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REIGN IVANOV CONRAD's POV "Dad should know what's happening, Mom!" Adam's gruff voice ring inside the house. It's annoyed - but I can hear the anger enclosing on his tone.  He is frustrated. I can understand where he's coming from. We are all frustrated, ever since the sudden disappearance of Emy. Just thinking about it made me feel helpless, like I failed her as a brother. We're so close, and she just disappeared without a trace. It's been a month, and a half. No clues. Nothing. The police had given up even, and this made us all f**k up.  I haven't gotten enough sleep. Adam failed to attend school - me either, and Mom, she had taken the worst fall. It drives her mad - so crazy just like when they had the divorce back in the Philippines.  "I told you that we can find Emy on our own!" Mom screamed.  I know she felt terrible.  There are series of glass breaking. Some things getting destroyed, her scream, and her sobs. I am getting used to at it. But what I couldn't had a habit on was losing my sister, Emy. I don't know where did it go wrong. What kind of mess she gets herself entangled on.  I closed my orbs, and when I opened them, I caught my reflection on the broken mirror adjacent to my seat. Black bags were put underneath my eyes. I look tired - deprive from sleep, and so lost. I feel worst than I've ever become.  When we moved here, things were promising. A new University, and a new life, least expecting to lead it here.  My phone rang. When Bryan's name [An acquaintance I made in the University] registered, I immediately picked up the call. His presence would have mean something, since he's been working in the lead to find Emy.  "Bry, what's up?" My voice is strained of the same cheerfulness, and light it had before. "Any news?"  "I've got some lead, Reign." I can sense something on his tone. He seems edgy and reluctant like revealing somethimg to me weren't part of his plan.  My face hardened.  "Where are you?" The grim I felt resurface. For Emy, I can do anything for Emy.  The call ended. My eyes darted to the cross I had in my palms. It's antique. It looks old, and worn that the metal seems to be in a scraps. Nothing seems so special about it, but I know more than its appearance. I know how useful it could have been, if only my suspicions were proven right.  "Tell it to dad, Mom!" I heard Adam. I grab my coat. Using the backdoor in the kitchen, no one had notice my disappearance. Cold breeze greeted my entire being. My skin shudders, but no heed were paid. I no longer care about feelings.  "Mom!" Adam's shout bounce back and forth. I know he's holding the anger at the back of his head.  I know, Adam. I know what you felt, but father doesn't need to know.  I turn on the corner. A governess welcome me with a small smile that I hadn't return. Earning a cold stare, the woman scrambled on her feet. Agreeing, the other part, and were hastily sticking their noses on their own after what happened. As if I was something they should be wary of.  He doesn't need to know, Adam. I worked my way on the street. Because he knows. Father knows already, Adam.  The witching hour has never been this silent for years. The tawny grass on a pale yellow colour grow disorderly at the backyard, yet no one paid attention. It remain - instil, and was slight swiftly moving to the soft wind carried by the night air. There are howls. Some may assumed a fox, but some would say a tricks that your mind may have been playing on you, but never actually existed.  But in that night, an enormous black cloud hovered at the small cabin in the woods. A light - luminisce coming from a dimly lit candelabra were seething across the center of the table. Inside the house, a silhouette of both male were adjacent to each other.  "What happened?" The older gentleman voice were terribly mad. His face although trimmed with numerous lines were indignant, and firm. But it can't deny the horrible truth, some things are not meant to stay young no matter how dignified their wanton or how good their deeds was.  On the opposite, there's Reign. Shuddering - not by cold, but by all of the emotions he was trying to hold back. Those tears he did not allowed to be in verge. He is in misery, and the man could see it - His father. His mother haven't had any idea about their meeting. It's became a secrecy between them. Reign is losing hope. Emy's been missing for weeks now without any trace that could tell where she is. No witness turn theirselves to help. No voice were heard to urge the authorities that hope lies on this case. And he had only one person in mind that could help them.  JACKSON ALFRED CONRAD. Their father.  "W-we didn’t know, dad." He pulled his hair. He is so frustrated. And although Alfred had a hard exterior of a man, he truly cares for his children. What infuriate him was the fact that he knows the root of the problem, but he isn't sure. For now, maybe. But he can feel that the turmoil has been cause by the same reason why he and the others were trained before.  "Talk, Reign." He urge his youngest son. "You need to talk to me, so that I could find Emy." My Emy. Oh god, he did not want to think any reasonable things that can drive him to reckless decision. But he knew how cruel they were. THEY. He saw them. He face them. He experienced them. Alfred knew what it's like to be their prisoner. He's been once, and he wouldn't be onslaught.  Reign tried to calm his nerves. "We heard a noise - the teachers told us that it's normal." He burst into tears. "But I felt like something was the same thing when I felt Emy had hurt herself in school. I felt it, Dad. Then, me and Adam, we run, but it's.... I-it's too late. Emy was gone. She's gone, Pa." The anger that lies for so long has been distinguish. His fist tightened, but he wouldn't be as reckless just like what happened before. He wouldn't lost a life, but THEY will.  He face his son. He hold his shoulder as he gets closer.  "Listen up, Reign." When Reign face him, his eyes were bloodshot and tired. "I wanted you to go back to America, investigate if you needed to, and I'll do everything on my part to find Emy." "W-will you promise, Dad?"  "Promise, I promise." That's the promise he keeps holding on. Reign knew that his father won't disappoint him at all.  When I lifted my head, I was greeted by the strong smell of smoke, and sweaty bodies grinding on each other. The club on the suburban of America were much worst, and atrocious that I imagined it would be. Pungent smell, and women dress on what I can tell can attract men who easily fall for their bait. Their faces were caked, short dresses, and lips painted with so much bright colours. This is disgusting, one even tried to flaunt themselves at me.  "One night, English boy?"  One cold glare, and she scuttled off. I do not like messing around. I wouldn't be here if it wasn't for what Bryan told me. I am only here for one person, who may or may not lead me to where Emy had gone for. Lucian. I remember when we found him that day. Tattered clothes, wounded body, and almost unconscious. He looks to be pretty taken badly by whoever had beaten him.  We all felt sorry. When we asked him, he looks disoriented and lost. We asked him about Emy, but all we get were noting. It never occurred to me to confront Lucian again, not when Bryan call, and told me that he have seen Lucian going back to where things happen. He seems to be putting forth a great deal to investigate Emy's missing cases, if not, I hope he wasn't involved, or all hell will break loose. I wouldn't forgive anyone who had taken Emy from us.  Not even the slightest.  "Reign." I saw Bryan stepping across to where I was. I failed to notice his presence, perhaps because I was busy recalling about Emy's whereabouts.  "Hey, Bry."  He knew why I was here.  "He's inside." He gestured. "I may not be able to accompany you, Bro." "That's alright." I gave his shoulder a light tap. "I can manage from here. Thanks man, I owe you a lot."  "Don't think about it, man."  And so we vid our goodbyes.  When I was left there, all noises seems not to bother me. No worries. Nothing. I am just a little lost on how I am going to start. Should I ask him about everything that he knew about Emy's disappearance? No, it's too straightforward. He might have realized that I am accusing him as the prime suspect. Or should I invite him with a drink? f**k this.  I didn't think much, and stepped in. I thought inside would be chaotic the same as what I am expecting it would be, but no. A ballad was playing. The music is in a slow beat that driven any noise, except that the ambiance were sultry, and sexy. There are girls on the stage, and some mean coated in a black suit on each corner.  My eyes scan the whole place until they landed to person who was reason why I am here. Lucian. He's far seated on the corner. His head downcast. A beer in hand that remain untouched. Tucked into his own world, alone, and minding his own business.  I did not approach him first. 'Stead of, I choose a place, wherein I can study Lucian, without him noticing my presence. I order the same beer, but I wasn't really going to drink it.  I keep Lucian under my eyes. All do anything to bring Emy back home.  THIRD PERSON' S POV On the other hand, Lucian could smell his [Reign] scent. He wasn't a fool. He is familiar with the same scent he can smell with Emy. Oh, Emy. How can he forget her? The feel of her skin brought him peace. Her intoxicating scent put in a disarray the pain he had felt for years. The faint light she brought took away the darkness he's been drawn for so long. And now she's gone.  Fool! When he laid eyes on her, he never expected to have the same reaction, when he find Michelle before. The memory of that sweet woman who never disregard him as a monster unlike majority most would do. His sweet Michelle, but were taken into the most cruelest way he never wanted to ever remember.  His jaw clenched. There's a crack resounding from the bottle of beer that was firmly grasp on his fist.  Lucian abhorred that day. A doom brought to him, when he never harmed others. Fate was cruel. It ruined his soul, and destroyed his beliefs. But no mater how much he wanted to follow Michelle. He couldn't. Lucian is a coward in hope that perhaps Michelle could possibly live again. That perhaps there's a chance that the Moon Goddess would bestow her sympathy to her child. But no, it's been so long, and Lucian had been losing hope. His belief were starting to replace loathsome. He speak ill. His mind is clouded by total madness.  However, when life drained him, that's when he meet Emy. It's her first day - he knew. She's not around her - Lucian knew. He began to dig everything about Emy. But luck seems not to be on his side, when he lost control, and his wolf urge him to claim Emy, they least expected the presence of another wolf. Much worst an Alpha. He couldn't accept it. He knew who he is. Their Alpha, although he's one. But Eligor. That man put him in submission. And he couldn't do anything, when he took her. His Emy. HIS. Lucian's breathe ragged. The vein on his neck itched firmly on his skin. He was trying to hid how angry he was before. He doesn't need another trouble, for it won't cause him good anymore. And at the present of remain, that would mean a bad news.  "Dammit." He cursed loudly.  One man, bulkier than he looks, and was sitting near assumed that Lucian was cursing him on his back. His head turn to where he is. His small lips in a sneer, it doesn't fit the fat clinging loosely on both side of his cheeks, and his eyes were briskly showing his annoyance to the male.  "Got any problem, boy?" Slyly, he spat.  His wolf did not like the challenge. Their mood is sour already, and the man had only made it worst.  "I am not talking to you." He could used his tone - His Alpha's voice to shut him up, but he wouldn't dare. He surpress himself, if he is not careful, there might be hunters loitering around this area.  "Cut that crap." The man throw his hand.  Lucian's eyes turned midnight black, he was prepared to throw fist by fist. He knew wouldn't stand against him. His muscles won't help him in duelo with him. Not when the interference of Emy's younger brother, Reign.  "Now now, fella." Reign chuckled. Both received an earnest smile from him. "We wouldn't like trouble, would we? Before I forgot, here you go."  A waiter served their table with beers. It seems to amused the bulky male, assuming that Reign is Lucian's companion and that they are afraid of him. He proudly remain seated again, no thanks, or anything, but opened the bottle, and poured the remains on his throat. While Reign - when his eyes landed to Lucian, he seems to tore his mask off.  Lucian felt it.  "You knew why I was here." His voice turned grim. He looks serious.  Lucian knew all along what it is.  "Tell me anything about Emy."  - @cycy 
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