Chapter 4

1078 Words
Felix POV “Your Majesty, an urgent message just arrived for you!” One of my men called from outside my office door. I raked a hand through my short dark blonde hair. It was early, only 7 in the morning. I rubbed my hand over my chin, and the stubble that was there. “Alright. Come in, I’ll take it now.” I called, and the guard entered, followed by my Beta, Kenzo. Kenzo was a tall, maybe 6 foot three redhead who always looked like he just rolled out of bed. He was a damn good Beta though. “Felix, this isn’t good.” Kenzo said, as he came up to me, taking the note from the guard, and dismissing him. He was one of the only people outside my family who called me by my given name. I liked that he wasn’t formal with me in private. He also wasn’t afraid to call me out, and that was something I respected. “What happened?” I asked, taking the note, and popping the wax seal over the paper. The crest on the outside was from the Lotus Moon pack. My stomach dropped. “The note should explain further, but the messenger explained that Lotus Moon was attacked last night. Their Alpha is apparently now in critical condition.” Kenzo said, and I swore under my breath. “We were just about to visit them tomorrow to hopefully prevent this. I wonder if this aggressive pack knew we were coming, and decided to act early. Let's move our visit to today, hopefully we can give these pack warriors a break, and show the nearby packs that we don’t tolerate unprovoked violence.” I said, and Kenzo nodded. “I already have plans in motion. I did learn some information about this pack however, and I think I now know why they are constantly under attack.” Kenzo said, and I looked at him in surprise. I motioned for him to continue. “Their Alpha is a young woman who apparently has a dormant wolf. They also have an amazing location in the mountains. The other packs view them as easy pickings, however, they have never lost a battle. Their Alpha is apparently quite the warrior even though she doesn’t have a wolf.” Kenzo said and I was honestly shocked. I have never heard of a female alpha , let alone one without a wolf. I wasn’t opposed in the slightest, just surprised. “Well hopefully we can offer some support, to give her a break, especially if she is injured.” I said, and began to read the note in front of me. “The Dagger Walker pack is apparently responsible. Apparently one of their wolves also went on a suicide mission, infecting himself with wolfsbane and going after a child, giving him the chance to bite their Alpha when she jumped in front of this child. They apparently caught the poisoning too late to save the infected wolf, but their Alpha is stable at this time.” I said, and Kenzo shook his head. “Damn. Their Alpha must be one tough chick.” Kenzo said, and I let out a chuckle. “That she must be. I’m ready to leave as soon as our men are. Let's get there as soon as we can to assist.” I said, and Kenzo agreed with me. There was another knock on my door, and my mother bustled right into my office, as she often does. My mother was beautiful, she was tall for a female wolf, with dark brown hair with the smallest flecks of grey, and emerald green eyes, which she passed down to me. Although my hair was closer to a dark blonde, to match my father. “Felix, a few elders wanted to join us for dinner tonight. I just wanted to see if that was alright with you before I answered them.” My mother asked, and I gave her a small smile. “Normally, mother, I would have no issues with this. However, the pack I was to visit tomorrow was attacked overnight, and now their alpha is in critical condition. I have moved our visit to today. Can you extend my sincerest regards?” I asked, and she smiled back at me. “Of course, my dear. Let me know what else I can do to help, of course.” She said, and then smiled at Kenzo. “And I hope you are staying out of trouble?” She asked him which caused him to chuckle, but squirm under her gaze. “Of course, Elenore. I am even traveling with the Alpha today to visit the Lotus Moon pack.” He said, and my mother straightened, before looking to me. ”Lotus Moon, is that the pack that was attacked?” She said, and gripped her throat. “It is. What is wrong?” I asked while I stood up to stand in front of my traumatized looking mother. “Lotus Moon. My dear friend who passed away years ago was Luna of that pack. I believe it is her child who is now the Alpha. Felix, do whatever you can for them, alright? That pack is small, but filled with great fighters.” She said, and I gripped her shoulder. “I planned on it. The alpha of that pack was injured, but is in stable condition based on that last report. I will take a royal physician with me to assist their pack doctors” I said, and my mother nodded, looking a bit pale. “Please do, Felix. My friend and I decided ages ago that our pack should limit contact with them so as to not make them a target. I wonder now if that was a mistake. Please help them, Felix.” My mother said and I nodded. “I will do all I can.” I promised her, before she nodded, and left the room. My mother rarely ever showed that kind of emotion, so I knew this was important to her. “Kenzo make sure everyone is ready to go as soon as possible. Let's see if Agnes can come with us. If there are other injured, likely their healer will want one of ours to help.” I said and Kenzo gruffed out an agreement before leaving the room to hurry along our troops. I just hoped we weren’t too late.
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