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EMERY GRACE CONRAD's POV His eyes embodied the pit of the ocean. It looks so deep, that although it may have appeared shallow in display, that doesn't mean it was. I was drawn. Drowning on the brink of not even asking to be save by whoever might try to. When I lay my eyes on him, all the fears - worries, and the anxiety took its peak, and soon fades. He made me feel... home. I felt an utter overwhelming feeling that softly caressed my heart. It flutters, and it continues. His scent is so intoxicating unlike when he is still on his beast form. I thought I had been saved. That I found my salvation, but how wrong I was when I was brought to a place they called pack. NABERIUS. I was imprisoned, and treated like a dog. Fed on the darkness, and weren't given anything to rest my head on. Cold bars accompanied me during the witching hour. Fears that gripped my soul, whenever scream would bounce back and forth on that hell hole. The enticement I felt on that day were soon replaced by an extreme hate for that man. My loathings, whenever I'll see him walked on my cell, and watched. He'll watch as though he wanted to kill me, yet he couldn't. I hated his stares. They made my skin trembles, and tingles - I hated the feeling of it. I do not like it anymore. His effects were like a poison I was trying to remove from my self. I hated his being. The sound of footsteps woke me up from my reverie. I thought it was the man again, but no - it is a woman, whom I can tell is part of the pack as well. She's clad on iron vest, and fur coat that covered her legs, and her arms. Chains circled around her waist, and the look on her face were grim. Ruthless, and hateful. "Get up." Her voice were much colder than mine. "You are coming with me." The hatred lying dormant inside my chest flared. I glared at her.  "I am not coming with you." Firm. Regardless of the wickedness I could see on her orbs. She narrowed her eyes at me. "How dare you talk back, you filthy human." Her voice were laced with venom. "If it wasn't for the Alpha, I would make fun of shredding you with my teeth, bitch." "If you weren't a wolf -" The loathsome intensified. "-I'll have the favour to make you suffer same as mine." She snarled at me. I clenched my jaw. There's a clicked, and I saw her marched to where I was. Before I could prepare, her boots were soon raised high on the air, and were brought down rapidly on my stomach. I didn't have the chance to avoid her attack.  Gasp. I cough blood, and wince. The pain is unbearable, but I don't wanna surrender under her mercy. "F-f**k you." No whimpers, my voice is strong, yet weakened. "I am going to really f**k you up, bitch." She spit on my face before pulling my hair. Amused at the pain I may have shown. My eyes betrayed me, when her boots squeeze my feet, drawing fresh blood as it break my skin. She looked ruthless, but I won't have her any satisfaction to see me in utter misery. "Now you come with me like a loyal dog you are -" I did not let her finnish. I bring my forehead, and smashed it with hers. I felt dizzy, but I shook my head. She cursed loudly, and the next thing I knew, my neck is being squeeze. My frail physique were pinned on the wall, making it hard for me to breathe. "A-ack." I hold her wrist, gnawing my teeth, and she is snarling like the beast she is. My vision is staring to get black. I was running out of air. "KALIXTA!" Somebody roared loudly. The ground shook. And long before the woman's presence were no longer pressed against mine. I slides slowly on the walls - breathless. Holding my neck as I felt suffocated earlier. Her strength is inhuman. What I could expect from the monster herself? They are all monster! My eyes move to the intruder who interfere against my death. It landed to a male. Same physique with that cold man, but he looks more troubled. He is holding the woman he called Kalixta on her neck. "B-Beta." She whimpered. Beta? Was that his name? "You were not ordered to lay a hand on her!" He sharply throw her deadly stare. "S-she provoke me, Beta!" Kalixta is still seething. This made the man to coldly throw her on the floor. "Regardless of." He bent his upper body to meet her eyes. "Orders are orders." And soon, a whipped were sent across to Kalixta. "B-Beta Gadreel!" She screamed, and the cell I was imprisoned has been filled with her screams. Painful scream, which I am sure coming from the silver edge of the whip. I've realize lately that these wolves just like the one I've encountered before were afraid of silver. It make their skin burns, and the wound would take longer to heal than most injuries they would often get from a fight. I have gotten to know their weakness, and the only thing that I need to find out is on how can I used it to escape away from this hell.  Her punishment ended. Kalixta were soon breathing hardly in the floor - kneeling, head hungs low to redeem herself.  "Do you understand what order means now, warrior?" Beta Gadreel's voice ring inside the cell. Gruff, but I can sense the authority he had, which is much higher than Kalixta.  "I am sorry, Beta." Her voice sounded tired, and weak. My eyes survey the lashes coating her pale complexion. Yet I do not feel any sympathy towards the woman. It's far from that.  "And you-" Beta Gadreel turn his focus to my direction. "-come with me." When he leave, I followed on his trail. After knowing how cruel he could have been, if provoke - eventhough I am somewhat grateful for his interference. Kalixta could have killed me on that spot, but then, I would glady perish. Staying in this hell hole were like burning myself to death. Imprisonment means killing me softly with misery, and distress. The loneliness I've felt each night just thinking about the family I have left behind.  I was force to. I was abducted.  We passed the gates. My eyes scanned the place. It looks like a village, more likely located into the deepest part of the woods to stir away from civilization if I presumed. The houses were built with victorian influences. It looks old, but warm. There are children, who were all dressed to what a modern kid would have worn during 20th century. They do not appeared to be savages. They seems to adapt the dynamic changes of the world itself.  Beta Gadreel stop midway. He looks focus, perhaps communicating through his mind to whoever he is speaking to. With my stay here, I've been used to their customs, but that doesn't mean that I'll find my belongingness on this place. My freedom were starving to what the outside world can offer. My feet means the liberty offered by the marshland away from this village. The liberty that was taken from me means the family whom I am still longing at this point.  I sigh.  "Stay here." Beta Gadreel did not throw me any glance.  I watched him walked to a large mansion we stopped by. I only nodded, although his gaze never lay its sight on me. I kicked the stone one after another. I still couldn't understand this wolves sometimes. Not long after, a ball softly rolled to my feet.  "Can you kick it back here, please?" A boy around the age of 7 shouted from the opposite side. He is accompanied by 3 children, who sneer at me with disgust.  He might have been referring to the ball. I kicked it to where they are. "Thank you, Miss!" The young boy cheered, he smiled, and picked the ball, when one of the children castigated him.  "You should not talk to her, Callum." He scolded the boy. "She is a human. Mother told me that they are bad." Bad? If only you knew how wicked your elders are, yet spouting nonsense that we are the bad guys. Tch.  "B-but Momma told me to be good, besides Miss looks friendly!" The young boy named Callum defended me.  The children seems to be offended. "Whatever." They snarled, and leave the boy.  I watched them, but to my surprise, Callum do not even looked hurt that his playmates deserted him. What shocked me was when he happily goes to where I was.  "Hello, Miss!" Hugging the ball on his chest, he grins. "What's your name?"  "E-Emy." And I softly smiled at him. "You were Callum, right? I heard them calling you in that name." His nod confirmed it.  "Are you a bad person?" He asked innocently.  "No, I am not." I shook my head.  "Then, why are you imprisoned on the cell?"  His questions brought back the bitterness on my self. I bite back my tongue. "I don't know." My eyes were solemn. "I don't know why I am being hold against my will, when I am not doing anything."  "Then -" But he was cut off, when Beta Gadreel came.  "That's enough, Callum."  "Brother!" Callum jumped, and runs to where he is. "I missed you already!"  Brother? Callum might have been his younger brother.  "You should come back home. Mother might have been looking for you." He lightly scolded the boy before carrying him on his arms. He looks soft - like the devil I've saw on the cell punishing Kalixta weren't him, but somebody else.  "But! But...!" One look coming from Beta Gadreel, Callum pouted his lips before climbing down. He kissed him goodbye, and I wasn't expecting him to pulled my sleeves, and granted me a soft gentle kiss on my cheeks.  I was stunned, Beta Gadreel even. But no on dare speak about it, when we leave. He leads me to a much bigger mansion. The design on the walls intricate a war against angels, and demons. There are beastial creatures that I failed to rename, but it looks bloody- and cruel.  We took stairs until we stopped in front of a room. The door open, and the most intoxicating scent had made my knees weak. There's only one man who could do that to me. ELIGOR. Thankfully, I know how to gradually fought after the urges. I am not even sure on how long I have not seen him.  I surpress myself to look at him, and believe me when I say how hard it was, when we are in the same room.  "You take too long, Beta." His baritone voice sent chills running on my spine.  "Apologies, Alpha, but I was delayed, because of Kalixta." Beta Gadreel show his respect. "I saw her trying to kill the prisoner." There's a glass breaking. Shards feel on the floor made me closed my eyes. I heard a sharp intake of breathe.  "Where is she?" His tone had changes. It's dark like an abysmal darkness no one would dare to cross.  "On the prison cell, Alpha." Beta Gadreel said. "I've punished her enough."  "Bring her to me, Beta." Eligor's voice sounded with so much authority. "No one will remain unpunish for disobeying my orders. NOW." "Yes, Alpha." Beta Gadreel turns to leave.  Unconsciously, I grab his arms out of fear. He couldn't just leave me here with Eligor. But his cold look made me released my hold, and stepped back.  When he left, I felt like the whole room were too small for Eligor, and I.  "Come here." But oh boy, the moment I lay my eyes on him, my knees trembles. His eyes looks deadly, and was directly looking at my arms like the wantons to chop it off is urging him.  I did not move, indicating for him to narrowed his eyes. 'Stead of forcing me again, Eligor stood up, and made a slow stride to where I was. I bit my lips. I am supposed to be scared, but his movement - it's a little sexy for me. f**k up, hormones!  I gulps, and steps back. I admire him, but on the other side, looking to what I've been through on this place, he could have been plotting something, and that means a bad thing for me. Why would he care now, when he made me suffer for so long?  The fierceness came back.  "Don't go near me!" I threatened him, but it did not even made him stop. I backed up to the wall, and when I tried to escape, I've saw myself cage between his arms. His breath so close - it made my throat dry no matter how much I gulps. His scent were driving my nerves in a haze that I wanted to go near him. An extreme temptation to touch Eligor, even without his consent.  "Touch me, Emy." His breath is husky as it fan across my cheeks. The beads of sweat trailed across my neck, and when he touch it - I felt like I was burning. A desire ignited. A spark coming in between.  "W-what the f**k are you doing to me..." My lips quiver.  I want it to be, like, messy I'm so insecure, I think That I'll die before I drink And I'm so caught up in the news Of who likes me and who hates you His fingers traced the veins on my neck. His skin were hot, but mine surely were much hotter. I could see how rigid Eligor was. The deep shade of his eyes turned dark with desire. It sparked through me, pulsating between us as the ambiance became more sensual - hiking up the desire ravenously.  "S-stop." My chest was in an erratic beat.  And he's making it worst by every touch, and move that made my skin spark. The feeling is too intense - too overwhelming that I felt so sweaty. And I'm so tired that I might Quit my job, start a new life And they'd all be so disappointed 'Cause who am I, if not exploited? "Do you want me to stop?" He pressed his body more. I can't breathe. A loud gasp emitted from me, when his nose made contact at my skin. My sanity is slipping away. With clenching jaw, I shut down both of my orbs.  And I'm so sick of seventeen Where's my f*****g teenage dream? If someone tells me one more time "Enjoy your youth, " I'm gonna cry And I don't stick up for myself I both hated, and like the strange feeling. Long before I could hold back, his callous hand caught my wrist, and his lips were ravaging mine like he's been thirsty for so long, wherein I am the only one, who can parched up its drought. Swollen lips claimed his, his tongue forcing my mouth as it explore every nook, and corner. He is scavaging the taste I've had - not even minding at how aggressive he's become.  Soon after in a daze, I am intoxicated. I was brought on a table, my legs around his waist. I felt so weak - so powerless, but when I heard his belt unbuckling, I was awoken from a trance, and horror washed over me.  Oh god!  When he lowered his head, I cried.  "N-no!" I don't f*****g know if I was bewitched or not, but my anxiety spike up.  Eligor stops midway. He looks confounded whether I meant what I said or I was just pulling his leg. But my sobs did seems to convince him. His eyes turns normal. His jaw clenched. Unwillingly, Eligor released me, and the exploding feeling I've felt earlier seems to fade. The magic diminishes, and I felt empty - which doubled the pain more. It has been replaced by misery, but isn't what I like?  For him to stop. But why does the drawback seems to put me in utter distress? His absence indulge my skin to an empty feeling. When he turn his back, and leave, I sprawled, and sobs raking to fill that room.  I couldn't understand. Was staying here means being crazy as well? On the other hand, Eligor's orbs return to its normal colour. But he is seething, he almost marked Emery, which is not part of his plan. If his wolf didn't act out, he would be able to control his needs - but no, his beast had an intense wanting to claim what rightfully belongs to him. He stormed out of the room - mad, an anger surging, and crawling on each part of his veins. His clothes shred the moment Eligor transformed to a beastial creature. He growled ferociously - maddened. He is so mad that it didn't even take him a second to destroy the nearest trees. His claws leave countless of mark. However, it did not even conform what he felt at the moment.  He hated it - the fact that he was even fated to a human herself. He knew how much the moon goddess loathed his being, but to imagine his madness when he smelled her scent after visiting the University. It smells of pine - of pomegranate, and lavender on its full bloom. It knocked him out. For thousand of years, he never imagined to find his mate, but he wish, he hadn't find her at all. His wolf walked back and forth - restless. It's urging him to go back, and finnish what was undone. If Eligor's control weren't strong, he might have foce himself, but no- he is an Alpha. He is much stronger than his beast self. His wolf howled. It shows him what it endures during Emery's imprisonment. And the madness it's blinded from when it felt her pain, and her misery under his wing. Eligor knew all of that, but he turns blind-eyed. His decision is firm. He do not like her. He do not want her. He hated what fate has done. Her existence would only means downfall just like his father. He wouldn't end up like him - like how his family has been massacred. "N-no! Please spare us! N-not my children!" Papa screamed, his whole body is covered by blood, and wounds. The pack house is burning. Corpses are lying closely to him, while countless of lifeless wolves were dead outside. I can still hear their painful screams. There are children who were hunted. Women were chased out, and men were massacred, when they couldn't outrun the hunters. "P-please." His pleads earn mockery. We were freed, but it cost Mama's life. I watched the blood flow from her lips. The light fading on her eyes. This made Papa crazy. He howled in anger, and pain. Soon, he morphed to rushed. He bring down two of the hunters, but we are outnumbered. There's a loud bang until Papa's lifeless body were place beside my mother. They laugh - but the wolfsbane had taken almost my strength. They go after my sisters, take their innocence, and corrupted their being until they lost hope, and died into one of the most cruelest way, even before they meet their mate. Their scene are still vividly imprinted inside my head. Eligor shut down his orbs. He wouldn't make the same mistake again. He wouldn't trust the specie who annihilate his people. Not Emery. No one  would be able to break his walls.    - @cycy
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