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EMERY GRACE CONRAD'S POV       After Eligor and I's encounter, some things had never been the same. But I wish it did not change, because I am still hoping to loathe where I was than to long after it, when I was gone. I was given proper food, and bed, where I can lie my aching body. My feet is still sore from what Kalixta did, but it wasn't as painful as it was before. It feels like Eligor's presence deemed to cause for it to heal quickly, which I doubt. The idea seems ridiculous.  I was too lost at my train of thoughts, when I was knocked out from my reverie. The same jingling of keys made my stomach churn. I was hoping and both afraid. Hoping that it was Eligor, and cautious, whether it was Kalixta in revenge for what Beta Gadreel had done to her. She's been punished - serves the b***h right!  But it wasn't the one I am expecting to, it was Callum accompanied by an elder lady.  "Miss! We've see each other again!" He happily hop on his feet.  The lady chuckled at his reaction, before she look at me with those warm eyes. My heart leap. My chest throbs. Those eyes reminded me of mother. I badly missed her.  "You are Emery, right?" Her tone seems to acknowledge whether she's right.  It did not even surprise me that they knew my name, although I haven had any clue about theirs. I do not even know why I was brought here. No reason or anything that could give me a hint why I was abducted.  "Yes." She seems friendly, and so I give her a small smile, but that doesn't mean that I am letting my guard down. "My name is Emery." It's not going to happen anymore - not even when Eligor is present. His mere being infuriated me. I am sure that I was bewitched the whole time that the intimacy happened between us. If I were sane, his balls would be kicked. I wouldn't even care if he beat me to it. That bastard touch me! But on the other hand, the feel of his skin against mine felt so good - OH GOD! NO!  The thought horrified me that I brought my attention to the woman ahead of me.  "My name is Rene." The elder woman named Rene gestured to Callum. "And this is my son Callum-" I wasn't expecting that. "And I assumed you've met my eldest, Gadreel." I slowly nodded my head. I did not put forth a great deal to speak more or to converse with the two. But Callum's eyes sparkling - where innocence were vividly seen had put my stress to simmer down. It assures me to hope maybe there are people out there who could help me to wherever I am.  She might have seen that I do not intended to be close with her. She did not mind, maybe. 'Stead of, Rene keeps her distance.  "I wouldn't blame you for the fear cause by our people." It never occurs to me how soft her voice was. She looks harmless, it wouldn't hurt to try again, right?  I bit my lips.  "I am not here to bring harm, Emery." She continue. "Callum actually ask if you could play with him-" This earn a giggle from Callum, when his name were mentioned. "-We were permitted by the Alpha, and so forth, we wanted to ask you if you can, but we are not going to force you, Emy." I looked at her. The light on her eyes, and the endeavours haven’t had any slight intention to cause ill-doings. But Callum wanted to play with me?  "Don't you realize that I may have the chance to escape if I was let out on the day?" Quietly, I murmured.  "We know, but I trust you-" I cut her off.  "Don't you realize that I may have harm Callum just for my own benefit, right?" I was giving her the doubt.  Instead of, what I earn were heartfelt chuckles.  "I doubt that." Callum in sync, he rolled on his bellies.  "Miss won't hurt me!" He placed his face on his palms. "I know that you are kind unlike what my playmates mother were trying to tell us!"  "Besides-" His mother seconded. "Alpha won't bring you here if he can see that you would bestow harm upon his people - his family. Alpha wouldn't endanger the whole pack with your presence, Emery." Without further ado, I was convinced. Dress on the same clothes, I accompanied the pair. I get disgusted looks, and disdain, but no one pry off. Not even daring to complain why I wasn't imprisoned, but roaming freely around. No ropes to tied my hand. No chains to locked me up behind those dark cells.  The light shine. The breathe of fresh air I filled my lungs. The sunlight feels so good against my skin - it made me quite forget the longings, and restless night I spent here in Naberius. Regardless of, I couldn't help, but be fascinated to the place. Rene, and Callum brought me to a falls nearby the village or the pack - whatever may they call it. Pristine and cold water gave me shudder and peace when I lower my body. Some big rocks surrounding it had complimented the wilderness it was trying to convey. Flowers, and plants sprouted near the falls only made the natural ambiance more fascinating.  "Miss!" Cullum’s call made me turn to where he is, but - SPLASH. Water were splash where I was. Stunned, Callum laughs loudly. I heard a series of 'I got you!' Before his small physique swims farther, but I can still vividly hear the sound of his laughter. I blink. Twice. Thrice. Before my lips protruded with a grin. "This is your game, huh." For the very first time since I arrived, I smiled, laugh, and chuckled.  I chases after the kid, and so we are in a war against each other. We continue to splash water against us. Taking in accounts how I was enjoying the whole time as her Mother watched us on guard. This amused me. How could all the remnants of those cold days of imprisonment were redeemed by just a day of accompanying Rene, and Callum? They are part of the pack. I should be mad at them, but I couldn't. I couldn't stay mad, when my walls are slowly breaking. When my souls are letting them be venture to my small world.  I hated it. But momentarily, I know I didn't.  "I give up, Miss!" Callum raised his hand to show that he is surrendering. "I got you this time!" Breathless, I giggles alongside with him. We've been playing for hours. The clouds sunken. It's noon, I presumed. But the heat weren't as painful as it was, when we were in the city. Oh god, if only you knew what Manila was like. This quite brought me back to where I originally came from. Far from America - back in the Philippines.  It's early in the morning, but never had I ever woke up only to assumed whether the clouds would turn gray, and soon rain will pour. The big city bask underneath the blazing sun. Sweating bodies exposed only to felt like you are burning. It's far more painful. A summer escapade in the month of May. Yet people wouldn't mind how Manila deemed to be in a flame - one would endure, a towel in hand and I'll hear Manong barker would shout, "Isa pa ho! Cubao! Cubao! Cubao!" The bustling streets are filled with different person with different agendas sticking their noses on. Some were followed by children - clad in tattered clothes, barefoored, and orbs losing its innocence already by the junctures leading to poverty.  "Ate, palimos po," That's been their normal routine day by day.  I've been used to it. Peering across the small compartment - an apartment located beside the highways allowed me to witness interactions. Day, and night, a freshly brewed coffee or either a cold water to parched up my thirst. It made me wonder back on our Barangay. A province that has never been the same like this. A row of forest would roof those who are exhausted by a long walk, streams overflowing as a drink, and fruits that one most likely to see on either part, wherein they would be fruitful. Countless of memoirs ruined by new infrastructure leading to what politicians always vow to us, "Pag-unlad para sa bayan." I shut down my orbs. Cut tress that hasn't never been replaced, and polutions swarming coming from new factories that were told to produce goods to tend for our needs. I see changes. We witness progress, but it cost us the woods - fresh air, and water, however suffocated now by toxins, and chemicals that could endanger life - human, and those who took refuge in the grass, and inhabit the forest long before we co-exist.  They were forgotten. The land leach by toxins. It destroy crops. Farmers lost their job - this saddened my grandpa, a 70 year old Tatay Roging, who put forth great deal on his farm. Many in hope to find job were force to turn their back, and leave. I wasn't no different, Manila has been a promising place, yet - “‘Yung sobrang cramped na ng ating Metro Manila homes and population...." (Rosario Bella Guzman, IBON Foundation executive editor, Philippines 2020)    The world is over populated. Deforestation take homes. Minings dwelled on the ground - demolish trees only in result for what I can remember death of 67 people during Typhoon Ulyses after it hit Luzon. Billions were damage. Humans lamented, but had they ever felt remorse or only when the damage were there, and casualties were seen to directly affect their lives? Looking through it, it reminds me a quotation, “We often take for granted the very things that most deserve our gratitude.” Reminding me how humans were never contented. Similar to a movie, where trees became extinct. Plastics remain. No seeds. But conformed in a society, where children failed to enriched their eyes by how beautiful the sunset was at dawn, how green, and lush the marshlands were, and how good life was when pollution hadn't existed yet. The good old days.   Elderly would look back, however they knew that those will remain at the back of their head. People are stubborn. They would want something to earn, not even returning the same thing after they prosper. Amongst all, provinces were consequently like becoming Manila. Traced back progress evidently shown the prosperity that would cost us more than what it can give. Restless nights, instil walls, and the solemn truth bypass in the world. I was once back before in the province, the clouds stood high, and the ferry took me in a voyage that I never experience before. The islands were dimly lit by small fires. Sunsets, and sunrise that  are both ethereal, and magnificent as they bathed in dawn, and during days. The ocean appeared so blue - peaceful currents accompanied by cold breeze.  I smiled, but when I opened my eyes, I was knocked through. Appalled by shock and dismay - humid air, and noises resonating on the bustling streets of Metro replaced the cold earthy feeling. Downcast eyes darted across my nearly empty glass. When will humans learn from the same mistakes in the past?  That was the memories I had, when I am still taking my college degree in PUP Sta. Mesa. There are difficulties, but never expected the divorce of my parents. What I only worry before was the heat, the longings from the province, Lolo, and the continuous destruction of so many things that humans are being ungrateful for. But it made me wonder, if we knew that we are not the only one who exist, are we going to stir away from the forest? I guess not. Humans were often uncontested, and greedy. "Hey!" I didn't notice that Callum get closer to me, while I was reminiscing those memories in the past.  "Hey-" I looked behind his shoulder to see Rene turning her back. "-Are we going to go back now?" I asked.  "No." Callum shook his head in return. "But Mother will do." "Should we tag along now?" I frown. "Nope." He grins. "We could still play, Miss! But Mother reminds us to go back before it gets darks, you know -" He scooted over. "-There are big bad wolfs in the forest, who are not part of our pack!"  He made a scary face to scare me, but with Callum's cute visage? That won't do. It only added to his charm. "Quit, Cal." I was getting comfortable at this child. "We'll go back before sunset." And so we indulge ourselves again. We play at what our heart ask us for. Too conformed at our moment that we failed to noticed the pair of crimson eyes prying on the dark. - @cycy
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