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SPECIAL CHAPTER It's evening. There are series of cries. The cloud is grey, but that's for the meantime. At exactly 6 in the morning, the darkness bloom into an earnest sunrise from the east. Birds flock. The dock were hereby full of ships. It's summer, and that means - beaches, a lot of beaches, and sand. But that's not the whole point. Eligor, Gadreel, Callum, and the rest of the pack stood stun. Not just because they are on some beaches around South Carolina or somewhere in America. Yet, they are seeing a bunch of picnic blankets spread out across the Naberius pack.  "So, this is what you were trying to tell us earlier, Mom?" Gadreel inquired to Rene. The latter only happily nodded her head. "Yes!" She clapped her hands. "And don't worry, because I prepared everything! I cooked, and another no worries, I will also clean the pack with the help of -" Her eyes scan the group, and unluckily they landed on me. "-Emy! Right, Emery! You will, right dear?" And only I can do was to force some smile, and slowly agreed. Her eyes were sending me signals like -" say yes, say yes, say yes, pleasseeee." Oh god, what had I gotten myself into this time? Measuring the whole pack - if this is the only area that we are supposed to clean, it will still took us until dawn! The place is huge. No, it is ultimately massive. I felt like I should have known about it, when I saw her giving me treats yesterday night. Only to woke up with this...surprises. "So here's the deal!" She marched in front of us. Gadreel cut her off. "Mom, you are quite forgetting that Alpha is here, right?" "Of course dear!" She laughs. "What do you think of me? Of course, I wouldn't just place it right here and there, if Alpha hadn't agreed with me." I doubt that. Eligor's weren't the type to get pursued with this kind of shenanigans. But nevertheless, it wasn't bad to have some fun, right? It's been so long, plus it's summer. We all need a break. And I needed some time out of my cell. I'll just probably ignore Kalixta digging some hole at the back of my head.  And that doesn't mean, I wasn't affected by Eligor's presence. How ironic. I wanted to have some fun, but I also needed - I mean a must - I needed to avoid Eligor as much as I can. I don't want to make the same mistake again. I don't want to get bewitched by this male, but Holy mother, he looks so hot on his trunks - - - -  "Emy!"  I snapped out.  "W-what?" My cheeks reddened. I turned to look at Rene, who seems to be raising her eyebrows, because of the obvious reason why I haven't been listening to her the whole time.  "I just wanna ask whether you wanna change your clothes or not." But her eyes were telling me differently.  I strongly resist the urge to turn my gaze again to Eligor. I never even expected him to have a god-like bod--- STOP IT, EMY! GOD!  "I've seen better." I fan myself. I did not mind Reign's giggles and her teasing. I am not sure whether she can hear my thoughts or not. Girl's instincts, maybe?  But I am not liking it. Not even a bit.  "Miss! Miss! Let's swim!" Callum rushes to where I was.  "After I change, Cal." I smiled at him, before I walked to where I could change my clothes. It is a small room - wooden, but spacious. I was a little worried, since it doesn't have any doors, but coverings around. I scooted towards the corner, and pulled the hem of the dress I was given. Reign is kind. After our encounter, I was given proper clothes, and every necessities were provided. There are times, where she would visit me. Invite me for a stroll or accompany her with Callum. And I hated the fact that I was kinda enjoying those times.  I sigh, failing to notice the silhouette behind my back until I heard the sound of some things being rummages. Quickly, I whipped around. My senses were soon invaded by one of the most intoxicating scent I've ever smell. My eyes shut down on its own accord.  No!  I know who it belongs to. Even when he's masked, or plunge into the sea of people, I can still vividly recognize him. Eligor.  "Mind if you turn your back, Emery?" His chuckles vibrated through the entire room. It sounds cold, dark, and something that deems amused. His voice were the same deep tone he used when we are on his office.  His office. That made me gulps. Don't you f*****g think, Emy! But the man in front of me obviously know his effect. He obviously knew the butterflies. The dreams I had, when I was in trance on how his kisses almost drown me. How I was down on my knees just so I could touch his lips. How my cravings bottled up inside my head. How I am struggling to resist the urge to jump on his arms just so I could feel his warmth. How hard it was to force myself when I was opposed to the loathing I was trying to grow within me. I hate you, Eligor.  I did not tore my eyes off, when he lifted his shirt. His chiselled chest, and toned stomach were the one that set my eyes to trace them. There are scars. No one dare to speak between us. Scarred skin, and physique that seems to experience a lot of hard works, and perhaps - they accompanied the shadows brought by those scars in the past.  Eligor put his shirt down. It made me frustrated.  I clenched my jaw, and soon before I know it, I was walking away. I was hoping though. I am hoping for him to stop me atleast, but that never happens. Step by step, I can hear the footsteps lying behind me. Eligor let me walk away from him, and I... I hated to admit that it made me somewhat felt like I am hurt. I hated him, and this feeling, but I wasn't in denial to admit that there's a special place inside my chest that I keeps trying to chained up just so I could save myself.  "Miss!" Callum jumped.  If I hadn't encounter Eligor, I may have the same reaction like what I always have. Callum would have startled me, but no, not today.  "Are you ready to swim?" I knelt down to brushed his hair.  I brushed off all of the things that were running inside my head. I needed sometime. I needed a refreshment to redeem whatever this feeling was. It wasn't the time for me to long for this. It wasn't, because this world isn't my mine. I do not belong here. I belong outside to where my family was. There lies the life I have left behind.  And I should not forget that.  I hide the sadness that engulf my entire being.  "Let's swim." I smiled at Callum, and lead him to the rest of the pack.  Meanwhile, Eligor was left wondering. A lot of things were running inside of his head. He still couldn't believe it. He let her walk away. That's right. It wasn't as though Emery would be able to escape the pack - not even a chance on his guard.  "Alpha-" Rene, who's beside him continue peeling the potatoes she brought for whatever reason that was unknown to him. "-I've watch you eversince you are young, and I could tell that there are some troubles running inside your head."  "It's nothing, Reign." Eligor dismissed her.  "But you know what, Alpha?" A sudden memory emerge at the back of her head. "I've also watch over to your father before he gets to know his Luna." His father. Eligor closed his eyes. He do not wanted to remember them - not in a way how fate drastically took the pair from him. From the pack. From everybody. But he couldn't get mad. Reign had always stay with them. Reign endure the memories, and he knew how painful it was to her as well. How he heard her cries. How she mourn with him, when they die. She's always been there. Always.  "And you know what your father always keeps telling us, whenever the whole pack would tease him before he met her?" She laughs. "He won't ever ever gonna be a lovesick pup just like the rest." Reign qouted and continue. "But oh boy, look how much he ate his words!"  That earn a small smile from Eligor. Those good days that reminded him how much his father adore his mother. They were inseparable. They lead the pack. They became a good leader, and a good parent. They made him admire, and hope that someday he wish to meet his own mate, but some things happen. Not everything had their own happy endings. They died, and hunted into one of the cruelest death one wolf would suffer from. To see how his mate die. To bear the misery of his pack.  A cold breeze swoosh passed at the pair. Momentarily, Rene were silent. It was the sound of the wind. The water gushing on the stream, and the splashes as some member of the pack swim. Heard laughters, and cheers that feels ike it was the same old days they have before.  "I missed them, Alpha." Reign sadly murmured.  'So do I.' Eligor on his head.  "But you know what?" Soon, Reign composed herself. "If ever you meet our Luna -" He knew that she knows who is it. "-Do not let the shadows to loomed the same Alpha we had before. Do not take chances. Fraud feelings would not cause good things, Alpha." But Eligor knew he already f****d up.  "Do not take chances, because there might not going to be a second time, wherein you can find her. You can lost her, and there's not going to be any redemption again..."  "I know." Eligor stand up. "I know, Reign." And so he walked, clouded mind that blind his thoughts.  Reign watched his back.  "Do not lose her, Eligor. Do not make the same mistakes I have done before..." She whispered softly.  A distant memory washed over her.  "Y-you're an enemy." Wide eyes, trembling lips, and quivering face. How could it happen? How possible it was? She's lost. Weakening legs tramples her. She slides on the ground as she lost her strength.  The man only watched. His soulless eyes pierce her. The cold look embodied the same man he meet before. His stance told her otherwise. There are no chances. It's a hopeless bet. The game she lost would be his slot. The chance she throw would be taken by him.  Her eyes water. The rain pour. They are big, and ugly drop that soak her clothes on an instant.  "Goodbye, Rene." He did not even sympathize on her. The pain doubles. She should have known. She should have not been aware.  She watched her. Clenched jaw, and dismissive eyes. Rene could still remember his name.  ALFRED. ALFRED CONRAD.  EMERY'S POV "Catch, Miss!"  I squeak, but I manage to catch the ball that Callum throw at me. That's a relief. We are both soaked in water. We are quietly enjoying the time we had. I did not even mind, whether some of the pack members do not like my being to be here.  The kids he played before keep away their distance. Nobody dare to provoke us. They might have heard what happened to Kalixta. But not everybody fear Gadreel - I guess so.  "Hey, human." It's a bunch of male.  I am not familiar with them, but I often saw them training along with Beta Gadreel. They are shirtless. And there's this annoying smirk that I badly wanted to brush off their boastful lips.  I did not turn to look at them. That mau have pushed the button.  "I am talking to you." The man, who owns the voice seems on edge.  One thing that I've learn about this wolves? They have this anger management issues, and they are often mad, if they are disobeyed. Although, it doesn't really concern them. Some were just assholes. Some are just jerks, when they knew that youare afraid of them.  "Hey! Do not bother us, Marcu!" I coukd see how displease Callum was.  Marcus laughs, and the other.  "Stay away from here, you kid." And one moment, I saw them step closer. The group sorrounded the two of us. I could scream, if they dare do some thing that would be unpleasant. But on the other hand, would they believe me, when I was a human against their specie?  "We do not want you here." I muster the courage, but all I earn were bunch of laughter.  "Is that so?" Marcus inched closer. He raised his hand. I take Callum to hide him on my back, but long before he could lay his finger on me, somebody interfere. An aura I can tell that made them whimpers. It's strong, and full of authority. And I knew who it belongs to. Eligor.  "Alpha-" But soon their bodies were flung on the air. There are splashes, some gasp, because of the commotion. My grip tightened on Marcus. Eligor's eyes looks deadly. They are midnight black. Deep, and unfathomable as it exposed the group into a terrible end. His teeth were growing - a canines, and his nails that were already turning sharp had almost given me a heart attack. He looks scary. He looks like the devil himself.  "One touch -" His voice morphed into growl laced with venom. It is ferocious. "-I'll gut your bodies, and fed you to the crows. I'll f*****g dismembered all of you until no one would be able to recognize your face. Do you understand?"  "Y-yes, Alpha." The group trembles.  "LEAVE!" His voice boomed, and they rushed on their feet. However, it did not take them another minute before their bodies split. I watched in horror. Marcus, and the others were cut half. What happened? And when my eyes turn to where Eligor was, I see his claws reddening, and were covered by blood.  Before I knew it, I screamed. I relentlessly scream. MONSTER!  @cycy
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