did not bring me into the same room, but to a place that I am unfamiliar with.   "Get dressed." He gestured to the clothes place on the bed, and I walked - clenching my fist, and trying to compose the feeling that's continuously bothering me.     It's a plain-colored dress reaching above my knees. It do not have any sleeves, setting my arms in display, and the red marks left by the ropes around my wrist. I gritted my teeth to stop the tears. I missed home. How I wish that things were always the same, not like this. There's no home, no familiarity - nothing. I was imprisoned.     After I was dressed, the man took me again. We walked, and he keeps leading. My hands are tied behind, and we keeps walking until we left the perimeter, wherein I am hold as a prisoner. Trees after trees. Rivers, and rocks, roads, and paths. I almost slipped countless of times, but I manage to regain my balance. However, when I felt like it would be another mile, I stop. My legs are already numb from the long walk.     "I-I am tired." Afraid, I admit.     The man throw me some looks before he bent his body, and soon after, another large wolf were right in front of me. I gasped. How can I forgotten that I was not surrounded by normal people? I gulps. But seeing him urging me to climb at his back, I comply - because I don't know what will happen if my stubborn self showed up - I'll probably get killed on an instant.     I thought he'll run the way that black wolf does, but he didn't. His movement were precise, perhaps in fear that I may have fall. Secretly, I smile. He looks cold, but he deemed to care after my well-being.   I don't know how lung the walk was until we reached a clearing. But as soon as the wolf carrying me stepped on its tracks, a twigs snapped, and we were attacked. Something whipped past at me. A black mass before I was thrown over, I prepared myself, and believe me when I say that I wouldn't wanted another accidental fall again.   The pain on my back intensified. I breathe, trying not to gasp, when I saw the scene ahead. We are outnumbered. An ambushed, a group of 4 wolves, who seems be waiting for us at the this rate. The man were bitten, his legs were bleeding as the 3 took chunks in turn. He wails, and I rushed - not actually thinking about the danger, but to save him.     "Stop!" I shield him from the trio, but they seems to mock my naivety. They stomped, and lowly growl. They circled us. Growling menacingly, and I was so scared.   One of the wolves morphed onto his human form. He is naked, but he seems not to mind his bareness.   "My, a human." He took a whip on the air. "So, you were the meat we can smell from a afar. What a lucky day." Followed by his laugh.     His laughter infuriated me.   "f**k you." I cursed him.   "What a feisty little fella." His smirk widens, before launched that I was least expecting to. The man took a handful of my hair, and pulled it harder. I winced, but I not give him any satisfaction at all. "I would gladly rip your throat, little girl."     "You wouldn't do that." I don't know where does the fierceness were coming from.   His hand tightened. He lowered his head to meet my eye.       "And why not?" His mockery made my blood boil.     "Because I said so." I bring my foot, I thought he'll be able to evade it, but it hit him on the spot. His eyes dilated, he screamed and hold his crotch. When he staggered on his knees, I took that chance to spin my body in a semi-circular position and lunched my legs to the side of his jaw. It took him by surprise. He was slammed through the ground, but I was just a human, and he is a beast.   It did not take him a second to recover. His eyes were blazing.   "I'll f*****g kill you!" He spits on the ground, and caught my throat. The man pins me to the ground, and tightened his hold. I was running out of air - gasping, when I felt him wince after his hand touched the necklace brought by my father.     "b***h!" He cursed loudly, and I crawled back to the comfort of the man, who's still slumped on the floor. He snarls, and when I looked at his hand, I could see a burn smoking on his palms.     It soon dawn upon me, I grab the necklace.     "Don't go near me." I threatened them, showing the necklace clutched tightly on my hand.     "Or what?" But he charge, and the other three cheers, but his body were sent to another direction by an intruder. The big bad wolf did not give him a chance, but sink his claws. There are series of cries, blood scattered in the branches of the trees.     I covered my ears. I can still hear the whimpers, and pleading voices that were soon dismembered. Followed by bones cracking. As it does, I opened my eyes, but I was meet with the most beautiful man that I have ever seen. He was breathless, enticing, but he looks so evil.     "Hello, Emy." Baritone voice that made the butterflies on my stomach to flutter disturb me. The corpse did not bother me nor the m******e that happened, but my whole focus were directed towards the male.     His eyes felt like dawning me over, but his voice... his familiar voice made my eyes widened.     "It'" I gasp.     His is the big black wolf in the woods!     - @cycy
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